The novels are just so thin, the anime really did a good job of expanding the story.
ITT: Anime/Manga better than their source material
I haven't read the novels. But I heard the show expanded the shit out of the first book's story. I wish they'd adapted the other books that followed into further seasons.
They didn't expanded the story. They just put in fillers between the story.
Anybody seen the live action adaptation? How does it compare to the anime and if you've read them the books?
Basically everything that happens in the cave and in the house is new content. Balsa also doesn't have to fight that random spear-wielder in the field. As far as I remember, everything that happens in the book happens in the show.
The other books are alright, they're basically young adult books, but I'm sure they'd get similar filler bumps.
It was generally good filler though. And it helped show the relationship growth between Balsa and Chaggum.
I've been trying to get them, but I have no idea how to pirate shit that isn't anime or manga.
>Basically everything that happens in the cave and in the house is new content. Balsa also doesn't have to fight that random spear-wielder in the field.
I kinda figured that. The Balsa's spear breaking and getting it repaired wasn't in the book either from what I understand.
Didn't the anime go a bit more into Balsa and Jiguro's past?
At this point, my only references, apart from what I've heard about the books, is the anime and the live action show.
>classic fantasy adventure done well
Why can't we get more of this shit?
>Didn't the anime go a bit more into Balsa and Jiguro's past?
Maybe a little, but it's pretty much the same.
We used to get quite a bit. Think Twelve Kingdoms, Erin, Lodoss, etc. There has been a crapload of fantasy coming out, but we remember only the best
The one thing I can't seem to get out of recent fantasies are decent visuals. I don't mind the writing so much as long as I get to enjoy the general feeling of embarking on an adventure and experiencing the world through the visuals. The recent Arslan adaptation, for example, would have been perfect for me if it had gotten decent designs and action scenes.
There were only 4 loops in the novel and while they worked better as self-contained stories, I liked the way they handled the interplay between them much more in the anime. Some minor characters and subplots got more space in the anime, too.
Durarara so far I believe. But I never read it so I can't say.
Other than that; I don't believe such a mythical creature exists.
Oh, I bought the books on the cheap. I was talking about the Live Action stuff.
All of them. Manga sucks, LNs are even worse.
Going with the dub because goddamn son, it had no right being as good as it was.
How are the Twelve Kingdom LNs compared to the adaption? I usually won't bother reading LNs but the hole that series left behind is still hurting me. So much was left unresolved and I was so invested.
"Hey, after we finally went through the novel, how about we animate the second one, where Balsa returns to the land of angry badass spear warriors to set shit straight?"
>Anybody seen the live action adaptation?
I have.
>How does it compare to the anime
I think I was spoiled by the Anime. The show's first season is 4 hour-long episodes. If you've only seen the anime,
stuff about them basically laying low and living in the countryside is not there. Sagum is basically background character and does nothing (except die), Shuuga's investigation of the oncoming drought in the wake of Chagum's 'death' is shortened significantly (or outright gone), Toya and Saya appear only after Balsa and Chagum's escape from the palace, the 2nd Empress and Hibitonan are possibly in an affair and the Emperor is actually a badguy and is teetering on madness.
That's just off the top of my head.
That's a lot closer to the book.
>The show's first season is 4 hour-long episodes
*4 one hour-long episodes
At least the main conflict was resolved. It's rare nowadays that a standard 2 cour anime adaptation of a part of a series feels as complete as Moribito does.
The novels are real good about not getting ahead of themselves. They deal with one big plot at a time, which makes them nice to adapt.
I had heard that most of the books were still untranslated. Is this so, or do some of you guys read moonspeak?
The first two are translated, but they both follow similar patterns, I assume the other ones will follow suit.
Probably wouldn't be too hard to translate them if you can find the original text, they're made for teenagers.
no, the spear breaking was in the books - in fact there was a pretty major plot point revolving around it getting fixed if memory serves
it doesn't sell particularly well, because elevens have the shittiest possible taste
I want to see the dark underground magical scale god monster and her fight against her great mentor spirit animated so fucking bad, goddamn
yeah, only the first 2 books are officially localized, unsure if anyone's doing fan translations though
>no, the spear breaking was in the books
I don't think it was, but it's been a while since I read them. They get out of the city, go see Tanda, go to that village, go to the cave for Winter, and then in the Spring the Egg hatches.
But yeah, the second season would have a great ending, lots of cool spear fighting.
twelve kingdoms are not LNs. They are Books. Some of them have been released in english.
Rad, thanks.
apparently wikipedia disagrees with me, but these had a lot of pages and no shitty anime illustrations. Felt like a regular YA book.
NHK ni Youkoso
The anime handled Yamazaki's character way better than the novel's wallowing druggie.
>Never will get a full adaptation
you wouldn't want a full adaptation, just imagine the QUALITY you'd get in the 300+ episodes it'd take to do part of the story justice