Face it. JFK was the greatest US president. Try and convince me otherwise.
JFK redpill
Face it. JFK was the greatest US president. Try and convince me otherwise.
JFK redpill
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Trump will finished what JFK started.
Trump is shit-tier compared to JFK
You have no idea what's coming do you?
Hey. Fuck Israel you faggot.
lemme know when he at least gets rid of the kike thats been running the federal reserve for 11 years strong, you delusional trump cuck
You do realize that is the guy who literally put Japanese Americans into concentration camps, right?
He managed his country at one of the worst times of its economic history, and actually provided the New Deal as a suitable response. If WWII never happened, this guy would have saved his country from the Great Depression
redpill me on this - I thought JFK was a big supporter of Israel?
i remember when i used to believe the top right post, but that was before he became president and proceeded to make the biggest arms deal in history with Saudi Arabia and continue the $13 billion a year gibs to Israel
Should have locked up the chinks, too
Jackie did it
This is very bad, but oh boy is it so not comparable to the Japanese war crimes.
I dont know im calling it for obama as he the 1st BLACK president because that matters
Aside from making your willie tingle with his handsomeness, what did he do that was "great"?
Wow, is he smoking? Doesn't he know how unhealthy that is?
did a quick jewgle to find out and it looks like Israel was actually involved
>What motivation and interest did Israel have in the elimination of President John F. Kennedy (JFK)? The conflict between JFK and Israel was simple, even though the JFK-Ben-Gurion correspondence, that contained evidence of this conflict, was not declassified for at least three decades after JFK’s assassination. Parts of it were kept classified even after a lapse of over four decades. There is nothing in this correspondence that should have been kept secret for so long. The correspondence reveals very clearly that JFK wanted to find out about the activities that were going on at the nuclear reactor that had been secretly built at Dimona. JFK wanted to ensure that Israel would not become a nuclear power. Perhaps the real reason for the concealment of this correspondence was to prevent the American people from becoming cognizant of Israel’s secret nuclear program. Such an awareness on the part of the American people would certainly have, at that time, led to cutting off of much needed American aid to Israel. The real beneficiary of this delayed declassification was only Israel. A deeper reason could be that had the public known of this correspondence, Mossad would have been, along with the CIA, a real suspect in the JFK assassination.
His policies lead directly to the destruction of the British and French empires. He gave you dopes all the rope you need to hang yourself, and you took it. LOL
How about no.
The greatest president ever was Richard M Nixon.
Grew up in rural bumfuck nowhere to be the worlds most powerful man.
JFK established the Peace Corps, launched the Apollo program, and promoted civil rights in signing Executive Orders prohibiting discrimination, laying the groundwork for the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Furthermore, he led the country at a time when the country was on the brink of nuclear Armageddon, something he astutely avoided during the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962. In terms of foreign policy, Kennedy ended Eisenhower's policy of massive retaliation in favor of flexible response, mitigating the possibility of nuclear war by miscalculation. His New Frontier paved the way for increased funding for education, medicare, and government projects. He cut taxes, slashing the top marginal tax rate from 90% to 65%. He stood down US Steel when they raised rates. Furthermore, he stood with West Berlin during the Berlin Crisis. Overall, Kennedy was a grandiose, eloquent leader whose domestic policy saw economic growth and social progress and whose foreign policy prevented nuclear war.
We must go deeper
>Peace Corps
I've met those creeps. Most of the men are homos, and the women are sluts. They give this country a terrible name around the world.
>Civil Rights Act
Kill yourself, faggot.
from wikipedia: Israeli government conspiracy
Immediately following Kennedy's death, speculation that he was assassinated by a "Zionist conspiracy" was prevalent in much of the Muslim world.[425] Among these views were that Zionists were motivated to kill Kennedy due to his opposition to an Israeli nuclear program, that Lyndon B. Johnson received orders from Zionists to have Kennedy killed, and that the assassin was a Zionist agent.[425]
According to Michael Collins Piper in Final Judgment: The Missing Link in the JFK Assassination Controversy, Israeli Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion orchestrated the assassination after learning that Kennedy planned to keep Israel from obtaining nuclear weapons.[426] Piper said that the assassination "was a joint enterprise conducted on the highest levels of the American CIA, in collaboration with organized crime—and most specifically, with direct and profound involvement by the Israeli intelligence service, the Mossad."[427] The theory also alleges involvement of Meyer Lansky and the Anti-Defamation League.[426] In 2004, Mordechai Vanunu stated that the assassination was Israel's response to "pressure [Kennedy] exerted on...Ben-Gurion, to shed light on Dimona's nuclear reactor in Israel".[428] In a speech before the United Nations General Assembly in 2009, Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi also alleged that Kennedy was killed for wanting to investigate Dimona.[429]
Your loser of a president cheated in 1960 to beat Nixon.
Everyone who listened to Nixon on the radio thought he won.
He was smarter. Way smarter. When you could just read his voice or read his articles, it was clear you were dealing with an incredibly smart man.
but no because of JFK and his mafia cronies + having a good hairline, he won in 1960.
which policies are you mentionning exactly?
