The creator of Re:Zero seems like a fun guy to hang out with

The creator of Re:Zero seems like a fun guy to hang out with

yes, thank you for this great thread

They all look depressed.

He needs to kill himself, just like all those other nips.

More like Reddit zero

They're sad you're still alive

Considering that most LN authors don't even reveal their faces this guy is normal by anime industry standards

fucking japs can't even smile

Oh really?

>having to pose for re:zero/10
who can blame them?

He looks like an ugly faggot who likes to self-insert.

Is Tappei Anno without depression?

If I had no discernible talent or skill in writing and suddenly found myself with a popular and high selling series with an anime adaptation, I'd probably be super happy and fun to hang around as well.


>jelly: the post

Yes, I am jealous that I don't make money by scribbling garbage on paper and selling it to stupid teenagers instead of having to actually work.

Not him but calling people jealous of a hacks success isn't an argument for their writing

This nip looks like he jerks off daily to hentai.

Wait a minute.

You don't?

But he does have an actual work outside of writing LNs

>an actual work
Oh look, and ESLfag defending garbage LNs aimed at retards and their authors. How novel.

>How novel.
Oh Carlos!

That's the first thing that came to your mind about that? You're a fucking idiot.

So nobody's gonna point out that he's doing the Saturday Night Boogie?




How old is Tappei?

Jesus, how horrifying

The message he intended people to get

"you have the capacity to be anything, stop being a lazy shit"

the message people are getting

"Remu is mai waifu, fap fap fap fap fap"

Never too old to enjoy some chinese toons.

Well its how Sup Forums looks like.


That's got to be one of their mothers

Is that the regal in la habra?

sasuga Sup Forums

That qt on her right probably dragged her there and she ended up having fun. And getting those cobwebs dusted by at least a couple of those nerds.

Looks like one of the moms photobombed this shot

He's successful and people talk about him and his work every day. What do you have, shitters? That's right, nothing.

>I had no discernible talent or skill in writing and suddenly found myself with a popular and high selling series with an anime adaptation
A good name for a LN.

And even if it was garbage, it could just be confused to really clever and high level meta commentary so it would be fine.

>he looks exactly like his otaku fans
This shit is why the industry will never grow.

Wow! A person looks like a person!

Seriously what the fuck does that have to do with anything?

Normalfag the post.

Ugly people should just die.

What the fuck is that shit on his mouth

Don't be so hard on yourself.

Is that a hired assassin?

He's gonna do it to avenge Rem.

>I swear to god if Rem doesn't revive I'm gonna kill this nigga.

People embracing anime in public never fails to make me cringe. I know it's Japan and it's at some sort of event, but still.

What do you mean? They're very cool people.

>They're very cool people.
As someone who's spent plenty of time at Akiba, Nakano Broadway, Comiket, Concerts, etc. I can say that while some people are indeed cool and fun to hang out with, there are some that make you inch away in fear and disgust.

That said, it's usually the non-Japanese people who go to those events and places that are the worst.