Best quotes
>You are big guy
>For you
"I am naruto uzumaki"
beginning of a legacy, really
People die when they are killed.
It's so true people mistake it for a meme.
"The internet has left me in despair"
>caring about websites
"Try not to die until you're dead"
Just fuck off.
Where exactly do you think you are anyways?
>says the tripfag
do you know where you are??
>It's a derp_commander thread
This whole thread.
i roofied like 40% of the drinks here.
its realy a numbers game for me
Basically my whole life motto.
top kek
I-is this real?
>this thread
Did I accidentaly click on a link leading to reddit?
...So when's the hentai being made?
>quoting translations
"ching chong nip nong baka bakka no chiko"
Is that a better quote?
that's literally too deep for me.
Yes, because it didn't have to go through a "japanese speaking" loser as proxy.
"It doesn't matter who we are. What matters is our plan."
This was the most poetic line i've every encountered in any script.
but hes wrong
I'm more concerned about the completely unnecessary metaphor because the value it adds is questionable at best
>calls out tumblr
>image filename
Fuck off derp, you always try so hard to fit in and still fuck up.
don't hate
Every human being relies on and is bounded by his knowledge and experience to live. This is what we call “reality”. However, knowledge and experience are ambiguous, thus reality can become illusion. Is it not possible to think that, all human beings are living in their assumptions
Fun things are fun.
I take a potato chip and eat it.
please go back to /trash/
>trying to reason with Zionists.jpg
doris day
actually, that's a straight up catch phrase for the dog in fruits basket
Give me (You)'s
Are you frustrated?
Cats eat cat food.
Dogs eat dog food.
Thank you for the insight into the quote (not sarcasm, thank you)
"And you, you take too long to take a shit." Spike from cowboy bebop film.
"Swallow my shit, faggot" - Obama-san
Stick it up your ass and swivel on it - Sengoku
"Why don't we settle this right here in the ring" - Aniki
Really makes you think..
I saw this and I remember that scene.
I just don't remember the sit down being memetic.
>Why did you save me?
>Is a reason necessary? I don't know why you would kill someone, but as for saving someone...A logical mind isn't needed, right?
It may not big as a meme, but it was quite popular for a while back then.
My hero
Chapter 16.5 in rapid-fire gif
I'm actually surprised I could read that with no trouble
"Most anime makers are basically autistic."
-Hideaki Anno
Are you being serious or do you actually just wants (you)'s
"But perhaps he's wondering why someone would shoot a man before throwing him out of a plane."
Words of wisdom.
"Psssh nothing personnel kid"
-Coldsteel the hedgehog
brb I'm going to go kill myself now. That is the most cringeworthy piece of media I've ever seen
Why would you kill yourself? You didn't write it.
"XD" from RWBY Chibi
Itachi Uchiha?
"Our daddy taught us not to be ashamed of our dicks."
> Believe in yourself. Not in the you who believes in me. Not the me who believes in you. Believe in the you who believes in yourself
>A true man never dies ... even when he's killed
Violence solves NOthing.
Because it is meant to solve EVERYthing.
>heh... you like little girls? true MANime will save this medium one day, and then you will squeal...
>t. OP
Where did this whole "t. X" thing come from anyway? I thought traditionally you set off the author of a quote with a -- or a — ?