Other urls found in this thread:
>Be zim
>be hungry
>cant get vegetables because supermarkets are empty but it doesnt matter because veg are banned anyway.
I can't wait until next year when he bans literally all food for everyone but the government.
fucking white people
what happens when the state collapses?
can we just move in RWDS and rebuild Rhodesia?
Mugabe is the leader Zimbabwe deserves.
I wish, the UN would probably just take control realistically though.
he's the ultimate white nationalist.
nobody killed more niggers than him.
Does grape drank count as fruit?
>taking control of anything
I can see them making an attempt and failing miserably.
why haven't they done so to Libya?
I don't know much about Libya, did the state collapse? I thought the US just did regime change and put some terrorists in charge.
Yeah we're going to have to wait for this to play out world wide until we can start over once all the niggers starve themselves. All it takes is 2 of us to survive and we're good.
The useless parasite niggers who destroyed everything we left for them in Africa are now moving to Europe, so we might not have to wait much longer for shit to really kick off. We CANNOT continue to feed them forever. Just like Zimbabwe learned, you cant have affirmative action if there is no wypipo
Libya is officially recognized as a failed state
Here, have some mud cookies.
>this is african cuisine
All they need are some fruit conjurers
Fun aside, I have to admint that this is something that scares me about niggers. How can they even survive with this? Did they evolve to plant based Lifefroms that can get nutrients from earth, water, sunshine? While I'm kinda proud of my european neandethal advanced immune system, it kind of dwarfes in face of those undying niggers. They kill each other en mass but the next days there still more niggers than before. They have HIV and other diseases. That russian africa travel pasta, calling dem niggers ghuls... There might be more truth to it then we thought.
>be African
>die of scurvy
Cannibalism when?
I hope the first person they eat is Mugabe.
Dude look into their history they literally are not people. Once whiteys numbers go down those ''smart based blacks'' are out on the street eating eachother
We joke about other races being subhuman, but in reality it's only one.
Relevant Ghuls pasta.
Right after niggers were given control of Southern Africa.
Hell last time I checked they were bashing their babies skulls in because there is a rumor about how there could be gold inside. It was considered an epidemic in SA
SA used to be first world under whites barely even 20 years ago. Now it's worse than the 3rd world (yes that is possible with niggers)
Their president is also a fucking zulu larper
White pipo pls halp
>be nigger
>president bans foreign food
>forced to evolve
>bam Zimbabwe superpower 2100
Mugabe is a fucking genius
Fucking niggers.
Or the Chinks take over and colonize Zimbabwe.
>this is british cuisine
And then triple the African continent's IQ by RICING the populace.
Fucking thirsty chinks.
And enacting a 1-child policy there and preventing the nigger population from reaching 4 billion.
The only worthwhile food Canada has is poutine.
We need a no child policy for streetshitters, niggers and chinks.
Go on, have a pint of the good stuff
At least the brits are eating food, rather than just hardened globs of clay and dirt
why even drink it then?
That's terrifying, like hell on earth.
Probably meant for kids or something or people who are extreme fucking lightweights.
that's still food though
>will eat bread and butter
>will eat toast and butter
>won't eat a toast sandwich
They're nice. The salt and pepper and the difference of texture between the fresh and toasted bread makes it a worthwhile alternative to just eating toast or bread.
That's not a meal but coming from inbred morons that lost their empire like cucks doesn't surprise me a bit
I'm pretty sure willingly eating bull testicle makes you a lot more inbred than people who put toast between bread.
Some food isn't worth eating.
Maybe he knows that Western food aid is literally killing Africa and wants to stop it?
Probably not, though.
if I was starving to death and my only options were either dirt or big mac ice cream shit, then you can bet I'd eat the big mac ice cream shit.
this nigger has no idea wtf he's doing.
Checkmate vegans
Truth. All races would co exist peacefully un yhe modern era if we didnt have islam, communism or blacks.
Does that mean that Meat is back on the menu?
Everytime the UN gets involved with a country, it destabilizes and turns to shit. Kikes, man...
He's competing with Kim for the UN Humanitarian Award.
Do you know anything about Zimbabwe?
Chainiggers lol
My piss has a higher alcohol content
>BBC cucked by SYC
this anime is shit
Only the finest bush meat
Yes. A bunch of niggers tried to WE WUZ their way into sovereignty, but fucked it all up, killed all their farmers, and now they're eating rats.
Utopia right there
We need empirical data on how this changes things. Are Chainiggers still just niggers or black people or super nignogs?
>now they're eating rats
Which is why they're one of the few African nations which need humanitarian aid. Their government's retarded even by African standards and it has literally no idea on how to fix the mess it started.
Pisses me off how niggers ruined a good nation, they even got what they wanted with Zimbabwe-Rhodesia but still didn't stop.
Playing 7d multi universe karmatic snakes and ladders.
You white people wouldn't understand
There's a difference between retarded and corrupt. Humanitarian aid money is basically sent to the government, who wastes it while pocketing some of it. It looks inept, but because the population is so stupid and ignorant, the government can keep doing so. By preventing the population from being fed, it prevents them from actually rising up against the government by weakening them, while also increasing global gibs.
True, the population are so stupid, they think the government are actually good and care about them. There's essentially no opposition there that isn't controlled to fool them into thinking their's "democracy"
They literally got the worst leader they could have, Nkomo would have even been better.
Even the chinese?
To be fair, you are mixing them killing bald men and splitting their heads open for gold with them raping babies to cure AIDS
Same reason people drink webm related
Indians are pure fucking garbage.
They are literally Warhammer 40k orcs.
why are his eyes blurred out like he fucking cares, he's a fucking cannibal and I doubt he's ever used the internet anyway
In libya they will be blown to pieces with suicide bombers, RPGs, and kinds of other nasty shit.
It's unlikely the UN will be blown to pieces by hungry mudhut niggers in Zimbabwe..
that really rustled my jimmies
>humanitarian aid
This has done more to hurt africa than colonization ever did.
>cure/eradicate widespread diseases, population grows due to all 8 kids per family surviving
>send food to help starving africans, population explodes
>bring technology, africans kill each other faster but still not in large enough quantity to offset population growth
>all forms of aid are confiscated through corruption at every opportunity at all levels
They can't be helped without it leading to more africans needing to be helped.
>In June, the government also banned maize imports, saying the country produced enough to satisfy domestic demand.
>we grow enough corn stfu
>starve harder
that really tumbled my kitties
Libya is Ronin
Honestly, this is actually brilliant. Mugabe is definitely a sociopath or something, because this is just horrifyingly brilliant. By banning fruit and vegetable imports, it gives the government an excuse to spend less money, while also starving the population. Then they can get more gibs from the stupid West, which enriches the top of the government even more.
is this shit real?
That looks nasty
But I bet you could dip a grilled cheese sandwhich into a bloody mary to good affect
I agree! Fuck fruit.
Kek. Where was that thread from earlier in the day that claimed Africans can farm again?
this is 100% true
louis theroux even did a doc on it
We should've stopped the ZANU from crossing the Zambezi while there was a chance.
>tfw only got 2 pieces of bread left so cant eat my sandwich
>doing anything productive
Scurvy is going to be on thr rise in Zimbabwe. I guess they want to give Somalia a run for their money for “best pirates 2017”
>inbread morons
It kind of makes sense.
This will make farming more profitable in the country.
If all the farmers get robbed or otherwise attacked, it won't do any good.
If the government protects the farmers during the predictable period of discontent to come...
It might pay off.
It could work, in theory.
How safe is farming in Zimbabwe? Not how productive - how safe?
This has got to be fiction, but it's great fiction. Saved.
What about we archive that?