ITT: Post your favourite show and let others tell you why your opinion is wrong.
ITT: Post your favourite show and let others tell you why your opinion is wrong
Full of filler, obviously only meant as leftovers from Kon's other projects, pretty weak conclusion, tight budget. It's still a good 7/10 but man, there are myriads of better ones out there.
The ending is really dumb as hell, and i don't get the point of some episodes.
Complete rip off some book, BDs look like shit, some less relevant things are left to interpretation so it's pretentious shit. 9/10
Spread out way too fucking much so it's completely shippable in favour of the manga.
Wow, Gundam for people who post in feels threads. Brilliant. I really liked how the show turned bipolar as fuck and threw shit like the Lance of Longinus at the viewer with no explanation. It's all empty symbols with the simple message to better yourself tacked on. 10/10 second favorite show of all time.
I've read the book, it's literally only the scenario of a village out of time. Everything is else is completely different. That's not a rip off, it's inspiration.
>I've read the book, it's literally only the scenario of a village out of time. Everything is else is completely different. That's not a rip off, it's inspiration.
The internet has lied to me. What a surprise. So the book doesn't even revolve around self-acknowledgement? Characters don't leave the town when they correct their "sins"?
>muh neutered post nuclear bomb society
GX is best YGO.
I don't really have a "favourite show", but I probably enjoyed Code Geass the most.
No, it's actually a world in the MC's own inner conscious, the people there are soulless and lose their shadows and he has to flee to get to the real world. And there's also a sci-fi plot about evil mind control in the future.
>Triangular faces
>slow progression
>mundane political subplot
>again, triangular faces, just what the fuck is that artstyle
How is Mousou Dairinin a post nuke society?
it's dragged out and the main character was unlikeable, for a show that really didn't require it, I was shocked by the amount of unnecessary melodrama in the plot. there's enough to the story in the first place, it felt cheap.
Ravage me.
The harem for people who pretend they don't like harems. Full of dry humor, cringeworthy fanservice and "deep symbolism" that the show pretty much completely explains to the viewer. The great animation is the only good thing about it.
What did you dislike about Rakka? She was flawed but in a very lovable way in my opinion. And while I do admit there is some melodrama near the end, it didn't feel tacky and actually elevated the plot by stating explicitly what they already had hinted on.
They could have made interesting, self-supporting female characters but no, literally everybody has to be on Ararararagi's dick. I mean, why make his sisters adore him? Why snail kissing him? Why did cat need 3 arcs because of her deep love for Araragi? Hell, even monkey turned straight. There's a limit to this shit.
Too much experimental fluff and bad pacing, Kon didn't know how to make a TV series
Disgusting early digital art and too full of itself
The weakest of Dezaki's TV series and inferior to its source material
A fine choice
Come back when you're 18 or older
Not even the best in its series
You disgust me. I absolutely despise this franchise.
Interesting themes on a stupid premise.
It was alright but not as well paced as the manga.
It stopped being interesting once the crimes stopped being connected. When it started introducing an anime producer, the suicide gang, up until the near end, it was rather meh.
R2 was shit. Having a great finale doesn't excuse having shit.
>inb4 the pacing was bad and not as good as the manga
>inb4 people bitch about the ending that they didn't understand
pretentious faggot
many arcs were unnecessary and the conclusion was a cop out.
be gentle
Are you a secondary?
well yes.
I read the VN after Zero.
Gurren Lagann is the shit
>try to critize me
>thought so faggots haha
I dare you guys to say something bad about Aria the Origination.
Protip: you can't
>the conclusion was a cop out.
No it wasn't. The conclusion made perfect sense narratively, you simply didn't understand Johan as a character.
There's a difference between a criticism and something that a person didn't understand.
Pacing is understandably an issue but not the ending.
The dialogue is nothing but "witty" dribble without any real substance. The characters speak in such a way that they don't even feel human, which makes it hard to care about the shitloads of melodrama that the show thrives on.
no second season
Too many episodes, Momoko was a hollow character and the writers didn't know what to do with Poppu as a character.
