For years and years I was told of the atrocities committed by the Nazis. For years I was told Hitler was evil and the allies were good and we'll just leave it at that. But now I'm starting to think for myself and I'm begging to realise that Hitler and the National Socialists really werent all that bad. I'm tired of cultural Marxists everywhere, I'm tired of this sympathy towards communism, and I'm tired of mylticulterism and the Degenerate lgbt community infecting society and undermining traditional family values. Every time I talk shit about communism I get slammed as a "Naz sympathizer". I'm getting called that so much that I'm beginning to say fuck it and embrace it. I also notice that more and more people are beginning to realise that the Nazis and Hitler were really on to something. Anyone else feel this way?
What is happening to me?
Other urls found in this thread:
Yes. The good guys lost the war. Enjoy the decline my brother.
The Nazis were bad, just not as bad as the full-blown communists, who the Allies allied with. As Walter Block says, "When nazis and commies are killing each other, you cheer for both sides."
Don't fall for it, there might be some people that are completly insane, but there are still many people that are sane and can have an open discussion with. Beeing a nazi because someone told you that you are is the dumbest thing ever.
knowledge is everything.
To be 100% honest, I am actually concerned about my change of feeling towards the Nazis. But I'm not an ignorant racist subhuman fuck head like the Degenerate neo nazis. I'm just beginning to like the teachings of the Nat Soc party. I even served in the US military for 4 years. I don't want to be seen as a traitor. I've just taken the red pill and now it's leading me to this.
It was War....its not that simple pointing out who was good or bad
General Patton talked about this..he didnt want to go to war with Germany, defeating them led to a power vacuum that allowed Communism to spread
>t.burger education
Yeah, the NatSocs were humanitys last chance to stop the masonic Jewish NWO in my opinion. The very fact the Natsocs are vilified as the most evil people who ever lived are a testament to them being the "good guys", I.E serving Humanitys interests not the Jewish NWOs interests.
But more and more people are begging to talk more about Nat Soc and Hitler. A lot of people believe me. So perhaps another rising someday?
Tyranny is the natural consequence of philosophic and economic ignorance, regardless of whether Jews are present or not.
As if they wouldn't have made their own world order and would have served the Humanitys interests.
God, I hope so
>someone post the "evolution of a pol user"
Can't save images on this comp, but here it is anyways:
it's fucking crazy, but it's actually real. I was just like you, user... it kind of upends everything for a little... just stay cool, focus on bettering yourself - read, work out, focus. you've got to prepare for what's coming
also, you're not the only one:
>Political and Religious beliefs of Stanley Kubrick:
Your victory propaganda claims that NatSoc is tyranny. And only it.
thanks friendo
Saved. It's just I'm pissed all the time now. I see so much degeneracy running rampant and people just cheer and embrace it. Like the lgbt community and the idiots that love multiculterism. My friends are beginning to look at me differently now. Like I'm some sort of piece of shit or something. I feel alienated. They laugh at me when I say things like, "there's just a lot of things that they didn't tell us about Hitler. Ever been open to the thought that maybe the Nazis weren't as bad as everyone thought they were?" In which they'll reply, "user really? Are you turning into a racist? The fuck is wrong with you they were evil." It's extremely frustrating. I can't speak my mind without being bombarded with hate towards me.
Same shit here, but some aspects of nazism are retarded.
But trannies and sjw need to be purged imo.
Agreed. We need right wing death squads.
Europe, and the world would have been far better off with the JQ solved. The world we see today is the Jewish world, one of endless war, poverty, degeneracy, social chaos. White countries being endlessly flooded with non-Whites, the goal being wiping out White culture and eventually the White race so we can never challenge them again. Humanity lost WW2, the Jews won.
>The fire rises brother
What pisses me off the most is that a white man can not publicly express any sort of nationalist sentiments without being called a "Nazi." If you are not a communist or a democratic-socialist progressive liberal, then you must be a national socialist wanting to genocide every non-white on the planet.
>It's just I'm pissed all the time now
it doesn't get better, YOU have to become better or you will be destroyed by what you have uncovered.
Whose propaganda?
You can redpill most open minded individuals to most truths, however, if you try to present the argument that Hitler wasn’t a genocidal maniac trudging knee deep through blood is a difficult task. It’s certainly a later stage acceptance which only seems to resonate with people who aren’t afraid to question anything and everything.
Try not to take the blackpill.
Agreed. The ignorance is fucking atrocious. I am constantly belittled by everyone when I speak my mind about how degenerate the lgbt community is, how multiculturalism is destroying nation's and causing chaos, and that tolerance and acceptance like the liberals and sjws want will destroy our way of life. Everyone just thinks I'm some fucking ass hole.
I don't want this to destroy me with what I learned. I want it to enlighten me and teach me to become stronger. Although it is lonley to think the way I do because nobody else shares these thoughts, press on.
>It’s certainly a later stage acceptance which only seems to resonate with people who aren’t afraid to question anything and everything.
My autism comforts and guides me on this sacred path to Gnosis
At some point even “normal” people support “Operation Pinochet”.
Nazis were bad, allies were bad, communists were bad, ect. Nazis weren't as bad as everyone says, Allies were worse than everyone says, communists were veritably real jerks.
Normies think that Hitler had some plan for world domination and the elimination of jews from the earth. Normies think that America came in to save the world. It's just not that simple. I have a ton of respect for veterans of WW2; but they are the worst at believing allied propaganda. That's partially why they were such effective soldiers; because they truly believed they were saving the world from evil.