BTW decolonisation was about to happen anyways.
>Tricky Dick
try again punkin..
T. hapa. Who gives a fuck about sunhumans?
He gave you weapons, loans and moral support. If an isolationist had been in the White House in 1939 (Huey Long or someone along those lines), France and Britain would have never dared to declare war on Germany. The Eternal American tricked Europeans into cutting their own throats. Your stupid politicians had no idea they were signing their own death certificates in 1939.
try harder
crybaby loser. JFK beat your faggot.
slave owner
The aim of the United States during WWII was not to defeat fascism. Their aim was to turn the entire European continent into a pile of ashes and then rebuilt it as a set of vassal states. They were wildly successful, obviously
I speculate that Germany would have wanted to crush down Western Europe sooner or later anyways. Roosevelt didn't trap us in any way. And... Who won?
The aim of the United States is to suck dick
America won, all Europeans lost (even the ones sitting at the victor's table).
Haha burgerposting IRL
And how does that not make him better?
The falklands are British
>Serial philanderer.
>Media were his lapdog that covered up anything truthful about his terrible health and shady political deals.
>This is supposed to be the milestone for US catholics.
He's the Clintons' time travelling secret child. Good riddence.
The only real mystery is that fucking hair though. I get it's combed to the side, but I don't get how it flaps down over his upper forehead. Shit looks cash as fuck.
Legend has it, JFK used this aftershave. Smells awesome.
Yeah, you're right, but that's not Roosevelt's fault. We would have been under German rule if an isolationist president had been elected at that time. And Europe was already getting unpopular before with WWI and colonisation. Nothing to blame Roosevelt for.
>>Civil Rights Act
>Kill yourself, faggot.
People like you don't deserve the rights your given
German rule? Sorta like now with Mama Merkel and your bitch boy president?
i see, your autism makes it hard to relate two variables without changing topics
Still nothing to blame Roosevelt for here :)
and i voted mélenchon so yeah it kinda sucks
I thought this. JFK symbolises America so well as a president. Propper American dream like INIT!
I see you suck dick? The falklands are British, fuck off.
Every French and British leader knew that Roosevelt and his crew were all 100% on their side in 1939. He wanted to enter the war in Europe, badly. That old cripple had the blue balls to turn your continent into ashes. France and Britain wouldn't have had the stones to declare war on Germany if they didn't know America would bail them out eventually. That's just obvious. They knew they had an ace up their sleeve if things went badly for them.
Not true. Britain stood alone” against Nazi Germany in 1940.
Once we did the majority of the work with the USSR, you cripples (in classic USA style) stole the credit.
Probably had it on when he slammed Marilyn Monroe
Imagine how JFK's life and career would have been different had he not gotten his back permanent screwed up on PT109 in WWII. Chronic pain sufferer, inadequate/inappropriate meds given the timeframe, maybe some issues that contributed to the skirt-chasing? Joe Kennedy Jr. was groomed to be the golden boy of the family, educated at Choate, Harvard, London School of Economics, and Harvard Law, but he was killed when his aircraft was shot down over Suffolk England. In hindsight and imho it was an incredibly stupid waste of cultivated leadership. In another timeline Joe Jr would have been a great President.
They didn't stand alone. They knew Roosevelt was their boy. He did everything is his power to get the United States into the war. He dumped loans and war materiel on your country to keep it going. Britain would have been forced to negotiate a peace treaty with Germany after Dunkirk if not Roosevelt and his gang.
>Once we did the majority of the work with the USSR, you cripples (in classic USA style) stole the credit.
The USSR did the vast majority of the work. At any rate, I don't care about taking "credit", I care about results. Britain was one of the most powerful nations the world has ever seen in 1939. What was your country in 1949? It was an impotent backwater, it was Airstrip One. You lost the Second World War, America fooled Britain and all of Europe into killing itself.
>Massive adulterer. I mean, MASSIVE.
>His brother was Ted. That's guilt by association
>His dad was in deep with mafia; that's how JFK got to where he did
>His last name is Kennedy. Their father's entire purpose in life was to put a Kennedy in the Oval Office.
>Fucked up relations with USSR.
>Bay of Pigs catastrophe
>Completely destabilized Central America
>Created the environment that would lead to the fiasco called "The Vietnam War" (should've listened to Eisenhower on Laos).
>Literally used the current Dem playbook on sending a few troops into an area, losing whatever conflict they were engaged in, and then blaming someone else for the strife caused
>Denied France and West-Germany self-determination; adding fuel to an already cucked Germany
>Was a tool for (((them))) and the official formation of security ties with Israel
>Brought us the lovely Ba'athist party of Iraq.
This guy openly hated the CIA, and used them EXTENSIVELY in his foreign policy, and got us into the massive amounts of fucking catastrophes across the globe. Instead of just officially declaring war in places like, Iunno, CUBA, and fucking taking these places outright and freedomizing them, he perpetuated the global conundrum of the Cold War by 30 fucking years with his (and the CIA's) ineptitude.
Nah, fuck this guy. I do still want to understand who/why killed him, but it's pretty obvious it was CIA.