Do you like Lum?
Do you like Lum?
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Dumb alien.
Who wouldn't?
Evidently, you're gay.
She's great.
Do you like Chaika?
I love Shinobu!
Would you let yourself be electrocuted by Lum?
Will Urusei Yatsura ever get a remake of some kind?
Yes, which is probably why I find Megane to be the most relatable character.
What did you think of this?
She's the only character I liked in the show.
Have you filled up your Lum folder yet?
This website is my lum folder. Also where I got my current wallpaper.
Is he the #1?
Probably not.
I want to cum in Lum!
I liked Urusei Yatsura but hearing DAARINGU a million times got old, I liked a lot of the other characters more than Lum. Ataru, Mendou, and Megane antics were the best.
They don't make synthesizer music like they used to.
Psychotic womanchild. I'd only fuck her if i'm dead set into suicide.
For weirdos, spirits and Yokais, I'd rather end up with Nozomi.
Lum is retarded!
nice Shinoboobs
Why is there no Lum Nendoroid?
>mamoru oshii
>kazuo yamazaki
>takashi annou
>tomomi mochizuki
>kazunori ito
>fumitaka anzai
How is it possible for so many talented people to work on one anime?
Of course! Why does Takahashi create the best shonen main girls?
Lum, Akane and Kagome are all my waifus and top-tier girls!
Sorry, but I'm afraid you have shit taste.
>having multiple waifus
That must be a good feeling.
She can make good characters, but she cannot write a coherent plot to save her loveless life.
Ukyo is where its at
>Not liking Akane
I'm afraid that the one with shit taste is you sir! Akane practically invented the tsundere archetype! And perfected it long before all those soulless otaku-pandering copycats started coming out into the market during the 00's.
10/10 girl.
>I'm afraid that the one with shit taste is you sir! Akane practically invented the tsundere archetype!
Look at him and laugh. Ataru is the man behind tsundere even before it was a thing.
Also Ukyo best girl
Kyoukai no Rinne?
>Akane and Kagome are top-tier girls
Ataru was just the invention of the male tsundere, an archetype that usually only Takahashi dabbles in. Akane was the invention of the true blue "anime girl tsundere" archetype.
Lum > Takahashit girls
dis nigga knows whats up
Yes they are, because Takahashi is the best at making tsunderes. Only tsundere girls that can even come close are Misty and maybe Chitoge, rest of all tsunderes are trash.
It's not so much that she can't write plots, it's more so that she CHOOSES not to. Her speciality is more in the area of wacky shonen sitcoms that are supposed to be the anime equivalent of The Simpsons or Peanuts. I do think though that for all it's faults with pacing, Inuyasha was actually a decent first attempt at a plot-oriented series, I was really surprised on how she seemed to take her cues for that series from JRPGs.
If you're reading something like Ranma or Urusei Yatsura for the plot however, you're doing it wrong.
Lum is ugly
It was on forever and anime is a smaller world than is readily apparent. Lots of nobodies passed through, too.
I know mel.
Everybody knows Akane is just poor's man Shinobu
The main issue is that she seems to think that plot and development go against comedy's nature.
Shinobu was pretty tsundere before finally getting moved to that bunny guy near the end of the series.
>Akane is poor man's Shinobu
So is it true that Shampoo was created just so she could go through with her original idea for Lum's position in the series?
Would you marry Lum?
Isn't that pretty much confirmed? Either way, Shampoo originally even was going to have green hair.
Yep. She was still a bit salty of Lum winning instead of Shinobu(which was the original plan).
A lot of the UY characters are just a sightly different version of previous MI and UY characters. Ranma is pretty much Ryuunosuke.
Y'know... For as feminazi as everyone rails Takahashi to be I kinda find it weird how she tried to portray the archetype Lum and Shampoo are based on compared to her other girls. Is it just me or does she portray them almost with a catty-like jealousy? Like they're nothing but brainless bimbos only good for eye-candy out to be seductive vixens and steal the men from the good "pure" girls?
Is it just me?
It almost reminds me of a nerd beta girl's self-fulfillment revenge fantasy against the popular blonde cheerleader Queen Bees.
Who Sup Forums here? Have you seen Anzai Fumitaka's youtube channel? He was the show's original composer and made videos showing how he made the songs with various synthesizers:
Really cool stuff.
>Psychotic womanchild.
>I'd only fuck her if i'm dead set into suicide.
To be fair, one of the biggest noticeable changes to Lum's character when she becomes the actual main girl is that her jealousy and mean spirited rivalry with the other girls is toned all the way down. I don't think she ever targeted Shinobu or Ran directly after the series was tweaked to feature her as the main love interest.
Shampoo is portrayed like that because she remains in the antagonistic position.
>It almost reminds me of a nerd beta girl's self-fulfillment revenge fantasy against the popular blonde cheerleader Queen Bees
Perhaps because that's exactly what it is?
Why doesn't movie 1 get the praise it deserves? Is it because it wasn't an acid trip like Beautiful Dreamer?
It was fantastic.
It was just fairly generic, and not very funny either compared to the tv show's best episodes. I don't like pointless movie characters hogging tons of screentime either.
It's a solid anime movie.
But usually is overshadow by Beautiful Dreamer or Lum Forever.
It'll get an osomatsu San treatment.
Ataru is a neet and everyone else are also struggling losers too.
