Sweden feels thread
Sweden feels thread
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stfu Ahmed, stop giving Sweden attention.
I fugged a swedish tourist party girl last summer
>tfw losing a brother
Serves you right.
Did you get african HIV?
Muhammed fugged swedish women everyday hommie
My ancestor :)
In an alternate timeline
feels good
i have a raging erection
jag önskar min bror :(
Who /blandaupp/ here? What ethnicity is easiest to marry and blanda with?
Dåligt bete
>Sweden feels
Det är ju amerikansk tid nu, dom brukar vara lätta
ZOG.cuckfactory must go
besides, you swedes can easily commit genocide on the nonwhites there like you did to the Poles during "The Deluge"
You're not as bad as the UK and Canada so there's that at least. Your women worship black cock though.
It's worse, it's beyond repair at this point. there is no saving sweden, they are brainwashed to the point of no return
I feel bad for Swedes...they seem to be very hospitable and generous and are lied to be politicians, taken advantage of by shitskins and everyone makes fun of them.
Thank you Sweden for taking one for the team.
Fan vad skönt det hade varit
How much shittier Sweden has become nowadays? Heard there was a bomb attack in Helsingborg against a local police station.
>yfw instead of turning 3rd worlders into civilized being they turn civilized world into a 3rd world.
känns dåligt kompisar.. värst av allt är att alla normisar tror att de gör motstånd när det röstar på sionistdemokraterna(sd).
"This isn't Sweden anymore" - Japan's top economist. See:
Norway is just as bad as Sweden. It's 1.4% nigger, Sweden is 1.2%
These are some deep feels
I'm sorry sven but you need to collapse even faster so our politicians wake the fuck up.
would help you but I'm still salty about all that history shit.
Is this the war where you got BTFO or was that later?
We left the war before the BTFOing started going down, we made north vietnam sign a treaty but they went back on it and attacked the south
Pic related, it was mostly a political defeat and doesn't change the fact that Sweden helped the commie gooks
Reminder that everyone makes fun of you because you're cucking yourself out of existence on purpose
At least the prime minister at that time was shot like the dog he was. We also gave money to African communists like Mugabe. Here he is visting Cuba. The worst part is the people who supported this feel no shame whatsoever.
And you fought against your own brothers in WW2 so go kys traitor.
Why do you have this pic saved on your computer? What compels you to save this, you fucking faggot?
Shut the fuck up America. Your country is less white than ours and you house the biggest jewish population on the planet. Take a look at your own country you arrogant fucking American pig dog.
I got to hang out with some Swedish kid on vacation here in Florida a couple days ago
>hes 16 but speaks perfect english with almost no accent
>he thinks i smoke weed because i have jim breuer stoner eyes so hes constantly asking me to find some
>manage to ask him about life in sweden
>"oh yeah its really nice there i live in the north i have a cabin i go there sometimes"
>ask him about the migrants
>"its not a big deal really"
>tell him about the grenade attacks
>he says "its just crime it happens everywhere"
>ask him if hes ever been to malmo, the shitty parts
>"oh its not that bad over there people from all over the world come to malmo its beautiful"
>the entire time i could tell he was getting nervous and uncomfortable, as if he felt somebody was watching him or something
>ask him what he really feels about somalians and afghanis in his nordic country
>"ok i have to admit i fucking hate all of them and want them gone i just didnt want my homeland to seem like a bad place to a foreigner but yes it has a lot of problems"
>he goes on for like 30 more minutes about all the politicians and liberals and feminists
Maybe Gen Z isn't so bad over there at least, maybe you still have a shot
The US was not fighting in the fucking war until japan attacked us then Germany declared war on us because they were both axis.
I want to protect the smiles of Swedish conservatives.
I like fucking Sweden blonde bois in the ass.
>I want to protect the smiles of Swedish conservatives.
Pass out toothpaste-covered condoms to Achmeds.
This will be the first time I ask for source.