Who would win in a fight to the death?
Alucard vs Arcueid
A battle between a flashy character with little substance who exists as a catalyst a to his creator's desires for crazy action VS a dull character who exists within her creator's byzantine rule-filled fiction to act as a dangerously powerful waifu
Whoever wins, we lose
That's...surprisingly accurate.
Isn't Arcueid literally as powerful as the whole planet Earth? She should win
Schrodinger Alucard wins this easy
keep dreaming
arcueid because she has friends
But I like crazy action.
Arcueid is literally a Goddess. Alucard can't do shit to her even if she lets him.
But can Shiki kill servants?
But Alucard is mai waifu
>implying the outcome matters
While we're at it, here's the /m/ powerchart.
These retarded charts never fail to make me smile
I would say that Arc would win in that she is an embodiment of the planet earth among other things, so she would be more powerful.
>Special Tier
>4 Medaka Box characters
>and Bobobobo
I mean, it makes sense but it's still funny.
Schrodinger Alucard stomps her sorry ass any time, in any way
Schrondinger Alucard is shittier than regular Alucard. At best he is her eternal punchbag.
Good luck punching something that isn't there
Why the fuck is Saga above Beerus?