Was Takahashi bullied and unpopular back in High School?
>great animation
>god tier art direction
>great ost
>very good story by UY standards
Not as funny as some of the better episodes? Like what? I'll admit I have my favorites but the first movie has plenty of great moments. It also handles the more dramatic parts quite well.
Elle a good.
So, basically, Shinobu's chosen future from that one chapter/OVA.
But Mendou is filthy rich and Ataru along with his friends had small time jobs in the past. If anything Ataru is going to end like Godai(more Alpha than Godai and not getting married with used goods obviously), studying to pass the admision test and get in college.
I don't want to watch the entire show. I don't want to see any Japanese comedy at all.
I don't like Lum
I love Lum!
Like Lum.. that word doesn't cover it. Obsessed with her is more like it.
She's my #1
>I don't want to see any Japanese comedy at all
I know this feeling, Japanese comedy tends to be awful but Urusei Yatsura is an exception. It almost feels more like a western show at times.
You should give it 3 episodes.
Is that you, Megane?
I'm not Megane, but I sure do feel like him sometimes.
Holy shit Megane and crew were so fucking great, loved those bastards
They were known as Lum's Stormtroopers.
Can Lum's VA sing?
When does he get serious about Lum?
His character profile:
>Megane is the intensely idiosyncratic Supreme Council Chairman of the Stormtroopers and as such concocts numerous schemes to gain Lum's attention and protect her purity from Ataru. He is a manic otaku who has an obsession with Nazi Germany paraphernalia and often gives eccentric speeches, gradually going hysterical as he goes on.
They were called Megane, Chibi, Perm and Kakuragi.
>Inuyasha was actually a decent first attempt at a plot-oriented series
If you completely disregard Maison Ikkoku, sure.
I haven't actually watched the show even though I've got it all downloaded but I like the art and I post Lum Snow.swf on /f/ from time to time.
I personally think that Urusei Yatsura is one of the worst Japanese comedies. It was on TV all the time when I was a kid, and I hated reading it but I still did for some reason. It's basically a grotesque comedy.
However, even I have to admit that if you can get past the first volumes, it does get a bit better, and I found it enjoyable towards the end. Which is unusual because usually it's the other way around. But the first few volumes are basically "Hey look, Ataru is unlucky, laugh at how unlucky he is" and "Quirky character(s) of the week", who usually turns out to be a pretty horrible, unlikable person. Basically it only gets good when it finally tries to create some narrative that isn't a quick joke, and starts treating its characters like actual characters and not quirks given a face.
It's ok, you just have shit taste.
>Basically it only gets good when it finally tries to create some narrative
and evidently, an idiot.
While Maison Ikoku was definitely one of her best and one of the few with an actual, conclusive ending. I still wouldn't exactly call it plot-oriented, it's a SOL style series in the same vein as UY and Ranma, only slightly more serious.
I guess you're the type that also hates good, ole' classic comedies like The Peanuts? What kind of sense of humor DO you have or do you just not have one user?
You know, I've read the whole manga for this, and from the second chapter, I suspect that, while Ataru was clearly a main character from the get go, Lum was actually meant to be a oneshot character and not a main one, since she doesn't appear at all there (it's just more Ataru suffering), she doesn't live with him, and instead more characters are introduced. Then she was introduced back.
>Lum was meant to be a one-shot character
How new are you? This is common knowledge about Urusei Yatsura, Lum got brought back and made main girl due to fan demand and how good of a reception she got.
>Lum was actually meant to be a oneshot character
You'd be correct. She got so enormously popular that the editors pressured Rumiko to make her a regular, and she got even more popular in the anime. Rumiko originally wanted Shinobu and Ataru together at the end, but the editors wouldn't let her.
Why do Lum's different clothes always drive me crazy?
No, I quite love the Peanuts, especially the first years, it's funny but it's still pretty deep at times. And to make another example of another classic Japanese humor series I like more, there's Dr. Slump & Arale. In general I do like Japanese humor, it's just that I don't really enjoy humor that's "HAHAHA LOOK AT HIM BEING MISERABLE".
Old enough to have noticed this on my own 20 years ago without no one pointing it out to me because I read it before the internet was popular for manga/anime discussion.
>Likes The Peanuts
But that's basically what The Peanuts is all about...?
The title of the series clearly makes reference to space stuff though, with the "urusei" pun, so I don't think they intended ti throw it all away after the first chapter. She definitely was elevated from secondary to main character, but I don't think she was intended to be a one shot.
Not really, sure Charlie struggles a lot and there's a few running jokes about it, but it's about a lot of things and looking at it that way is incredibly reductive. Still, I can't help but think that Lucy is a bit annoying most of the time. Might be personal preference.
Meanwhile there's very little in the first volumes of Lum besides "Ataru is miserable, and everyone, including him, is a horrible, selfish person". It does get better eventually, but really everyone is constructed as being pretty horrible. Ranma and Maison Ikkoku also suffer from this, but to a lesser extent, almost literally everyone is insufferable in the beginning. Inuyasha not so much, Rinne neither, and One Pound Gospel is funny without relying on this kind of stuff at all. The mermaid stuff is srs bsns no jokes allowed.
Rumiko's short stories are a mixed bag, but the older ones have a lot of comedy based around people being horrible, but the newer ones don't as much.
>i don't like it, therefore it's horrible
Again, that's one way of admitting you're stupid.