The second season is trash, and whenever they try to humanize Hei they only make him seem more alien to the viewer.
To much forced animation.
The mood swings were way too comprehensible.
It goes around in circles, the main villain is a magician that appears and disappears as is covenant for the plot, can also brain wash people just because, and the entire thing centers around amnesiacs.
Symbolism up it's own ass to a point where it's impossible to tell what is a symbol, what is a plot twist/development and what are just representations for character emotions.
Typical Urobutcer shit. Plot devices characters, themes just mentioned but not explored. Plus all the trashy baggage that comes with everyone's favourite porn game setting.
All fights after a certain point are the same they just go up in scale,
Self indulgent as fuck. Preaching about beauty of simple life while characters traverse a setting and are faced with circumstances completely different form viewers reality while presenting them as genuine and true to real life.
Bones original.
On to many 3x3.
holy shit's that's hard.
ummm. there is no progress for 5/6 of the show, the MC can be annoying and the dimensions are never explained
>*smacks lips profusely*
table tennis the cartoon
painfully tryhard
Too many references that doesn't have any meaning, mix different religious concepts with no relation between them and the first arc is a big mislead.
First half is slow and boring, ending is too pessimistic, MC is dull and has barely any impact in the plot and this series doesn't have a HD release yet.
I actually like these anime
animation (not art) was shit.
overestimation of a sport
Learn to read nigger.
While I agree that it was hard to tell the symbols apart at the beginning, especially 95 and the apple, it all came together perfectly in the end.
meant overdramatization
lololol bad animation shit to look at etc
But honestly though, my main problem with it is that it shows too much ''character making a reaction of the game'' more than strategy or any type of action being played.
Shonen sport has to balance actual gameplay while somewhat idealizing it while developing character growth. The show does the latter beautifully but lacks any amount of gameplay.
Essentially, it doesn't make ping pong 'fun' to show.
I meant the references, not the symbolism. Especially the Utena's references, those were for the sake of fanservice. Not that I disliked them.
>shit animation
Amazing atmosphere, but felt a bit slow in the middle. Still a great anime, but I wouldn't say it's a contender for the best.
Dragged a bit with the monster of the week shit in the middle. Really poorly animated towards the end. Still in my top 3 though.
CG is really fun to watch, but that's about it. Maybe you'll find something that gives you more than pure enjoyment if you watch more anime.
Pretty boring plot made interesting with great directing. I really enjoy the dialogues, but I don't really care one bit about the drama.
Was a good watch, but I never really found Johan to be as complex and interesting as people made him out to be.
Felt really repetitive in the middle. The great ending made it worth it, but would have been even better if not for the repetitiveness.
None of the male love interests are very likeable.
Really? I thought all the matches were super intense. Plus the actions go by too quickly for in depth strategy, there's a reason why Ping Pong isn't commentated play by play professionaly.
I like cyberpunk. I don't know a lot of good cyberpunk.
New Mai Hime series when
Does anyone else think the first couple episodes of Origination were SUPER boring? Other than the traghetto episode, and it gets back into the groove after episode 6.
You should watch Gits if you haven't already, much better than Psycho Pass
Disregarding the second season entirely, the first season got a bit too preachy. Decent overall, though, seeing as the sci-fi genre is rarely well done in anime.
The ending ruined a good example of potential great anime series
Pretentious garbage.
Nothing Happens: The Anime
Overrated shit.
Just shit.
I already have. But I found the world in PP a lot better flashed and more consistent than GitS's setting. Apart from that the the themes were also better explored in PP.
I didn't say it wasn't intense, but that it was lacking a gameplay mix to the games.
If you rewatch it, you'll notice that most of the matches is essentially characters making reactions of what happened. It's a very common shonen trope. This is why when Pico plays against that violet guy and later Hiro, he doesn't really show strategy, he just outplays both with 'talent'.
At the beginning of the show, Peco and Hiro talk about the material on the pad with some technical jargon, which is a stable of shonen sport on an idealized position but it still holds some realism of playing the sport itself.
