Marvel will inevitably make this into a movie starring Melissa McCarthy fighting her nemisis Diabeetical
Marvel will inevitably make this into a movie starring Melissa McCarthy fighting her nemisis Diabeetical
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chris chan???
i'd watch that
how the fuck can that thing fly, it must have a nuclear powered jet engine strapped to it's ass.
Is he a tranny now? Even better!
>tense fight as the human blimp chooses to save a bus full of children or recover xirs dialator
You’ve never seen a blimp fly?
Slowly lol, she'll drift slowly towards the action with tense background rap to keep the tension going
Don't forget the Hillary Clinton issue.
Blimps are filled with lighter than air gases you uneducated retard
I hope Pyro is the villain in her movie.
A hero who's only weak ess is heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, fatty liver disease, high cholesterol, arterial plaque, all-you-can-eat, and narrow doorways.
We can make it similar to the purge 3 where the plot is basically save madam president from bloodthirsty 'publicans
>the calorie burn is the subvillain
Did you think I thought they were full of Big Macs?
So, she's fat because she flies everywhere?
>adapting a comic nobody bought even his author
capeshit are literally made for the profits not the art or anything
>tfw they combine all the franchises to fight thano and rr uses her instead of grimm to slingshot knockout him out
how can she fly being that heavy
Hillary will be a divine being or someshit.
What's her superpower? Being american?
by the power of cognitive dissonance
she's superfat
Tell marvel that, their progressive comic sales are tanking hard
She hang herself in the last panel
I don't think it is flying so much as bouncing.
that's the joke
Kill yourself
Still better than the Ghostbusters bullshit.
>token comment about media companies co-opting social justice at their own expense
>her power is being lighter than air
talk about literally projecing their inner conscious
Zephyr? More like Zepplin.
found the demographic
>love was never considered an element in classical thought
>landwhale that flies
Fuck off. Only Zephyr I know is a cute space birb.
A zephyr is a powerful wind
What the fuck is this shit?
> Look in the sky! Is that a blimp?
> Is that a flying whale?
> Nah, just the fat superheroine from the Marvel SJW Universe.
Probably been posted itt already but Faith is published by Valiant, not Marvel. It's also average.
>it must have a nuclear powered jet engine strapped to it's ass.
Well a strict diet of Pepsi and taco Bell will give you that power
I know. But I used Z instead of z, also Zephyr in Greek mythology is a god of northern winds, or something.
Her power is an antigravity field.
I was implying the fatty farts to fly
Tfw this is the only way you'll see Rebel Wilson in a capeshit movie
The new Marvel video game, made by Square Enix is about the Avengers. It's based off the new comic books. The Muslim is the main character playing Ms Marvel.
A 5/10 comic where the protagonist is obese. Exactly what it looks like.
I didn't think that fat cunt was a Marvel property, thought it was Valiant Comics.
Could you imagine that fucking slam pig showing up to stop some bank robbery or something?
It is I was wrong
why isn't the male fat too? why isn't she attracted to fat males? is there something wrong with fat males?
No because that'd involve her fitting through the door & not being distracted by the complimentary sweets
Is she doing a roman salute?
Fuck off, Kamala is a real hero and a true human bean. Which you'd know if you actually read her comic before forming an opinion on her.
>fat woman with a poor personality
>but the man has to be attractive and /fit
>love was never an element in classical thought
Found the faggot
Kid Arachnid will never replace Peter no matter how hard Bendis memes him.
I think Erna Solberg (the prime minister of Norway) should get the role
This will only get half the viewers at the cinema as they will need to replace every 2 seats with 1 large reinforced seat, going to cost a fortune... but imagine the extra food sales will cover the bill
I seem remember having read something about her here, just maybe thankfully, as my brain is trying to protect itself, don't recall any details. Or maybe it was another lady similar to her.
I'd pork that sow, not gonna lie.
We can use this.
>Based Spoodermoon dismayed at all the degeneracy surrounding him
They would need a team of ushers with shoehorns to assist everyone into their seats.
Marvel doesn't own Valiant comics.
So I doubt it.
Though, there is a superhero from Wiscosnin that is part of the Great Lakes Avengers who can change her adipose levels.
Name is Ashley Crawford, aka Big Bertha
She is a model thus can make a ton of money for the GLA
After a failed attempt to kill deadpool she restarted her model career as a plus size
Fart sexy style.
A good troll would be, to have some chick with a model-like figure goint to comic-con roleplaying as that fat blob.
No fatsuit, just the same colours and designs, on an actual human.
Butthurt would be grand.
My first thought was "birth of a supervillain"
oh my god, its a baby whale!
Geordi must be working those warp engines like a mad man
oh shit yes.
"America" is a joke of a comic. It really reads like a parody that someone on here would make.
It really took me a sec to figure out how she was doing that.
looks better as a jump off the ledge
A movie of this could actually be good if it was self aware. It's not like they are going to anger the fan base by making it a parody of all of the cape shit. If it did get made feminism would bitch no mater what. If they did it like starship troopers or pic related it could be fun.
Well as long as they remember they are literally property to be bought and sold or perhaps used as furniture
fucking kek
how can a fat person be a super hero? if you don't have the willpower to not eat so much, you don't have the willpower to control any supernatural powers
I miss old Chris
Spiderman is literally the average Sup Forums user in real life.
I also like how they made the coalburners a fat gross pig with peircings
ha ha Stoopid white people are Stoopid let's go hang with these cool degenerates
Holy shit a flying pig!
I hate this shit.
"Fuck society man I just want to jerk off and smoke weed all day yeah I'm a cool. Society wants me to be a doctor or a businessman or some boring useless shit fuck that im gonna be a MAD SCIENTIST WITH A ROBOT T REX."
social norms are made to keep little retard faggots who think they are special in line before they ruin their life trying to do something impossible. Or they are just using it as an excuse to be a lazy degenerate all day
There is no actual way this isnt satire right?
Are they being ironic about the brat? I can't actually tell.
At least that comic appears to be hand drawn, and they are having some fun with the background characters. The fatty Faith one looks like 3d rendering rammed through a filter.
Annoying Genius Kid with Dinosaur Enforcer sounds like a 2000AD character circa 1990.
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