"Adnan has after Migrationsverket method been age confirmed to be 6 years old. He is because of this transfered to a pre-school "Kvisten" outside Burlöv.
>Jassy was arrested by Los Angeles police on November 23, 2008[6] after a confrontation with jazz musician John Osnes en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Jassy
This will take a while. Back then people didn't archive properly, so I'm trying to find examples with good evidence in other ways.
Cooper Jackson
Robert Robinson
I can't find the original source where this picture is taken from.
This is the original source, but the pic has been removed: dn.se/sthlm/har-far-flyktingbarnen-lara-sig-simma/ Wayback machine didn't save the pic, but if you click to pic number 2/5 you'll see the description in pic related.
There are other good pics left though, and the article clearly refers to them as "boys" (pojkar) and "children" (barn). A quote from the article: >Till det yttre ser pojkarna vuxna ut, men de blir som barn när de plaskar i vattnet och leker med varandra. "Looking at their outward appearance the boys look like adults, but they transform into children when they splash around in the water and play with eachother."
I would be pissed like hell, if i as a 13 or 14 year old kid would lose against an adult guy competing with us because he's faking his age. I would make a shit ton of trouble directly after reaching the finish line. Be sure of that. Dessa negerjävlar tror väl att dom får dumförklara os hur dom vill.