/SPA/ the catalonian issue last hours

Tomorrow 10 am
Catakeks get their last chance
answer yes to independence, and get 115ed for good
already two politicians in prison, no bail

Get in here, because we are merely hours from the happening

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how do you want it to happen?
GEOs? Mossos? can we even trust Mossos to catch this guy?


Honestly, this whole thing has been pretty disappointing so far. I mean, what's the worst that could happen (even if Rajoy activates 155)?

new elections (real elections), and separatists get cucked from the current gov
that would be amazing

Here's hoping they vote for independence and stick with it for no less than 8 seconds.

It's about time to bury that shit forever.

Why an ultimatum?
Why don't put in prison Pidgeotto alredy?
What's the point to wait spainbros?

Imagine if this was all some 4D Parchís to make Barcelona lose its power and make Madrid the true leader.

Oh, it's you.

You know, Scotland is part of the UK. If the Scottish feel they should be autonomous and fully independent, they can vote on it and their decision will be respected.

The same can't be said for the Catalans. Instead of proving you're a democracy by giving the Catalonians the chance to express how they feel, you'll write laws forbidding it. They're leaving, you know.

Retarajoy give separatists more credits due to Jordis arrests, if he 155, then the fun will rise again.

>A union of 4 nations in which a nation has the full right to live isn't the same as an actual nation
Really makes me ponder


Catalonia was never a country in the entire History. They just want to push their bullshit on us.
Voting for catalonian freedom is like voting for Camelot's freedom: two imaginary countries, based just in myth





Here comes Rufian the subhuman




The Spanish Legion has been mobilized to crash Catalonia insurrection


Prepare your anuses catalans, you are gonna get raped.

Catalonia said that they will declare independance if Spain triggers their article 155 tomorrow.
I just hope they do it for the nationalism wave that might happen plus seeing the EU and Juncker mad as fuck.


My God, even queers in gay pride looks more straight than - that.

Poor Catalans because of Rajoy, you are independant.

Poor French because of Macron you are black

what's the purple-yellow-red flag?

Probably some neo-marxist agenda, what does it matter what it means?

fuck them being bought off by soros to create smaller nation states in the EU to control just like he waned.

Dont become america, trump allows soros to fuck up our country everyday, him and sessions dont do shit to stop it. Dont end up like us!!!

Flag of the Second Republic. If it has a star, it's the flag of the Communist Second Republic during the Spanish Civil War.

the second republic, who sold itself to communists and anarchists an was banquised by the National Front in the Civil War.
