>The current state of law enforcement
>Yes goyim, guns are evil, just rely on the police!
The current state of law enforcement
>the current state of south american law enforcement
fixed that for you
The day we get to line up Sup Forums-tards up against a wall and shoot them one by one can't come soon enough.
Are you defending this quota filling shitskin that will get someone killed eventually and hating on Sup Forums instead?
It's time to go back, soyboy.
Honestly I'd much rather be shot than have to listen to retard Sup Forums-speech for one more goddamn second.
This. Holy shit I even agree with both his posts. We shouldn't rely on the police, diversity quotas are bullshit. Yet they're presented in such an obnoxious way I can't help but hate this fuck.
Get the fuck off my board
>muh hurt feelings
>muh hate speech
>muh crimethink
Then get the fuck back to /reddit/ or whatever safespace you crawled out of you sjw cucked piece of shit.
Please stop attempting to culturally enrich this board Sup Forumsshit, you're not welcome here unless you can quit sperging out.
I think it's trying to communicate
The only ones that sperged out are those manchildren who screamed Sup Forums at something and started some edgy shittalk about putting people against a wall and shooting them.
>Sup Forums isn’t Reddit
>everything I don't like is Sup Forums
>agreeing with a message but still shooting the messanger anyway because you don't like the way it makes you feel
Wow, what a fag. The real world called, it says it doesn't give a damn about how the truth makes you feel.
remember to type sage into the email field so this thread can die like it should
Not our fault you're such a blight upon the board
>diversity quotas
>not Sup Forums
I'll say this in a way you can understand
You have to go back
>everything I don't like is Sup Forums
sorry, I just have an aversion to siding with children whose parents need to restrict their internet access
>angry about the truth because of who is presenting it
That's liberal tier thinking, user. You should know better.
Holy fuck, this fucking faggot.
Did I just stepped into a Sup Forums themed tumblr blog?
He used the word goyim, I've only see Sup Forumsyards use that terms when making fun of jews.
>I've only seen "thing" used by someone
>therefore its use is exclusive to said someone
You need to be 18 or older to post in this website.
Congrats, you made me a liberal.
I'm gonna go check my privilege now
>Everything I don't like is Sup Forums
>no one else but Sup Forums would ever have any issue with the Jews
>no one else but Sup Forums would ever want to make fun of them
This is what happens when you give a coon a gun.
If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, it's probably a fucking duck.
stop replying he's literally just samefagging to keep the shitass thread alive.
Look a the poster count.
Well, your mom walks like a whore, looks like a whore and dresses like a whore...
>if I think you're X, then you're indisputably X
>poster count: 9
>literally samefagging to keep the shitass thread alive
>thinks samefagging bumps the thread and returns it to page 1
So you were from /reddit/ all along eh? You'll get the ropes soon. But you'll have to live with this freedom of speech thingy, if you don't like it, feel free to go back.
And it hasn't gone up in like 10 posts. Because you just keep flooding
>le Sup Forums boogeyman
posts pretending more than one person in here agrees with you.
>thinks samefagging bumps the thread and returns it to page 1
Posting with your phone as well, like you're doing, does.
>Posting with your phone as well, like you're doing, does.
Holy fuck, you can't make this shit up.
You are the fittest one to go to Sup Forums since you have this big of a tinfoil hat.
>posts pretending more than one person in here agrees with you.
Now check the time between posts and realize your mental retardation.
>nobody could ever agree with you because I say so, so you're using 20 phones and 60 computers just to prove me wrong!
Literally scary. Go back to r/antifa or something.
>poster count: 9
>Stop pretending more than one person agree with you
What did he mean by this?
>implying I have 9 phones
This is my last post in this thread. If there's more than one of you, you should have no problem keeping the thread going.
Have fun talking to yourself.
On the day of the rope, numale soyboys will be the first to go.
jesus christ I was talking to a nogunz euro subhuman mexican? Disgusting.
>gets mad at Sup Forums antisemitism/racism
>buttblasted so bad he needs to be racist to make a comeback
Seriously, how much of a cuck are you? Post cuckfolder.
I even told you I agree with your views.
I just hate YOU. And now I know why.
Because you're a fucking retard that gets mad at words such as goyim? Like a literal unsufferable cunt? Because I meant insult to your precious shitskin?
No matter what, you're still retarded. Keep whiteknighting for other races though, cuck.