All well-educated, high-earning, well-employed groups in America, yet they all vote 70% Dem.
Why is that?
All well-educated, high-earning, well-employed groups in America, yet they all vote 70% Dem.
Why is that?
I read a study once that concluded people with high IQs were liberal/left-leaning.
Explains why /pol is so autistic
They don't wanna get ostracized and lose their job.
It's because they're in the US stealing American jobs thanks to left wing policies.
Paki American here. I'm in med school, my family here is full of doctors and engineers. All are fairly religious, fairly traditional, fairly socially conservative. All are high earning, top of their tax brackets.
And all of them vote Dem because of the Iraq war (war on muslims) and "racist republicans".
they hate white men like no one else
literally genocidal hatred
go read on hapas/asianmasculinity
full of revenge fantasies and dreams of violence
not even african americans share this kind of hatred
..funny how it was whites who started the genocide first but now it's you people who's getting bitten which almost sounds kinda ironic
>they hate white men like no one else
kinda like how /pol is filled with beta white men hating on blacks?
/hapa is the same. Social rejects who project their own shortcomings onto other people.
You're all one in the same. So focused on hating and blaming other people for your problems that you remain beta, frustrated, and angry.
Literally every single traitor which goes to the us is just a mindless working class autist with no social skills.
They just don't have any balls.
and here we have the first creepy poo
like a clockwork
uh okay..?
They internalize the left's struggle to destroy the white man any way they can. The PO party here does the same thing chimping out for gibs. Obrzydliwe!
They are indolent and selfish.
Why are Germans so shit at being funny?
I wasn't being funny, Lee Ching.
Pajeet here. My family votes Democrat even though they all hate gays and racemixing.
I'm the only Republican in my family because they're convinced Republicans are racist (even though they're extremely racist so I don't understand their logic).
It's going to change though. Second generation asians consider themselves American first, not some hyphen bullshit. The future is ours.
>Pajeet here.
Get out
>Steal jobs.
One can't steal something from you which doesn't belong to you.
Employers have every right to give money whoever they want.
Commie BTFO
I have a self proclaimed IQ of 198, and I vote liberal. (I also love rick and morty)
They're parasites and they hate white people
Wut? Fuck off streetshitter.
The people who moved to the US are all high caste professionals who wouldn't have gotten jobs in India because of the ridiculous affirmative action towards untouchables such as yourself.
Enjoy your tropical diseases and /noguns/, fag.
>Brown guy trying to act smart and join tiki torch rally.
Go home.Only dumb people fight left-wing rightwing
Those people vote liberal for the slave labor. Smart people with a healthy conscience vote right.
Don't worry, Ming. I have no intention of visiting leafland. And our president isn't a complete pushover queer like you pm so you pretty much don't have ground to stand on.
>yet they all vote 70% Dem.
Smart people don't vote.Smart people bribe those who get elected
It's because rich people live around other rich minorities which act normally so in their mind the problem isn't cultural and ethnic differences, rather economic ones.
The working class people doing your average jobs have to deal with the hordes of undesirables trying to infiltrate their societies which redpills them quickly.
Also those minority groups are only wealthy because they're cherry picked out of countries with massive populations. Abandoning their own native people for greener pastures.
funny cause most right-wing parties favor off-shore production
And every time we import a high IQ pajeet here, India's average IQ of 82 drops down just a little bit.
Same reason poor Whites vote GOP.
Ethnic interests trump individual economic interests. Evolutionary aims are the reason for economic aims. Man is not an atom. Liberalism is false.
>implying open labor isnt the commie view
>implying discrimination against your own people for cheap labor does good for anyone.
The east Asians and Indians are under paid, the populace as a whole doesnt have as much buying power, and its all government subsized.
Well educated doesnt mean well informed.
you can still be a cuck and have a phd.
>Employers have every right to give money whoever they want.
So you admit that a white man would have the job without the brain drained discount workers from Kalkutta?
>tiki torch rally
Nigger please. Just because I don't want my taxes to go through the roof or have to pay for some detroit sheboon to have 15 kids doesn't make me a nazi.
And I owe you people nothing. In fact, I pretty much hate all the foreign exchange students from India that we get. You fuckers are all the same, wear the same business casual shit, sit together in some massive blob during lunch, and literally are the most obnoxious tryhard faggots ever.
Because they want more jews, gooks and pajeets to move here. Their literal goal is to steal the country and turn it into their old country.
I swear this same human turd Indian is in every thread today. Either that or all Indians are human turds.
>unable to take a shit in civilized manner
>teaches semantics
How does "usurp" sound then?
In any case, you are doing jobs which belong to Americans. Of course employers can do what they want with their money, they are the first ones pushing for H1B and such.
India has an average IQ of 82. You decide.
Because Dem vs Republican isn't about liberal or conservative or smart or dumb but non-white vs white.
