What's the pic related of anime...

What's the pic related of anime? Something that built up a lot of hype and seemed to have potential only to completely fail and piss off everyone. Most recent thing I can think of is Aldnoah Zero.


Mars of Destruction.

MN9 is a mediocre game that got overhyped, you get examples pretty much every season.



Any show we thought was going to 'save anime'

Gantz, Ninja Slayer, Arslan, Naruto part 2.

Fractale probably.

SAO? Though SAO was waaaay bigger than MN9.

Eureka 7
Every hyped flavor of the month anime spammed on Sup Forums

>no mention of Berseker

Haruhi S2
Aldnoah Zero
Berserk 2016

>Berserk 2016
Nah we knew it was going to be shit the moment we learned about the CGI

Trigger is basically Comcept.

>no unironically enjoying YEAAART!!!

>Haruhi S2
Haha if we're just talking in terms of hype. What would actually be the videogame equivalent of Endless 8?

>Endless Eight
What a goddamn fucking ride that was. Just watching everybody's reaction to it was magical.

Under the dog?

>ctrl+f brs

wow. really? no one?

I don't remember that having a ton of hype, and it wasn't THAT disappointing.

I thought Ninja Slayer might work, but a lot of people seem to have liked it ironically. Berserk 2016?

Honestly, the only people that hyped ald noah were the people making it along with the handful of idiots believing them.

Most people were there for the trainwreck.

>What would actually be the videogame equivalent of Endless 8?
Any game that requires grinding excessively for an item

>Ninja Slayer

The second part of Bravely Default

I guess nobody here knows why MD Geist is a meme.