So in the end, all you see is random back and forth motions (poorly animated hue hue) and battle of talents more than skill.
The Movie, Stand Alone Complex, Arise or All of it?
>Good character stuck in shitty series
Perfect example
Momoko took a long time to settle in but I think they found a good niche for her eventually. Length is fine, it's not something you watch to rush to the end. There's LN material and Umakoshi designs for a seventh witch floating around too.
My criticism would be season one is really uninspired and generic compared to the rest of it, along with the incredibly budgeted animation. Also they could have developed the side cast more instead of wasting time with oneshot character episodes.
Mai is mary sue done right
Just watch balder runner
Psycho Pass 2 is super shit
i dropped it early because one of the episodes looked like utter trash in terms of animation
too much jumbled cultural shit and metaphors in the dialogue for me to enjoy
best anime
You forgot to tell us your favorite, user.
Anime of a decade
To me Momoko never actually fitted in. Even at the end she had the weakest reason for not becoming a witch especially when her whole arc was setting her to take over the Mahou Dou in New York.
>There's LN
Sadly it's mostly untranslated so I don't know shit about it.
>Umakoshi designs for a seventh witch
>Not Poppu
That just make me mad.
Its a good and refreshing anime, but nothing happens. Still good overall If only the manga didnt end the same way
Such a shame that x2 was completely unwatchable.
The problem I have with DtB is that it's the perfect example of why you need a fish out of water in the world or some sort of exposition to explain what the fuck is going on. It pushed it to the extreme and almost entirely explained nothing of what happened in the past or what was going on.
None of the characters were talking about the past (because they already knew it) and the minimal amount of flashbacks explained nothing.
Objectively a 10/10. One of the very very few.
low point for gainax
>without any real substance
I don't recognize this as a valid criticism. Showmanship is just as important as the content presented, and flashy but frivolous things can be just as engaging as something with real depth.
>with the shitty middle HURRRR HUMANITY BAAAAAD
This. The fake is of far greater value. In its deliberate attempt to be real, it's more real than the real thing.
the best chinese cartoon is Kill la Kill simply because it aspires to have cute girls and be fun and happens to achieve these goals 100%
Pop could never really join the main cast in that sense, the age difference is a big deal at that age. She works more as a self insert for little girls
I didn't like Momoko's plot much either, but they managed gave her a personality beyond a hodgepodge of american stereotypes by the end at least.
When your aspirations are low it doesn't take much to achieve your goals.
gimmy wasn't the mc in the second half
>the best of Gainax
It's a matter of taste, proper admiration of the fine arts, and appreciation of the dazzling passion of adolescence. I don't expect neo-Sup Forums to understand.
Gimmy was a dumb boy.
episode 4
>self insert for little girls
But Doremi is a show for grown up men
>they managed gave her a personality beyond a hodgepodge of american stereotypes
I thought she was a great example of American stereotype.
>that part where they have to meet a witch
>everyone's too polite to go in
>Momoko just kicks the door and talks to the witch
>the witch asks why the rest didn't come in
>Momoko says that they lack a backbone (or something along those lines)
I swear that was a cultural jab at japan itself for being passive as a people and it was pretty cool to see done in a kid's show.
>It's a matter of taste, proper admiration of the fine arts, and appreciation of the dazzling passion of adolescence. I don't expect neo-Sup Forums to understand.
Zero refutation.
All you've essentially said is
my taste > your taste
I've seen everything of PP and the original movie and soc for GITS. I would have to say that the themes and charaters in PP just barely make PP the better show. If you start the analyze it Psycho-Pass actually has a shit ton of stuff going down behind what you would typically notice in terms of themes.
>ashita no joe
>over rated
fuck off
user, op says to say why their favorite show is shit, you obviously dont get how this works
There's nothing wrong with episode 4. I would even argue that it's one of the better ones in the whole anime.
>implying I want to ``refute'' and argue with some dumb newlord