>over 1 billion pajeets all pooping in the street
Your country would be better off if there actually was genocide desu
unlike niggers and spics, the smart Asian and jews want gib to jump start their career, be it school, business so they can become the 1%.
So how would you feel if 20 million burmese or africans went to India to take your jobs?
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewers head. There's also Rick's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick & Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick's existential catchphrase "Wubba Lubba Dub Dub," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenevs Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon's genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.
And yes, by the way, i DO have a Rick & Morty tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothing personal kid
They favor both outsourcing and H1B, especially the IT/softdev industry.
what jobs?
hello bitch lasagna
do milk
That's called capitalism.
Competition among companies and among competition.
You can't force consumer to buy your high cost product because you can't produce at lower cost or increase the quality of the product.
I would say it's gone even a step further. At this point is anti-white vs. neutral.
Generation Z asian boys already are the only non white group to prefer Trump over Clinton. And it's going to keep growing because things like taxes and affirmative action hurt us too.
You need to understand even a 4th gen pajeet will be treated still like a second-class citizen. You act as American as much as you like, but you'll never be considered a real American.
Gotta agree with the social-construction Left on this one. Institutional arrangements determine this. We give impressionable kids what are basically IQ tests (SAT, ACT) and send them to indoctrination camps. The higher the score, the more kikeish and rigidly Leftist the camp. Oh, and it doesn't end at graduation. Then you have to go to work to pay off your debt in another hive under rigorous PC control. One heretical thought and you're excommunicated. Before that debt's paid off you've got kids and a mortgage and escape becomes impossible.
And that's how you get people with high fluid intelligence and crystallized intelligence at the level of a baboon.
I have no right to force consumers to buy my products.
If Burmese or African immigrants can take my jobs easily that means I have to work harder to improve my skills
>I owe you people nothing.
No individual owes anything to society you dimwit socialist.
the only people you have to blame is yourselves.
upper-class to middle class white "adult" men live off their parents in a life of content and have no genuine motivation to improve their own well-being; they get part-time jobs, study worthless majors, because who cares? the mentality of "I can get my parents money when they die off and we're all well off anyways" dominates their minds
meanwhile the pajeet and spic who illegally came here or came through a work visa has the motivation to become a better person, they've sacrificed their culture, their homeland to find the means of living a better life, they live in shitty conditions and see the pain their parents have to go through working 9-5 menial jobs. because they have the motivation, they will transition into middle-class to upper-class citizens will the skillset to benefit the american economy.
Man. Imagine being an Asian man. White men are intimidating and masculine like niggers but without the intellectual inferiority (IQ gap, if there, is tiny). Their women's preference for us, unlike the supposed coalburning tendency, is not a meme. They must seethe.
holy shit. hand to hand combat with a fucking macaque.
> Totally justifiable reason to carry a knife.
Fucker looks too fast for CQB for a handgun to be effective.
it's funny because voting dem isn't really helping them out lmao
>2nd class citizen
No I don't think so. Now if I were to go to some backwater town and act uppity and expect people to tolerate me then yeah I'd run into problems. Just like whites who go into inner cities and act like fools run into problems as well.
>work harder to improve skills
The average American is more skilled than the average Indian. It's not about skills, its about how much cheaper the company can get their product created.
And what would you do if the Indian government mandates that you be paid a minimum wage along with benefits that will no matter what make you a more costly investment than a foreign worker?
>dimwit socialist
I'm neither but ok.
Why are Indian females so into white men if they think they have earning potential?
I'm not even being a dick, I go to professional school and they are the most aggressive by a pretty wide margin.
dude shouldve at least had a stick or something in his hand kek
You sound like a liberal faggot and you should kill yourself. Also, show me beaners who give up their shitty culture and assimilate to ours. Die already
every race feels discontent when another race takes their women
you see lots of BMWF shit you always see a bunch of posts about the guy being a dirty nigger, all races see other races as a threat when it comes to mating
Do you know who unironically uses alpha/beta?
Pseudo-intellectual omega males with the testosterone levels of a prepubescent girl.
pic related, it's you hiding your boyfriends hickeys with the gayest fucking scarf you could find
unironically kys
>be me
>astronautical engineering phd candidate
>hard right winger
>scared shitless of anyone finding out either since right wingers hate jews and everyone i work/study with hates conservatives
>come on Sup Forums to speak my in in Sup Forums and /biz/ lmao
Because the ones born here are hybrids. They have the traditional idea of wanting a family and shit but then they've been infected by stupid hollywood ideas of partying and being sexually liberated.
The compromise is dating a white a guy, or if she's really freaky, a chink.
As far as Indians goes this is not even remotely true. The Indians who enter this country are mostly doctors and engineers who have been carefully preselected.
