LVPD user source: Here's some info on Campos

I live in Vegas. I am not a cop but I have a good friend on the force- but not involved in Paddock investigation directly but has a little info just based on being on the inside.

Let me start by saying I vouch for my friend. He's a good cop and wouldn't LARP to me. Saw him last night and I asked him if he knows anything that's going on with Campos.

He told me he actually saw Campos this weekend. Eyewitness, in person at Russell/LV BLVD location. Didn't seem any worse for wear regarding his injury. Take that for what you will.

I asked him about how it's weird that he's going on the Ellen show. He wasn't surprised as the talk around has been that Campos has been holding out for the biggest media payday. Also made it clear that Campos is receiving a huge settlement from MGM.

He then clued me in on some shit, like how the LVPD is almost wholly funded by the casinos. It's neither a secret, nor is it necessarily illegal. The problem is the casinos have bought undue influence over law enforcement.

Then this blew my mind. You want to know the reason why it took SWAT 20 minutes to get to the 32nd floor? Apparently it was because they had to get the OK from MGM to go up there first. So how many people died because SWAT was ready and waiting but had to sit on their thumbs?

So apparently Campos is receiving a huge settlement from MGM, and went on Ellen because they offered the most money.

>pic related

MGM might be fucked here, which means LVPD might be fucked. Which means the investigation might be fucked.

And oh by the way, none of this precludes Paddock being an asset or ISIS or whatever. It could be all, or none of the above. Just thought I'd share the conversation I had, since this might not be common knowledge.

Other urls found in this thread:

I dont doubt this

Stop with these LARPs.


Would you know what a ballpark figure for the settlement is? Shot in the dark?

>>>Paddock could be Mossad? I suppose. Doesn't make what I just said wrong. Thanks for playing. Now go fuck off.

The real answer

Of course they had to wait for the OK. Swat usually busts through doors and shoots the dog at the drop of a hat. There was a stand down order.

I don't know the number. One would assume it would have to be big enough to cover not only the workplace injury, but the potential for a suit and discovery there. To have already settled to me says its above 7 figures.

I want a neet-enabling settlement.

You troll pol but didn't ask him a thing about the reports of shooters up and down the strip? Every other MGM property had reports of fire and active shooters.

Fake. Gay.

>I live in Vegas. I am not a cop but I have a good friend on the force- but not involved in Paddock investigation directly but has a little info just based on being on the inside
stopped reading there, you aren't a cop and have no direct knowledge of anything. Yet another LARP.

I didn't ask about other shootings and he didn't volunteer info about anything. Excuse me for being a bit of a normie. I only came to pol for the first time in my life because of Paddock. I visit T_D frequently and someone posted a thread from here which brought me in. Then I
admit I got hooked from the COMPED meme. The news pushing a narrative then pulling back all info, plus the bizarre press conferences had me looking for other sources of info on it. I can't say that I buy all the conspiracies, but something aint right. I'll leave it at that.

>stopped reading there, you aren't a cop and have no direct knowledge of anything. Yet another LARP.

I could have said I was a cop and that WOULD have been LARPing. and then you'd have been like "TELL ME MOAR"

Whatever. Do read. Don't read. LIGAF what you do.

You know this isn't normal people behavior or am effective way to gather information right? He let the dude come out with some info. Take it for what you will. Not everything is "fake and gay" because it doesn't link up with what ever tinfoil hat bullshit you believe. Also, you're reaction to OP tells me most of your friends are probably online.

Pic related
\No offense, OP (iif genuine), just take it as an explanation for some of the replies you get.
LVMPD funding should be pretty easy to check, no?

Ty op

No offense but this is the issue with noobs. We hate all this attention. We want to stay under the radar. Too much attention being paid to us and we HATE it. Thanks for the info, but try not to talk too much about it. This is our refuge, our Mecca. We need this place, this anonymity.

Fucking this.

You have to go back

Wow, are Snow and /leftypol/ really trying for the "LVPD" thing again, even though they know it's wrong? Sadly, they can count on 4/pol/ being that fucking dumb. Just look at the 4/pol/ reaction to their mega LARP.

Mega LARP? Please tell me you aren’t talking about MEGAANON?

Fuck /leftypol/.... commie fuck faces

well technically my friend works for the Clark County Sheriff's Dept, which isn't Metro, but I went with the LVPD acronym for the shorthand reference. I don't even know the acronym for the sheriff. CCSD is the school district.

But whatever. Sure. I'm wasting my time making this all up to mislead you down the road to believe this crazy idea about Campos and an MGM settlement.

HAHA now that I have you believing that, the white genocide is upon us!!!

