Who's finna win?
Cruz vs Bernie
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who watches CNN?
What the fuck is the point of this?
new season of the biggest loser
Who asked for this? Why do they keep doing it? Didn't they already do this and Cruz eviscerated Bernie?
To make Bernie look like a socialist/commie fucking knownothing retard. It's what happened last time when they debated healthcare, and it was awesome.
Cruz pointed out we literally couldn't pay for everyones healthcare even if we taxed all the rich people at 100% and Bernie just kept yelling "it's a human right!!!!"
The eternal cuck will get cucked again by the Cruz missile in The Biggest Loser: Season 2.
Bernie doesn't know jack shit except bumper stickers.
He might have some devious master plan behind it all or just be outright retarded but he sure as shit isn't elaborating on anything he opens his mouth about.
sure hope no one is watching that until its on youtube
Wow. The same unsuccessful bread you baked an hour ago. Well done!
Bernies future is more like picrelated
Remember when both of these chumps got blown out by a political neophyte and a retread extremely unpopular, physical and mental wreck politician? I remember.
>based on policy positions
aka horseshit?
cruz's future looks aesthetic as fuck though
last debate they had Cruz swept the floor with barney Sanders
Good tv. Can't wait for punished Cruz to demolish Bernie
this is a shit ad, you can literally say the exact same thing with any other person.
>Cruz pointed out we literally couldn't pay for everyones healthcare even if we taxed all the rich people at 100% and Bernie just kept yelling "it's a human right!!!!"
Human Rights without Human Obligations...best part was where Bernie said that the hair salon lady should raise her prices to pay for employee health care...sad when free market health care would be so cheap....also need to cut out the Jew lawyers who sue in the health care industry.
Let's go Zodiac Killer, kicked that crooked conman commie kike in the fucking teeth.
>Inb4 muh “1%”
Wtf is up with that photo is it real?
Sup Forums mods
even the audience asking questions blew barney sandals the fuck out
Ted doesn't have anything better to do?
Boxing or MMA?
Imma go with cruz on this obviously informed pictorial representation of absolute fact too. We tristram now.
its out of context, apparently the guys were trying to carry her somewhere and were taking turns, kind of like passing her down a line
holy kek
I'm ded
Fuck, I hope Cruz runs every year forever just for the influx of delegate memes. Anyone got any good ones?
>Bringing ratings to CNN
They should debate on InfoWars or fuck the fuck off
Are the cruz missiles locked and loaded?
>we literally couldn't pay for everyones healthcare even if we taxed all the rich people at 100%
Then how do Western countries that have universal health care do it?
gotchu covered, son.
teddy boy was the best part of the elections
Fuck off troll
Are we operating under some illusion where Ted Cruz isn't bought and owned by the Mercer family?
If so I think Ted has better rhetoric. He didn't get to where he is by being anything but lyin' Ted. Bernie will likely just make an honest appeal to the poor, but the human slime will find a way to twist it easily. He is likely well prepared for Bernie's talking points.
These debates are almost always worthless because the facts are already available to us. Even fucking Fox news is calling this tax plan a fucking giveaway to the rich. That is saying something.
They make you wait until you die.
>le no refunds man
>honest appeal to the poor
Imagine being this much of an idealistic faggot.
His GOP opponents called him the most honest man in the senate. Continue with your meme arrows though, kiddo. Sargon would be proud.
they won't be able to in 20 years when all the white people start dying off and the population is 15% niggers
>His GOP opponents called him the most honest man in the senate
Gee, sure means much if some lying neocons call you honest. Bernie is nothing more than another politician. He just panders towards naive students instead of naive rednecks. It isn't hard to realize that "le help da poor" is nothing more than an excuse to strenghten the government and get more money in his pocket.
2020 for Cruz
i'd be surprised if sanders was around in 2 years
Christ Ted is such an ugly FUCKING rat
Didn't this happen already? I swear a Bernie vs Ted debate on CNN aired maybe 6 months ago. Checked
Cruz is a kike cock sucker. There is a reason he was known as El Rato before be bent the knee to Trump (purely for the survival of his career).
Yes it is another one. Bernie likes the beatings. IIRC Zodiac wiped the floor with him during the last one.
Holy fuck I get to watch bernie get BTFO AGAIN?!?
I'm a mother fucking #cruzmissle yall
They debated on healthcare the last time. And yeah, bernie got btfod by based zodiac killer.
Worse quality, lower quantity, and you use our fucking military to settle your scores
You made it further than I did.
Cruz looked like a used car salesman and Bernie is literally a jew.
Because they want to fantasize about a world without Trump. They also can't admit that Hillary was second place so they have Cruz debating her top contender.
Basically you are watching two has been cucks argue over who is less of a cuck on a network full of has beens.