Middle class white men are the most targeted demographic. They're the truest representation of a normal curve as far as the US goes, you have dropouts and junkies as well as very intelligent high achieving individuals.
just go to any baseball game, all beaners
lots of beaners here who have american flags on their trucks
I'm only stating the truth, content leads to laziness, the same reason why rome fell. All those people who lead those anti-white rallies are self-hating whites studying worthless majors with rich parents; I'm only stating the obvious.
>be me
>transgender queer lgbtqwweusnsbreksnttt kike nigger
>candidate for smartest xer in the universe with phd in every subject
>still post on Sup Forums because too intelligent for anywhere else
I'm totally serious guys
Every consumer considers price+quality before purchasing.
If 3rd world person can produce same quality product then it is his competitive advantage.
By your logic, no food truck should sell burger below McDonald's burger price because it will hurt McDonald's workers.
Consumers are Kings in free market and they shall decide future of producers.
Your government passed minimum wage law in your country.Your government creates problems and you blame others?
seems legit
Khatri Indian here
Fuck off you Paki shill I bet you vote Congress and celebrate at West Bengal suppressing Hindus
>Your government creates problems
That's right. It does. And Trump is the best hope to fix it and what do the Indians in this country do? They vote against him. This is the point of this thread. Too many of the immigrants in this country are not thinking of this country's best interests.
How many of those tiki torches rally guys study STEM subjects?
Whine "Muh Master race" on Sup Forums
Study history in college
Can't get a job
Live in mom's basement
Blame others
When did Trump say anything about repealing about minimum wage.
Guy literally supported Canadian healthcare system.He is socialist
because republicans are white supremacists. that's the only reason
That's a valid insight, but doesn't address why they're more aggressive than any other race.
These are girls in professional school btw.
>Tries to be funny again
Hans please stop. Focus on Mehmet fucking your sister instead.
>implying some retarded toothless inbred who's 2 kool 4 skool is qualified for highly paid jobs requiring advanced degrees
I celebrated when Government decided to privatize Air India.
I bet you vote Tory and celebrate Long lines in NHS.
You didn't see his first address to the UN. Literally the first president to directly BTFO socialists in the UN.
The key quote was "Venezuela is an example of the principles of socialism faithfully executed."
Can you answer why your females are such vixens btw?
>Everyone needs to think like me or they need to gtfo
Lel no wonder America is going to shit
Friendly reminder that psychology is a dead end and all explanations are ultimately grounded in what's really there and how we know it's there.
Friendly reminder that diverting attention from the falseness of the theory to the supposed unworthiness of the dissenter is the old (((priestly))) 'sin' trick.
Liberal have killed more muslims so please keep voting liberal
>Indian girls
They mostly look like men tbqh
Because their Asian parents learned to compete in Asia for limited resources.So they feed similar mentality in their kids.
Stop sidestepping the fact you couldn't help but jerk your meat when you heard 25k wahhabi scholars entered India and long queues at Mumbai and Delhi airport because of hordes of muslims wanting to celebrate Ramadan in the newest entry in the Islamic countries collection
By vixen I mean they're aggressive sexually, much more so than any other race.
I don't know.They are pretty docile here.
Must be your liberal culture or something.
You don't have to repeal the minimum wage if you have trade protection, which is what Trump is for. And he has repeatedly tried to remove Obamacare and has even used Executive Action to end subsidies. He is in no way a socialist.
Air India is literally losing millions every day. And it's a shitty airline.
>It's totally ok to let people in who have no intention of preserving the country and putting its best interests first
I can't say I expected any better from you, leaf.
That's what it is. They want to "rebel" against their parents which while at the same time making sure they have the ability to create a family. This is why they like white guys.
It makes even more sense if they're in professional school because this means they're already in their mid-late twenties and the clock is ticking. Indian society in the US will think something's wrong with a girl if she's not married by around 27.
asians are all streetshitters.
He wasn't Tho. You're trying to be spiteful for no reason, which is super fucking cringy
the US economy is so bad, Mexicans are now forced to swim across the border back into Mexico in order to steal American yobs
Probably high testosterone
Indian girls are hoes for anyone not Indian. My parents were born in India (grandparents are from Afghanistan) and last time I went there girls were hitting on me like crazy while I was playing with stray dogs. Weird shit.
Dumb Brit.
Go ram some truck in South London Muslim ghetto if you are so hyper.
I don't give shit about them.
>Putting it's best interests first
>Elect a human carrot
But they're much more aggressive than East Asians?
It's a pretty wide margin. I'm honestly not trying to be a dick. It requires effort to keep from falling prey to them.
I can understand if you're pro India over anything else as am I but I'd rather the west not fall either
Our "human carrot" has done more for the country than your human dildo has done for yours so please, fuck off.
Trade "Protection"
Protection from low price I assume?
Trade Protection and minimum wage both hurt economy.Its like hitting axe twice on the foot.
Because they realize that by staying with the system, they are in a much better place than without the system. Survival of the fittest favors them in this era