What does Sup Forums think of Magi?
What does Sup Forums think of Magi?
I think I might be into it.
Definitely one of the better shounen series out there.
Solid manga, shit anime.
What's wrong with the anime? I'm enjoying it.
Probably my favourite ongoing Shounen. It's lost a bit of steam since its golden days a couple of years ago, but it's still solid as hell.
Easily best ongoing shonen manga.
A-1 fucked up the ending of the first season, and didn't give Magnosatdt battle the treatment it really deserved. Compared to the manga, anime just falls flat. Even Adevnture of Sinbad anime made by literal noname studio is better.
OST is grand, though.
Top 5 modern shounen.
Hopefully it starts to pick up soon, it is in it's final arc after all. The threads on here have died down pretty substantially as well. But I guess it was the shipperfags keeping those threads alive for so long. But I remember the threads for the edgebros arc being pretty big.
My favorite ongoing shounen.
It's absolute garbage and pairings are trash
I didn't watch the anime but watched NnT anime and can relate.
Fuck A-1.
t. Salty Fishfag
Seven Sins had Savano for soundtrack, Magi had Sagisu. The only thing A-1 does right is music.
Fishfag tears will never stop being delicious.
>The only thing A-1 does right is music.
Also the choice of VA. For the most part at least.
>What does Sup Forums think of Magi?
Sinbad is the best character in the series.
>Even Adevnture of Sinbad anime made by literal noname studio is better.
Fucking this
>unironically thinking he was ever the big bad
I like the jew magic
Pretty good, It's my second favorite shonen after FMA.
Please stop lumping fishbabafags with fishfags.
that panel doesn't show the eyes of Masrur. Why?
No more panel?
Probably because she couldn't fit him in or something and picked the ones that looked the most emotional
Masrur's views are different I guess? His conversation with Mor and Alibaba about Sinbad shows his views. Jafar's look is different too and he's obviously cautious but it needed to show him because he's always been Sinbad's right hand man.
I think it's a pretty decent series, but I don't watch animu in general, so I can only base my >opinion on the manga.
i genuinely enjoy it a lot. I love the characters and the setting. Its a lot of fun and i think the shift the manga had was very well done
he's just an idealist in over his head, like most of the villains in the series. The fact they're all fairly symapthetic is a strength of the series' writing
I haven't watched the anime but if every scene is adapted like that it seems fine.
>but if every scene is adapted like that it seems fine.
No spoiler this week? Does the manga on break?
wtf I love the manga now
Aladdin is cute!
Why is Yam and Sharrkan not with them?
>he's just an idealist in over his head, like most of the villains in the series. The fact they're all fairly symapthetic is a strength of the series' writing
Yeah and Aladdin isn't?
>just believe in people, no one can do anything wrong
>cherry picking
Post more
If you don't like magi you should probably kill yourself
>highlighted scene
>cherry picking
Whatever shit eater.
I think I want to fuck Aladdin
Jews invented solomon's magic
Then god told them to fuck off and they spent the next 3000 years getting fucked up
Nah i don't even care about the anime but you're forever posting the same scene
muh friendship
I watched both seasons a couple years ago and it was fucking boring. It was just regular shounenshit.
>Sinsert fags still in denial
>I have shit taste
fuck off reddit, we know that user speaks the truth, you don't have to point it out with obnoxious and retarded replies.
>Being this new
I't been slow recently. But at least Morgiana won the Bababowl. Those Hakumor and Fishbaba tears were delicious.
Some of the writing is a bit juvenile (or rather, it bites off more than it can chew with some political themes) and the fights and powers are forgettable at best, but it's definitely not generic and I like the art and characters a lot. If it dropped some of the more battle oriented stuff for adventure and economic hijinks it'd be a lot more enjoyable, like Sinbad's spin off.
>Cuckuryuu's face when
>the fights and powers are forgettable at best
Most of what you said I disagree with but this stood out holy shit that shit taste.
It was a great idea to adapt give the Aladdin story it's own anime spin, more mangaka should do that with Disney Fairytales, I'd love to see a shoujo version of Beauty and The Beast
It was terrible how they kept making Alibaba's life suffering. I honestly couldn't get past chapter 200 for a long time, the cringe was extremely thick.
I found them extremely tedious, would it kill the mangaka to write something strategic?
Shit taste and a speed reader.
>If it dropped some of the more battle oriented stuff for adventure and economic hijinks
It literally did that for 6 whole months.
I know it's the anime with a naked blue girl.
I know, and I really liked it. That's why I even mentioned it to begin with, but I'm talking about the series as a whole in retrospect.
>Posting TV scenes when BDs exist
You need to stop this meme
Sorry faggot but that scene wasn't fixed in the BDs
Started watching this a week ago, got to around episode 14 so far.
>Alibaba gets the chance to marry the princess
What a fag, should just have married the princess.
>"Modern meme terms for today's memer on the go!"
>Wanting Sinbad's used goods
Baba has good taste and isn't a pleb like you.
>wait an entire year for Aladdin to come up with an answer to Sinbad
>says the most delusional shit ever
I thought magi's were meant to understand the world the best?
The Sup Forums arc was a fun ride on Sup Forums, don't have any caps tho
It sucks
I think it's pretty clear at this point that Magi's only view the world in black and white.
The character designs turned me off when I tried watching it last year.
I hear good things though. I'll probably restart it when I finish Eden.
I know your mom does, but we're talking about Magi here, user.
No, read it.
I somewhat dislike all battle shounen I've read but Magi is the only one I haven't dropped yet.
>Yeah and Aladdin isn't?
That's the beuty of Magi's writing. All the major characters are distinctly different from each other in some ways, yet also extremely similar in others. Sinbad views Aladdin as a naive idealist, while at the same time not realising that he is also very idealistic and naive, to the point of pure delusion now.
I'm like 50 chapters behind, Alibaba and Hakuryuu's fight was just so shit I lost interest.
It's still on my list of favorite manga, though.
>Alibaba and Hakuryuu's fight was just so shit I lost interest.
That's the best fight in the series, faggot.
I hate the way Ohtaka turned Hakuryuu into an edgy faggot, so for me that fight was shit.
>I hate the way Ohtaka turned Hakuryuu into an edgy faggot
He was an edgy faggot, I agree with you there. But that shouldn't take away from the fight itself.
>Alibaba and Hakuryuu's fight was just so shit
Shit taste
was the most enjoyable shounen i've watched in recent memory. i don't watch a lot of shounens so that doesn't say much though
It's a great read.
Get in line
Its my favorite manga. Ohtaka expressions and pages are top tier.
David and Arba a best, both of them.
S3 when?
Sup Forums arc?
I want to fuck the shota
Are you talking about Aladdin?
Too late then.
It was shit user. Everyone knew Alibaba was going to lose from the start of the battle since he hadn't learned anything fucking new.
Aladdin vs Judar was a much better fight than this shit.
Alibaba's hips are meant for _____ .
Shit taste user.
>Everyone knew Alibaba was going to lose
Also this is a stupid reason for thinking a fight is shit.