why do you still believe in the (((white women))) meme?
(((white women))) are a meme
>even with a botched shave and dye job they're still more attractive than niggers
Are those monkeys supposed to be nigresses?
i'm sorry for you
What is it with Brits and using German proxys? The women on the left can be salvaged but the niggers will always dirty niggers.
80% of black women are overweight; 40% have an STD. This is dumb, you're dumb, and now I'm dumb for replying
Wth, I get that whole rebellious dyed/shaven hair phase, I even get the 'I'm very spiritual' tattoo meme, I mean, you can cover them up with clothing. But what on earth moves a person to tattoo "Candy" on her forehead? That's like deciding then and there that you don't ever want to be gainfully employed
once you go black (woman) you don't go back
>But what on earth moves a person to tattoo "Candy" on her forehead?
white women everyone
Post moar qt negresses
White women are insecure and hysteric filth. They age like milk, lack empathy and are basically nonviolent niggers.
Vergaß disch selbst du Geistesbeschränkter
you can only catch herpes once
would bleach
looks like a typical materialistic roastie, only a nigger
>tfw no black gf
it's a bad feel
I'd only get awkward exasperated half assed boners with the one's to the right.
>nipples showing through shirt
jesus christ krauts sort yourselves out
I'm pretty sure it's a T for Tandy. It's called calligraphy.
to be fair, you have to have a VERY high IQ to understand white women
Daily reminder that OP is a loser and his job consists of spamming crap on Sup Forums. Point at him at laugh at that worthless subhuman.
Not the first time a kike pretended to be German.
Please explain my own hobby to me
who's the white girl on the right again? She has rockin' tits IIRC
this is the modern world even if you dont like it
Btw, tattooing the name of a defunct 1980s computer brand on your forehead makes even less sense than Candy. At least candy tastes nice
I just can’t do it. I know a lot of people think she’s attractive but I just can’t do it. I don’t why but they are just fucking animals
That white one on the right is cute as a baby turd.
I love that up-turned upper lip thing, reminds me of the original Becky on Roseanne.
wtf is wrong with brits
i not sure but its a serious problem
I never understood why black women insist on wearing the cheap looking false eyelashes.
I'm disturbed by this grouping of all white people into one. White countries have more issues with each other than any other group. German people can go fuck themselves for example.
in order to keep your white race pure, you'll have to fuck those things, support them and raise their/your spawn (might not even be yours) from a distance (she'll divorce you and steal your money) .
Goodbye white race, make way for the eurasian negroid master race.
I fucking love you, Norway.
I bet those niggers have a few kids each
Women are a meme in general
I don't understand why anyone would get a nose ring, let alone other piercings. My dad always said he would pull them out with pliers if I got one. I got highlights once and he shaved my head.
Dating non-white women or even Nogs isnt redpilled.
You don't need to find a redpilled woman, you need to find one that is redpilled ON women.
Fuck that. I'll take jerking off to traps over any of them.
>black women pull successful white men
>white men pull beautiful qns
>black men pull instagram Becky's with dogfilter
>white women pull beating her to death tyroone's
thats fucking degenerate
Spotted the jew
I got so much anxiety watching this.
Can you explain them to me? I don't understand them at all. I'll show you my notes:
>Jew tells white woman she is equal to man
>White woman gets butthurt when she's actually not
>Jew tells her it's because of sexism.
>White woman believes Jew, and decides to get back at white men as much as possible
>Most of them look over forty
I guess they become insecure and selfconcious once they get old. Otherwise young white women wouldn't be whores and crave bbc
Those empty soulless eyes
fuck off, cunt.
Stop niggerposting.
The one on the left is a Jew for sure and Jews aren't white. Get your jewdar calibrated before shitposting nigger.
You guys can't even handle a white woman and keep her in line, how the FUCK are you going to handle a black woman? LMAO. You're better off trying to get an asian because if you let white girls walk all over you, you cannot keep a black bitch for more than a day. She will leave your weak ass.
Why did you choose the worst white women compared to the best black women, bitch?
Salsa on those thots on the lefts? 'Sghetti for reward
>Prof: I Chose Not
>I Chose
Anyone else have the feeling that the only person she is trying to convince is herself?
you never see black women looking like these sjw women, kinda makes you think huh
fuck wypipo
It's J-dar
from diferent niggers all in jail
Stay the fuck away from our women!
Why do you still believe in the human women meme?
Beastiality is not my thing.
Heavy manface, and wild pubic hair on its head.
Okay so it is vile women being, well women. They talk this way about their supposed friends.
He can now enjoy his HIV all the way home to the grave.
I must alsosay why is it blacks straighten their hair, and even lighten their skin if their look is so superior? It is because they want to try and emulate the superior white race.
God damn krautz, why are you so fucked in the head?
I bet you'd love to lick that hippe pussy smelling of death itself.
Why would you fuck something stupid enough to pay money for a yarn wig? Black girls have disgusting hair, ashy skin, and creepy rough, dry hands.
Left three are all Jewish though, and Jews aren’t white.
Jews are drinking their own poison at much higher rates than the goyim are. Jewish males are four fucking times more likely to be faggots than whites.
This is all imploding on them hard core.
hair-hatted hooligans
Funny though how she was not espousing mating with yard apes, isn't it?
If she truly wanted to thumb here nose a white privilege she would have had five kids with different Dejauns. Just shows that she is a prejudice white bitch.
Cuz the beat black women have more white in em than black I reckon.
White women are catching up pretty fast though desu. On both fronts.
This is why you see FOB Asian women threads on Sup Forums
oh a picture of good looking black girls and bad looking white girls, I guess from now on I'll belive all white girls are ugly and all black girls are pretty
All 6 look like average American woman at this point.
i'm really sorry for you
They both look disgusting.
She looks like a tranny version of Aminé
white women are the best women as a group easily, however there's nothing wrong with white men stealing the best women from other races
only reichaboos cry about the indulging of colonial appetites
Is her hip dislocated?
Do you really believe these blacks are attractive? Lmao. Never come to Miami u will cum your cargo shorts fucking coal burner
its our greatest strength
This isn't America lardburger BTFO and eat something
Looks like a huge turd
Always sage this bait.
I guess I'll take it from the expert.