What did she mean by this?

What did she mean by this?

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So is Shimoneta actually good?
Should I watch it?

If Hiryuu ever finishes it, maybe

Its love hate.

Some ideas are legit; others tend to go straight to hell due to male MC

No. It's funny for the first few episodes but it gets old fast.

Strider Hiryuu?

Hiryuu subs.

People have issues with FUNishit because of the dick jokes are liberally translated or Anna not using honorifics.

Shimoneta has a fucking amazing concept for an ecchi, but the execution is awful. It's still decent, and there are a few really good aspects but it could have been SO MUCH better. It's one of those cases where the author is too much of a pussy to actually do anything beyond minor fanservice. The basic concept is the main characters want to end the extreme censorship about sex, so they're talking about it, drawing porn, reading porn, making sex toys among other things. But nothing actually happens because:
1.The MC is basically homosexual
2.The female lead while being a giant pervert is somehow extremely afraid of penises
3.The other main female character is too crazy so the MC runs away from her

All of this of course only exists so the author can excuse nothing ever happening. The series constantly teases you that something could totally happen, and that eventually there will be major fanservice but there never is.

It's one of the biggest disappointments I've ever seen.

>2.The female lead while being a giant pervert is somehow extremely afraid of penises
that's retarded as fuck

It's one of the biggest cop outs I've ever seen. It doesn't even make any sense. It's not like she's a character who pretends to be perverted but is actually pure, she's a genuine pervert. She clearly knows what a penis is and has probably seen one before but somehow she's afraid of it? It makes no sense.