Daily Japanese Thread DJT #1638

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How crude is the word 熟女? If I called an older woman that, would it be like calling her a milf or calling her beautiful/sexy?

Is "Remebering the Kanji" really that useful?

Today I did wanikani for 60 minutes and watched six episodes of Kaiji.

When Tae Kim's talk about けど and が to mean contradiction, he notes that the can also be used to simply connect two sentences without it having a contradictory meaning. My doubt is, is there specific times when you use けど/が to do so?

けど けど け‐ど⦅助詞・接続⦆(「けれど」のくだけた言い方)

Today I did Anki for 34 minutes and then I read a visual novel for 1 hour and 1 minute.

I don't believe you.

It's good for learning to write kanji along with individual kanji memorization.
I don't know what it can do for your regarding vocab.



Today I did Anki for 70 minutes and then looked at ecchi

Why do people make such useless posts? If you're gonna blog at least make it interesting

I fell for it

I don't understand a thing that you're saying

Do you think learning kanji by an arbitrary keyword makes it easier to learn vocab with them? It seems to me that while I can recognize the kanji that I learned with Heisig, the only thing it helps me with is the writing (which is generally useless)




vintage ho

>Why do people make such useless posts?
Wow, top-quality interesting post you made there.

What does this mean?


If you can read this and understand the actual meaning that hides behind the words, you're at native level.

I don't need to read that to know that I'm not at a native level.

The opposite of >猫の子であろう


>Do you think learning kanji by an arbitrary keyword makes it easier to learn vocab with them?
No, but I think the keywords aren't arbitrary in Heisig. Correct me if I'm wrong about that since I haven't done RTK.

In English, please?

>Wow, top-quality interesting post you made there.

Nice try dude you know in your heart you're not at native level even if you can read that.

But I can't. And neither can you!

I had to look up the reading of 訪う ill be honest


>If you're gonna blog at least make it interesting

Took me half an hour of clicking through my browsing history but since you've got such good taste I don't want to leave you hanging. Here you go my man.




It's just part of how "but" is used in Japanese. They especially love ending sentences with が or けど as though to ask for a reaction.

I have memorized all the basic hiragana, can I pls get a (you)?

What does this mean?

Not until you get all the kana

gz m8

Time to learn the advanced hiragana.


proof it: ろるゑびヰ

>the actual meaning that hides behind the words
Unless you can decipher the actual meaning that hides behind the words of this post you aren't at a native level in English.

I know that 女の子 means girl. But puppy is written 子犬. Kind of makes you think.



You're the one with the context dude go fucking figure it out

Are you calling me gay?

I can't read Japanese.

Who would have thought an actual native speaker would show up

子猫 does also exist. What now? Give up yet?

Man I forgot all about cool guy

Oh shit. Wat do?

(you) did it!


Is there a name for words like ぐらぐら, からから, ぶらぶら, etc.?

Them boys made a part two and it was alright.

Sorry I can't text hook images

驚き, you バカ

Does anyone know how to extract text from fate/go while emulating it on a pc?
Or any other way to extract text from it?


Yes, but it's annoying to write.

Can /djt/ into まんようがな?


I call them leeches.

Neat, thanks.

I understand

No, but can you into 変体仮名?


Fuck off with your chinese. This is the DJT not DCT.

that's japanese senpai

How the heck were you able to decipher that?

I was puzzling over what the top was supposed to be for a while, and the best guess I could come up with was that it was supposed to be the bamboo radical (pic), though that was obviously not right because of the extra lines (and also it seemed too big to be that).

Katakana are objectively the superior kana.

kore wo yomeru ka na
I mean that's some pretty easy shit, but of course it can get hard with the real thing

Pretty sure you just wanted to use 遠 as を because of the てにをは someone wrote earlier

Read more and you'll learn to recognize kanji by their general shape. That one's very common and distinctive.

Well that was painful

I too instantly recognized it. It's something you just get used to, you recognize the general shape even if by looking closer you see that the individual radicals are messed up. That's how fonts work, with a limited amount of pixels available they have to cheat.

I think he knows that, but thanks for defending me.

I think you know that senpai

Is this translation bad? What would you put in this situation (people who are familiar with this scene)

To make reading easier? I use kanjitomo and my emulator side-by-side and read that way. If that's not really what you meant then just ignore this

Is Japanese the most retarded language of all time? I feel the more I understand it, the dumber it becomes.

Sounds like something on your end

Every time, it's a frogshitter



It's always the same guy too (me). My posts are serious though.

The き made it pretty obvious. You could've blurred out the whole thing above the horse radical and it'd still be guessable.

Actually fuck translations, どうでいい

Without knowing the scene, "What do you think you're doing?"
Just the sorta face he's making yknow

>The fuck?

I did dad thoo but my pc got slower, a lot slower.
If there are no other solutions I'll try that.
I know someone was able to extract text from it ont github, but he does not say how he did that




What's the scene? You make it sound like it's something well known.

Beg the Chinese to reveal their oriental data mining secrets.

post lesser cuckoos

starting with 蜀魂





子規 【ほととぎす】、不如帰 【ほととぎす】、杜鵑 【ほととぎす】、霍公鳥 【ほととぎす】、蜀魂 【ほととぎす】、沓手鳥 【ほととぎす】、杜宇 【ほととぎす】、田鵑 【ほととぎす】、沓直鳥 【ほととぎす】、郭公 【ほととぎす】、子規 【しき】、不如帰 【ふじょき】、杜鵑 【とけん】、蜀魂 【しょっこん】、沓手鳥 【くつてどり】、沓直鳥 【くつてどり】、杜宇 【とう】、ホトトギス