But I'll be damned if you guys didn't see right through me.

there is no LVPD. it is called something else. idiot.

The biggest larp of all


>I'm not a cop
>But here's why the official story is true
Fuck off. Campos is dead. Da goyim know.

everyone has to be a noob at first though. Just saying.

but trust me, I'm not going around bragging about posting on pol. And this has more or less been a waste of time, so I'm not planning on doing it again.

Your real problem if you want to stay under the radar is people who post screenshots on The Donald. That's what brought me in.


All this other stuff is SO WE DON'T Question the Effed Up Timeline and PREPOSTEROUS Choices

Cops Arrive on 32nd Floor
> minutes EARLIER someone is still Massacre-ing people

Instead of Breaching Room to Save Lives at the Venue, Cops ASSUME he's done shooting & take OVER AN HOUR to Remove Other Guests with...

>>>ZERO CONFIRMATION the Threat is Leveled

Compete BullShit IDENTIFIED

You would SEQUESTER all Guests to their Rooms since the "Madman" has already shot a guard & sent 200 rounds SAILING DOWN THE HALL &

There's NO FIXING this HUGE HOLE in their story because we ALL HEARD the Police Transmissions which gave time us the time of breach.

In a REAL SITUATION you would not RISK PUTTING ANY GUESTS in the hallway until you know the COAST IS CLEAR & You know the All Possible Shooters are in Custody or Dead

They needed to shuffle off potential witnesses so they could stage the scene.

Tell me where I'm wrong

Pro-Tip: You Can't
Game Over ~ Good Guys Win

I deem this.....plausible.

Its technically sheriff's dept. not metro that I'm talking about. Yeah I dont know if the funding reference was due to the reality of the tax base being almost all from casinos, or if they literally cut a check directly to law enforcement. I'll be finding out more though. I'm definitely curious.

If you watch Jason Goodman's video of his most recent confrontation with Troy Goff, you will be convinced that "something ain't right."

First wasn't swat... second cops were up there within 12 minutes of first shots. The real question is why do they start risking guests lives for the NEXT HOUR PLUS with ZERO FUKKIN CLUE the Shooter won't begin again

You can DRIVE A TRUCK thru that HOLE

Fuck it. We all know it’s BS. I feel bad for the ppl of LV. You have completely retarded PD, your lives mean nothing to them.

Ellen makes it a point to say both dufuses "don't want any money" (from Ellen Show)

Hello shill

What she actually says is "we" (meaning her syndication or production companies) haven't paid him.

She never says anything about MGM not paying them. Or an alphabet agency, for that matter. As a "thank you" for 8 days of reprogramming and agreeing to only tell their "stories" once. The ghosts have contingency funding available for things like this.

There timeline is useless. They couldn’t get the timeline correct if you paid them in donuts. Fuck them. No respect for anyone involved there.

I can smell the newfag coming off of you. Welcome to the ocean of piss.

Dude may be your friend but overall he’s the enemy.


If you are a big enough gambler shooting off guns in the hotel can be arranged, this is why LVPD needs permission.

If you see more people waking up to deep state shenanigans as a bad thing, then you're a part of the problem, bud.

play the Game!

Thanks for the info, but you are giving out to much information on your friend.

Britany Spears > Ellen

Ellen goes to keep her interest in LV good. She's got money wrapped up there.

LVMPD. Most locals call it Las Vegas Metro and don’t even say police. Some people call it Las Vegas police but they usually aren’t locals.

source me leaf

I didn’t say that. She also said she didn’t believe in other theories. Basically she’s wasting our time.

You said Campos was "holding out" for biggest media payday


This is the most believable thing I've heard so far. Thanks user

You mean "Jon Smith" not Troy Goff
Top Kek

>>>Changed his name
Initially chose Profile Pic with a FREAKING CORPSE

Metro is super corrupt so are the judges and most lawyers in the town. I’ve worked in the civil side of the courts there for 10 years and the stories I could tell. I can’t even imagine to corruption involving criminal cases.

Bump for a good post.

Press briefing from Oct 2, the day after the shooting @ 7:20

>It was 1 large suite that had 2 rooms

What did he mean by this?

Blew Whistle on Corruption in NJ between Mob, Local Cops, Prosecutors Office & Politicians

Alive by Grace of God, WITS & Protection Since Dec 14, 2016 (Thank You Mr. President...KLCK) & All the Good "Guys" too!!! We did it!!

