Muh white race

Aryanfag here.

redpill me on why I should have white children and breed with white woman.

Blond,greeneyes,pale,strong.Prussian,Rhineland,Ireland, Norman.

I was a white supremacist in elementary school but now that I'm older it seems objectively better to put my genes into the Asian gene pool.

I'm from Hongcouver and my social circles are predominantly Asian, I get along with Asian people and while I find them to be less capable of abstraction then some whites the median level of intelligence and social compitance is far above any other ethnicgroup.

Why should I care about the preservation of white people?

I only care about my own children and decedents being successful, is this wrong?

All other people who are not my decedent's or mates are in competition with my decendants. Including other white people who are related thorough shared ancestry.

So although I see how shared ancestry, phenotype and culture can benifit a societies homogenity.

And I acknowledge that white people and white culture have done more for humanity then any other group.

I feel like being white will put a target on my children's backs and mark them out for ethnic clenching. Therefore, Asian progeny I predict to have a higher rate of survival and my Aryan genes will leave the white race unless you convince me otherwise.

I'm from Hongcouver and my social circles are predominantly Asian, I get along with Asian people and while I find them to be less capable of abstraction then some whites the median level of intelligence and social compitance is far above any other ethnicgroup.

Other ethnicities have not been able to adopt the good parts of Western thought and culture sufficiently to warrent my consideration.

Other urls found in this thread:

>non-europeans claiming european ancestry

Good one, Abdul


gtfo faggot

get yourself a spicy latina or qt Taquisha

Alternatively, you could just kill yourself.

>chink here

ftfy you desperate faggot. Feels good to know that chinks are scared.

Just KYS now. You will never know a woman.

Latinas are clearly degenerate. Their culture is agreesive and their intelligence is sub-par.

Why shouldn't I have yellow fever tho?

White girls are still more attractive to me, but if my children are white they will grow up being hated by society.

Just like if they are black they will grow up with a victim mentality and bad genes.

Yellowfever is an evolutionary advantage.

I don't want to be right about this, but I don't see how I'm not.

Tell me how.

I think you need to have more faith in White people. Mate with a White women and have beautiful White children. The world will thank you for it.

Whites are actually very well adored and liked. But yes, there are a lot of hates, but let the haters hate. Have babies with white women, White is right user.

Ill agree White women are fucking trash in Western societies nowadays. But you can still find good ones.

Well don't do it then nigger. Also fuck you this ''movement'' is accepting any indo-europeans since its a million times better than living among those billions and billions of niggers that the UN projects by 2050. You don't just run this because you're the most Germanic

Fuck yourself, we aren't turning into Zimbabwe.

>Yellowfever is an evolutionary advantage
dude asian women are literally the lest feminine/the least sexual dimorphism

no ass, no tits, no hips...

You guys are missing the point, the greater question is: why should one have any care about the future generations that are not his own offspring. Evolution is all about the survival and improvement of your genetic code.

Everyone wants their genes to be the ones that future generations carry
(even if you don't want this it's just a byproduct of being alive)

Just because I am related to someone, why should I try to support their genes as well?

That doesn't help my genes to proliferate or strengthen in anyway. I am literally cucking myself.

no one cares about your epic redditpost

LOL. As and tits makes someone more evolved?

Enjoy your negris,
see where that evolutionary path takes you.

Who the fuck hates white people? If anything people often look up to them
Lots are jelly tho
I say this as a shitskin

Half asian men are really fucked up. Look at the hapas board on reddit and see for yourself. If you don't have a daughter there's a good chance they'll be self hating and hate you for bringing them into this world.

>As and tits makes someone more evolved?
Evolutionary speaking, yes.

I recommend this NPI talk by milennial woes.

Precisely what is abstract thinking? Sounds so vague.

Give some examples please.

to be fair it doesn't matter to me, asians and whites are both fine imo. All the other races can GTFO tho.

sont worry about it. You are too stupid to reproduce period.

oh how the mighty have fallen

>prioritizing tits over values and attributes which are most likely to further civilization and bring prosperity to all of mankind
pic related


congratulations, leaf. you're the archetypal race traitor. neck thyself.

t. undercover r/asianmasculinity

You're doing God's work, user. Hapa is the superior race of the future.

t. Shareblue

Nah they would be posing as a white woman instead and mention asian men. They hate wmaf couples with a passion.

You’re making the right decision user, it’s pure folly to care about the evolution your wider group unless your existence is dependent upon them. The only thing that matters is the survival of your children, the most intelligent thing to do in modern society is to court a high IQ minority, don’t listen to the mongrels, think about posterity.

>new/r_D fags took this seriously and didn't sage it

Educate yourselves, fuckwits.

Who hates white people?

Niggers, jews, Arabs, other white people.

My own fucking liberal family that's who.

My father said it's good if white people disappear in 100 years because of our racist colonial legacy, he's a CNN msnbc kinda guy.

But desu his attitude is held by a majority of Americans now!

I don't actively want whites to disappear like he does.

Just don't see why I should care when there's nothing that I can do. I might make a spwrm donation or something.

But for my personal offspring it seems better to put my genes in with the group that is not ravaged by cultural Marxism and self hate, yet is still civilized and scientifically literate.

The fact that you say this ad a shitskin gives me hope. It might just be America and as a result Canada that are infected with this obsessive white guilt for slavery and white hate.

Intelligence and work ethic as far superior qualities. Thinking that cosmetic attributes should be considered at all is evidence that your genes need to be purged.


>Look at the hapas board on reddit
Reddit in general is fucked. This proves nothing.

Enjoy your Elliot Rodger-tier "sons"

They have major identity problems. They don't fit in that well with either group and women aren't attracted to them because they're asian.

Asian women (at least Chinks and Flips) are terrible lays but yes they do make better partners than most white women

Straight-A students who stay out of trouble, earn a free ride to college, enjoy a successful career, and take care of their parents in old age? Sounds good.

The supreme gentleman is a meme. Statistically, white kids are far more likely to become mass shooters.

I'm not against interracial marriage if you find a really perfect match but on average life is easier for people who are of one race or the other. Look at the statistics about mental and physical illness rates of interracial kids.

>I was a white supremacist in elementary school but now that I'm older it seems objectively better to put my genes into the Asian gene pool.

This simply isn't true.

By abstract thinking I mean imagination.

I mean the ability to take two unrelated pieces of knowledge and infer a third.

Ingenuity, inspiration, genius, creativity.

Think tesla,einstein, beethovan, Neitche
All people who lept beyond observable reality, to revolutionize their fields.

What I call abstract thinking is the spark of insanity that all these men possessed.

An example is my grandfather still holds chinks to be far inferior because during ww2 all the Japanese scientists would come to Germany and just copy all the German inventions, technology ect. Without offering anything in return.
Because they had not developed anything worth taking on their own.

While I can see this is true to some extent, I recognize that there is also an intelligence in knowing what to take from others. In realizing your weaknesses and finding people who can rectify them.