I've finally fucking done it, Sup Forums. I've found an attractive blonde hair, blue eyed, big tiddie...

I've finally fucking done it, Sup Forums. I've found an attractive blonde hair, blue eyed, big tiddie, red pilled girlfriend.
Jokes about niggers with me in public. Sees the greedy Jew for what he really is. Hates Muslims more than anything.

It's fucking beautiful.

The more racist a women is the more likely she secretly fetishizes black men. Enjoy your girlfriend's future black children

Make babys you cuck why are you stiil here


this is beyond blackpill, this is black-hole-matter-end-of-our-universe pill.

10/10 i laffed

I just want bastards here to know that it's possible. That women like this are out there. Don't give up.

haha nigga you got aids

i have to much willpower to give up

this. remember that nahtzi youtuber qt evangelion or whatever? there is a video of her getting impregnated by a nigger.

020 7713 0222. here is the number to help you with your aids