Fashbasher seems like a LARP
this means the insider anons are real

Corpse Snow Job

Troys trying to tell us!
Top kek

local just call them METRO




Yes, see my post

>The delay and many deaths were because SWAT first had first to get the OK from MGM to the 32nd floor.
That should actually be your first sentence

Go get yourself shot in an FBI sting operation gone wrong then

Guy comes in and seems to offer what he knows in good faith: Same five people that tell everyone to fuck off tell him to off. Then unironically talk about how they want to make 4 a haven for the greater good. Can't make this stuff up. Thanks OP.

Ok if thats true, why did i watch the ellen interview and ellen goes "Jesus didnt ask for any money, they gave his payment to charity"

TV makeup?

well considering the "original" campos is dead in those pics you fucking tard.

Well it was 72 minutes between the 911 call and SWAT breaching the room. Paddock shot for around 10 minutes correct? So it took a lot longer than that to reach the room. They gave them an hour to stage the 'suicide' scene and then intentionally leak the photos to Sup Forums to throw everyone off scent.

Actually locals just say "metro"

literally no one says "LVMPD" except fags on here who think they know it all.

We're on the floor for OVER AN HOUR...
Choose to Risk Guests Lives in a hall that received 200 rounds with no confirmation shooter won't start up again


>Actually locals just say "metro"
This is true, but on here I have said LVPD just cause I wasn't sure if people would understand "metro".

Ask your cop friend why they can't get the damn timeline right. Then come back and tell us what he said.

yeah I buried the lede there you're right

I have the feeling no normal guests were actually on 32

you sure it didn't take so long because SWAT went up 32 flights of stairs?

Yes, see my other post

The answer will be that there is a lot of confusion in emergency situations and they are still sifting through 10's of thousands of hours of video footage to piece everything together. I also have a friend who works with metro and one who is a metro cop. They aren't concerned at all about any conspiracy. They are completely complacent about it and don't seem to think there is anything off about the investigation.

Even worse!

yes what a coincidence schuck had to turn the elevators off and no one else could turn them back on for swat

They were also aware that no more shots were being fired. They also had to deploy a full force suddenly. It's not like firefighters sitting in one room right next to mandalay bay with all their gear on just in case there is a mass shooter there. It takes some time to deploy.

SWAT is a second/part-time/on-call job for these cops. At least it is for some of them. My friend was asked to be part of it, and he turned it down, because he's already done it and wasn't interested in doing it again.

Newfag has a point. If there ever was a singular worst thing to happen to this place in terms of funneling/directing normies here, it's t_d.

You empty rooms nearest elevator lobby, then go through connecting doors to empty wing. Officers then lay suppressing fire from room doorways onto Paddock's door as Swat team advances. Elapsed time ~10 min.

> Ok if thats true, why did i watch the ellen interview and ellen goes "Jesus didnt ask for any money, they gave his payment to charity"

Does the Clinton foundation count as a charity?

No mass release of all video evidence means no official story can be believed.

Holy shit this was a retarded LARP.

>they gave his payment to charity
Something tells me this is a half truth of sorts. As if he isn't getting paid in several directions. What if his settlement from MGM was the gag order that stopped him from doing any unapproved easy interviews like Ellen? That actually makes sense for the non-conspiracy theory.

>had to get the OK from MGM t
I remember hearing this shit on the scanner but I thought that was after the shooting on the crowd and the only shooting that occurred after they arrive was at the hall

I have posted info here since I have metro connections. No one will believe you anyway. They are dead set on conspiracies. Maybe some things seem off, but some of the theories are downright retarded and disproven by real info that you and I are able to get. However, we can't confirm it for Sup Forums, so it's as good as a larp. Sup Forums is still fun in some ways though.

This screen and those who push it are shills. If the strategy was LARPs with the aim of distraction, they wouldn't let it slip. It's counter-intuitive if they want "insider threads" to be believed. Pretty clear from this they want the exact opposite, for us to believe nothing and turn away from potential leads.

And this shill brings up Mega in particular because everything points to her being the realest one around. Anything to turn us on her.

they really laying it on campos. Money, awards. I mean they are laying it on thick. Praising this guy to high heaven. You think this guy single handed kill 100 terrorists with his bare fists and diffuse the suitcase nuke when it was down to 1 second

OP is a shill, it was confirmed on Alex Jones that this was an islamic attack on the west. ISIS even took credit for it immediately.

OP is a larping faggot mother fucker

I just watched a Vegas local get a trophy for defending his neighbor from a robbery or something on the news this morning. There was a plaque and everything. Campos was part of a largest mass slaughter in US history, so yeah, I think it makes sense. Even though he was literally just there by chance.

32 flights can be meandered up in like 7 minutes. A SWAT team trying to take down a mass shooter should probably take 2-5

Leftists who LARP, see results and don't correlate that they're being LARPd by those spinning stories to them.
Jesus Christ the cognative dissonence