The MSM's coverage of the Clinton 10/17/17 Uranium One Scandal
No shit we gotta spread it ourselves
Yeah but trump wasn’t nice enough To a lady according to some other lady that heared part of the conversation
I hope to god journalists and producers go to prison
>The MSM is total bias trash
We know. We say it 24/7. We have been saying it for years on Sup Forums and beyond. The media is literally a deep state level propaganda machine only looking out for itself and its cronies in the government and corporation who support its agenda. WE KNOW!!!!
you should add content tho
lol it's so funny that you guys think that literal fake news is real news and that real news is fake news.
The reason the main networks aren't covering it is because it's bullshit and there's nothing there. Bit like the Clinton e-mail 'scandal', Benghazi, FEMA death camps etc.
You guys realise the cognitive dissonance you have on a daily basis right?
Comment sections, social media everywhere I see the Tump/Russia collusion narrative being pushed, I link the Hill or Newsweek article.
You were saying?
Anyway guys, Trump said he'd drain the swamp and hes doing it. Originally I was a trump fan for the memes and the lulz, but I've grown to respect him. Hes real and seems to be the only sane person in a country overrun by political correctness.