>hormone therapy doesn't wor-


>doesn't have a cock
What's the point?


that's a fucking abomination

>i hate my old self
>but i'll keep an album just to attention whore

Fucking disgusting. Sad.

She went from a 6/10 female to a 2/10 "male" with scars where her tits were so everyone can know she's a woman that got her tits cut off and sold to China

Every ftm has a 100% chance of passing as male you faggot.

But for mtfs they only have 1 chance in life at passing and its based on genetics

He looks good.

>t. MtF

>Be 5/10 girl
>Don't want to be girl anymore
>Take drugs
>Look like a faggot w/ a pussy
>Kill yourself

Doesn't seem to work, mate


dont give a fuck about the transgenders. They are taking themselves out of the reproducing population. Not my problem.

Can you imagine, being a female, going out with this abomination, thinking you are going to get the pumping of your life but when it comes down to “start” the thing has to go get it’s dick out of it’s overnight bag?

she went to an average girl to a midget beta guy with no penis

why does ever transman have giant earlobe holes?

>its a feminine benis episode

>still has fem hips
>pink shorts
>pose like what she thinks a man is supposed to look like
this is just sad

She looked marriage material, really cute. Why would she do this? I just don't get it.

she's cute in before pic

Why are women so much better at being men than actual males? This is your average bio male today


Right, but they are infecting children with their crazy talk.
That's why they should be shot.

>this is what feminism has done to women

Genetics + makeup + camera angles

Why would she do that to herself? Why would she throw away easy mode like that? I guarantee she's going to an hero.

Did she get a y chromosome surgically implanted too?

I dunno, maybe i’m Just missing the point. Maybe it wants something else. You know, just hanging with the guys. “You guys bored? How would you like some pussy?”

Was this photo taken in such a way to be as repulsive as possible?

She just looks like a dyke now.


0 chance


from cute grill to tiny man with no benis

An heroing in 10 years


why doesn't that chick have a shirt on?

Apologize for what? A future suicide victim at 35, when the mid life crisis and urge to have babies hits hard?

You have very low standards.
She had almost no tits and a weird face.
Sure, way better than the other pic.


What's that shit below her chin supposed to be? A beard?
Nice scared body, freak.



>easy mode
Because (((they))) told her so. And that gave her attention / special snowflake mode.
>she's going to an hero.
That's a given anyway.
Her mental illness should have been treated instead of filling her up with drugs and cutting away her tits.


What a waste.

She'll be dead in 10 years

Mandatory test for mtfs and estro for ftms when?

Turns from a female into a numale. Really makes me think

So because she feels shes a boy she can be legally prescribed test but if an actual male who weight lifts wants to take test they have to either get prescribed low T by a meme Dr or go buy shady chinese bathtab test off the interweb?

To be fair a strap-on isn't that bad for the "I've only taken circumcised cocks before" demographic.


Gay porn with a bagina. It's fucking hot.

looks like Katie got raped by Chad her freshman year and decided to try to "become" the powerful man who took away all sense of control and self-determination from her.

That sucks for her, really sad someone could get so fucked up by a traumatic event. I'm sure when/if she works her way through this trauma she won't regret destroying her body by taking steroids and undergoing surgery to mutilate herself.

No tits either. What a waste

You forgot the horrid boarding and the titty scar that will NEVER GO AWAY

Pfff eyes are the windows to the soul nigger. Just look in it's eyes

Not bad, except for the bright red breast removal scar.

>implying anyone suggested hormone therapy doesn't work

There's a fucking reason male hormone supplements are banned in sports and professional bodybuilding. It absolutely works.

Unfortunately for MTF folks, the reverse doesn't work nearly as well, and nothing is going to change a masculine body to petite feminine features.

If you are tall, have wide shoulders, a strong jawline, and thick core, and people will say you look like a dude even if you really a woman with authentic tits, much less if you're not a woman and your tits are fake.

Busty Brynn?

Yea and god says to protect the retarded sheep from hurting themselves. Get some fucking morales

She's going to realize how shitty women are when she gets rejected left and right for being a short beta male with a high pitched voice and no dick.

She's going to kill herself because she'll miss the attention she used to get from men and bi women.

Like pottery.


No she's gonna lure a perfectly good woman into the same degeneracy. She should kill herself because it's going to he'll now anyway

Left 18, right 25, 30, dead of a suicide.

Look how she still smiles like a woman. A dude would never look this gay on pics.
You just cannot cut the the female brain out of you.