Whats the difference between the Hillary, Cruz and Trump ones?
High quality meme.
Don't have 330 million people, have low population growth compared to productivity and GDP growth, have a homogeneous culture with a common high work ethic, inordinate amount of natural resources compared to population.
Take Sweden up until presently. 5 million people....3 million less then a metro where I live. sub-1% population growth. 98% native Swedish, stupidly high education rate. State run energy company and public investment that didn't fall into corruption to fund it.
Now they done fucked up their snow paradise. The luxury of socialized health care meets an endless tide of professional breeders and illiterate do nothings.
To make the democrats look retarded.
Watch the last debate.
>Canadian Hispanic immigrant violently assaults elderly man in front of camera
The Republicans need all the help they can get, Trump is just a constant fuckup. His policies are not wrong, but he keeps doing stupid shit like the NFL and now the fallen soldier widow thing.
Because they weren't (until recently) flooded with shitskins who take more than they make.
This is gonna be brutal. Ted destroyed Bernie on healthcare and he has even a better chance with tax reform
Why don't you kill yourself, faggot. Trump is a literal kike lover too, he goes out of his way to win votes from a community that wouldn't vote for him. That just makes him a kike lover in the first place.
Anything is better then watching Trump.
>Mah millionaire and billionaire!
>Single paya healthcare
>Free college
God Sanders is a dumbass. The only thing I agree with him on is Universal Basic Income but everything else he is retarded with his strawmans.
you sure it isn't the same man?
>full beard, forehead covered
>nice manicured beard and haircut
>total dad look.
Checked taht dankness.
By not spending all our money on nukes, guns, burgers and child beauty pageants.
Why do people care about what non-presidents debate about society?
>tfw when you think cruz's future looks like a typical day of our ancestors in Europe. looks comfy.
Like was it bad enough that even cucks admitted it?
Are you willing to give up most of the government's social services for 800/month? More important is Grandma willing to give up her SSN check, Medicare, VA benifits and the like so her dumbass grandson get the same check as her?
Pepperidge farm remembers.
Why do people care about anything anyone says? It's just entertainment and another chance for your side to "win"
If you like Bernie then Bernie wins, if you like Cruz then Cruz wins
Time to start donating for 2020!
The thing is you can axe a few berough programs and make up the difference. Especially the UPS, cut down the IRS etc. Also it does not help that our government takes from the welfare fund and uses it pay off debts.
Cruz will wipe the floor with him just like the healthcare debate. His arguments will literally be "DUH WUN PARCENT!" and Cruz will cut him down with common sense.
I can't believe Bernie is doing this again after that embarrassment.
Low, Flat Rate
Postcard Simple
Immediate Expensing
Lower Corporate Rate
End Death Tax
End Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT)
What does
We'll hold up. They are not scientists, they are not debating scientific inquiries, there is no new research that is to be revealed. They are also not philosophers, engineers, inventors, not powerful and influential and have no special knowledge about what they are talking about. So it's literally just opinions from dried-up losers?
I am far right and i prefer Bernie, seriously.
it's like every fucking year is an election year
The world uses our countries military like buzzfeed uses "Nazi", and they refuse to pay us in return. We can have shitty socialized stuff or be the global hegemony, your choice.
Don't get in my way Bernie. This isn't about you. It never was. This is between me and Dahnald. Dahnald, tonight we settle the score.
It's a negroid contraction of "fixing to" which is southern slang for "going to" or "getting ready to"
>They are not scientists, they are not debating scientific inquiries, there is no new research that is to be revealed. They are also not philosophers, engineers, inventors, not powerful and influential and have no special knowledge about what they are talking about
Literally NO ONE would watch any of that shit. Again, it's just entertainment. Dried up losers is kind of ignorant as both of them are still active in the government of this country.
I've got all of my ted cruz memes [spoiler]saved on my phone[/spoiler]
[spoiler]I'm not even a phone poster but for some reason I have a shit ton of ted cruz memes saved on my phone[/spoiler]
>Go to ER
>"It's a 5 day wait or you can pay $20,000 and get treatment now"
>"N-no I'll w-wait heh..I'm just glad I don't have to pay"
>Get a disease from all the dead bodies rotting around you in the waiting room
>Die 4 days into waiting
>You had a hairline fracture in your arm
You know who
the west is subsidized by the US military. It's never a fair comparison.
>The only major non-subsidized military country in Europe is Russia which has terrible universal healthcare.
>europeans will soon understand the cost of an ethnic underclass.
No I don't claim US healthcare is great. We have other issues such as patent law being misused and the ama restricting the amount of doctors.
>In my meeting with important people in the construction industry it is believed healthcare will crash and be replaced with HSA's+catastrophe coverage.