Is National Socialism what Jesus wanted countries to be like?
Is National Socialism what Jesus wanted countries to be like?
This is why everyone hates christlarpers.
No. He wanted us to become based centrists
Pretty much. Stick to your own tribe. Look after each other.
>Stick to your own tribe
Jewsus was the least stick to your own tribe person of all time
No, national socialism is degenerate and has always resulted in the host nation being BTFO for all time
>inb4 that's not real national socialism or da jews cop-out
The only truly redpilled government is divine rule through a holy Christian monarchy and governorships of religious judges. It's what God intended for mankind and it's what (((they))) don't want you to seek.
The people would be self sufficient and grow their own food, healthcare would be taken care of by the King, and fundamental morality would be the norm.
The only type of government Jesus ever endorsed was Caesarism. True Christianity endorses rule by pagans.
Jesus literally called a woman outside his tribe a dog.
>The only truly redpilled government is divine rule through a holy Christian monarchy and governorships of religious judges.
Show me where Jesus endorses this. Pro tip: you can't.
Jesus explicitly endorsed Caesarism, aka Fuhrerism.
>Blocks your thread
>Peaceful inner life
>Named the pharisees
>Community life
>Broke the interest banks
>Spiritual life injected into the nation
I don't think JESUS wanted it, but he said to give to Caeser what was his. And to give God what was his. You could easily be a super dedicated Christian living in the Reich, who loved your nation, your people and God with all your heart.
Where does he say that?
He said taxation is a crime, only God can tax (Matthew 17:24-27). Therefore he is against government.
>You have to see "Render unto Caesars which is Caesars" from Jesus` perspective: Money meant as little as dirt to him. He basically said, do not resist people if they come for what is worthless, just give it to them".
>Is National Socialism what Jesus wanted countries to be like?
God invented nationalism. It's in the first few pages of the Bible. Later in Revelation, a one-world government is the harbinger of doomsday. It's safe to say nationalism is highly preferred.
Wake me up when this kosher nationalist burns down synagogues and mosques rather than churches.
>worshipping a cringelord who divides europeans against each other and lives in the woods
hahahaha you fucking burgers man
>Dicking the trees is based and manly
Kys, Christ is my lord and he lives forever
Fascism is an inherently anti-Christian idea.
The story of Christ is the story of the divine individual, not the divine state.
Jesus was a man who lived the best and most virtuous individual life possible and people followed him because he spoke the truth. He then faced the suffering of the cross voluntarily and he transcended death itself. This is how you live your life. You live the best individual life of truth and personal responsibility that you can, and you accept and face the inherent challenges and suffering of existence voluntarily, and as a result you will trancend the suffering of existence and live a meaningful life.
The idea of the "perfect state" is Israel in the old testament, and Israel rises and falls 6 times, this is collectivism and utopianism, and it never works. Individualism works, and this idea of the divine individual is the very foundation of western society.
National Socialism is a collectivist ideology, where the rights of the individual are secondary to the needs of the nation. It is the path to hell on earth as seen in the 20th century, and it, along with all other collectivist ideologies are inherently incompatible with the message of Christ.
>Anti-Christian idea
>Fascism formed on Italy, the most catholic state ever
Pathetic, fascism is a conservative revolutionary western movement. The obvious religion to support is Christianism, and to be supported by Christians as well.
All you cuck shills are retarded, and can't get your discord text right.
>its another retard cherry picks a passage and leaves the rest out to justify his own beliefs without showing what the actual passages message is
He also healed her daughter you fucking moron.
>He said taxation is a crime
No he didn't, retard.
It's a preview of Heaven.
>gets 2 nukes drop on them by the christians
Don't know about Jesus but that's how nature wants it
Nietzsche' had already commented on how Christianity was dead by the late 1800s, because science had cut out the mythological roots of the Christian value structure. The fact that the flapping remains of the Church were swept along with everyone else by the totalitarian ideologies in the 20th century is absolutely no surprise whatsoever when your only alternative to that ideology is nihilism or a Christianity that you don't believe in anymore.
However, while the stories of the bible are still untennable as explanations for how the world actually works, the mythological wisdom of those stories do still serve as viable blueprints for a fulfilling and meaningful life, and the story of Christ is one such story.
Yes, but he still stuck to his own tribe, which was the point. Tribe loyalty doesn't mean you can't help people outside your tribe. But the tribe comes first. As Jesus did.