I hate how you get labeled as a nazi for saying maybe Hitler wasn't the most evil person to ever live.
Show your flag, leaf
>not hating Hitler
It's pretty fucking weird. I mean, he was fucking HITLER. Everyone agrees he was the worst person to ever live...
And here I am, wishing for Hitler 2.0: Gas the Jewgaloo
Hello, Mouthy Buddha, is this you?
That doesn't make any sense. By what moral standard was he the worst?
>I want it to enlighten me and teach me to become stronger. Although it is lonley to think the way I do because nobody else shares these thoughts, press on.
You have the right mind set, you will gather more respect by acting on your newfound insights rather than lecturing or trying to justify what you have learned externally. Action overcomes fear, don't let despair win and always seek to be a beacon for others in the dark. You're on a lonely path, one that will rarely allow you to share yourself totally but you are not alone. You are a guide for the future, don't rush and force the hand of history, be the cog in the great rising of the Black Sun.
The worst thing about it is that I actually served in the US Military for 4 years and they all just look at me like "how could You? Traitor!" I'm not a Traitor! I love my nation. That's why I embrace nationalism and learning about the greatest nationalistic nation of all time.
>By what moral standard was he the worst?
pic related
Are you trying to make me cry?
Its because you're letting your brain marinade in this meme echo chamber. And your reaction to the toxic group identity politics of the far left is to adopt the toxic group identity politics of the far right.
You are succumbing to ideology. Ideology is a compelling but one-sided simplified view of the world that gives you easy answers to every question. It also gives you a club that you can belong to, people who will agree with your views, it gives you a clearly defined group of people to blame all of your problems on, and a utopian vision of the future to strive for... These things are all very comforting, which is why ideologies are attractive, and many times the alternative to the totalitarian certainties of ideologies is just nihilism.
You are not alone but you are also, unfortunately, misguided. I'd recommend looking up Jordan Peterson and watching some of his stuff, like his appearances on the Joe Rogan podcast, because he provides a lot of insight and some alternatives that you might consider before you end up marching through the street with a tiki torch, contributing to the collapse of western democracy.
you got me there
Crossing the rubicon is quite the amazing feeling! Welcome to red-pill land mister.
Once you embrace Hitler everything will be fine again and make sense and your life will have a purpose not built on top a lie.
Hitler did nothing wrong!
>First of all his nazis got Americans in damn space.
>Gave us the Volkswagen which is the car of the people.
>Including added highways.
>He literally tried to stop Jewish involvement in every war and bank owner.
>Hell the only thing he did wrong was not winning for the Third Reich.
Dark Red Pilled
We tried to stop the Zionist
True mate
Pol gets farther right wing the as the world go's farther left wing, hell the Fascist and Nazis love this place due to can speak their mind. Who can blame them?
No far from the truth now days.
I hate multi-culturalism since it degenerates back to economic problems, we need the Japanese economic system how they pay their debt and need better marriage policies and kick out these feminists.
Way too many.
I agreed!
I'll look into it user.
>Embrace the inner-nazi culture that we truely want.
>We need unity.
>Unity is our strength
>War is Mercy
>Division is death
I'm telling you a time can come when won't need tears or bullets, but it all depends on how we men of the west deal with this 'Hinge of History" decade. Stay Resolute, Do not succumb to laziness or violence for the sake of your own sanity. Be the future you want to see and others will follow. There is a world of sheep to play with and the old shepherds are asleep, don't lose focus.
That is because they were not as bad as you were told, but they really were no good guys either. The subjugaion and removal of other Europeans, forced germanization, redrawing borders and in some cases outright exterminations. The Nazis were elitists, much like the post-1st wave Communists. And Hitler and the Nazis were not pro-white in any way, they were mere German imperialists, intent on repeating the same historical mistakes that erased old Prussians and others from existence. Notice how the Nazi regime agreed with Arabs and Africans retaining their territories and homogenity, but when it came down to most eastern Europeans: remove them for "lebensraum"
tl;dr - there was still plenty of bad about the Nazis, enough to atleast not idolize them.
I like you user. I do follow a strict diet and excersised routine because I believe that physical fitness is essential to everyone's life. I served 4 years in the Marines and got out honorably in August. I hold my self to that high standard and it's my dream that the nation will too someday. Tired of degeneracy. I hate laziness and gluttony.
You're not alone. The crazier the left & MSM has been the past few years just drives me further to the right. And if they are gonna go full blown hatred, then so can I. I can be everything they hate. But I wont give up hope for nationalism & patriotism in America because that's what our country was founded on. We wanted to escape oppression, freedom of speech & religion. Freedom to defend ourselves from fellow man or even our own government. It's so obvious MSM & the system wants to take these rights away from us that they dont even try to hide it anymore. It's as if the system is getting impatient that we refuse to give up our rights. It feels like a modern day communist takeover. We wanna live a certain way, & we are chastised for not wanting to be apart of what MSM tries to shove down our throats. I find my life these days is peaceful, away from society. I have few friends. Quiet life, just go to work, Im a musician too. We are definitely the outcast of society.
I feel your loneliness brother. I fucking hate modern society. Marxists everywhere and I especially hate the lgbt community and multiculterism. But dont worry man. Everyone is waking up to the threat and people are beginning to rally towards the cries of nationalism. Embrace it.
Who path 2 here?
I’ve always been Ancap. We just need to accept genocide is morally acceptable under certain circumstances. Especially when your whole nation is being threatened.
>tfw when 4th
>tfw soon to be 5th