redpill me on Alzheimer's, Sup Forums
Redpill me on Alzheimer's, Sup Forums
Nanoshit and aluminum
caused by soy and soy accessories
What is alzheimers??
I forgot
which board am i on?
nice board, much comfy
whos this old geezer? seen him posted before
what? what did you ask me you little bitch?
It's possibly caused by not exercising your brain enough through your life.
Tobacco smoking protects against Alzheimer's and Parkinson's. Look it up.
I can't remember if I took my pills today.
It's a bad way to go for people who've lived happy lives.
But for people who are bitter and live with regrett it's a relief before the end.
Thing is, old people with big families probably lived the good life. Their kids talk about it like it's hell and the worst way to go. But we don't hear much about the good side for obvious reasons.
>manchildren will argue against this
I can't remember...
Can I vape the tobacco? Or perhaps make edibles?
it teaches you something about the way people are wired. It's the poor man's acid.
You have Alzhiemers' son. You forgot you posted another identical thread.
Jewish conspiracy.
It’s a degenerative disorder that damages the fitness gram pacer test is multi stage aerobic capacity test, and desu you have to have a really iq to understand
>redpill me on x
Antiperspirant causes it, use deodorant.