Fake (?) spoiler are here. Pic unrelated.
686 - Young Men Tale
The color page recreates the one from chapter 1 once again including Chad, Orihime, Ishida, Tatsuki, Keigo and Mizuiro as Adults. The page announces "余分ブック - HIMMEL REICH" being released together with Volume 74. Ishida appears in Soul Society wearing a black suit and some cloth over half his face. He shoots a giant arrow at Mayuri before running away, but Nemu somehow absorbs it with her palm. Moments later she falls to the ground. Akon leaves to meet the captains, but black matter destroys the route he wanted to take. Elsewhere Urahara opens a gate for Ichigo, Chad and Orihime. At the captains meeting Ishida tells them to leave, because Yhwach is returning, but they refuse. When he suddenly tries to shoot an arrow right through Kyoraku's chest, Ichigo interfers. He reveals that he was suspicious of Ishida's Reiatsu these past ten years and that he knew someting was changing, though Ishida musn't worry about it. Yhwach's ability allows him to survive any damage as long as someone who drank his blood exists by slowly taking over their body from the inside. Orihime traps Ichigo and Ishida in some kind of enormous room made out of several shields. Ishida takes his cloth of and we see that half of his face is black with several eyes and one vertical mouth. A tear runs down his face as he smils as Ichigo. The later smirks back and attacks him with his Bankai as Ishida creates a sword out of light and clashes with him. Ichigo explains that he heard Yhwach saying that he will return when they have their happiest moment, but assures him that his happiest moment is now, because he's finally strong enough to defeat Yhwach and save his friends on his own. End.
It's fake, the spoilers come out tomorrow chill out guys.
Here's what I don't get. Full bringers power is utilized by with a physical object they have an emotional connection with so how was Tsukishima able to use his power in the soul society? He died and became a spiritual being composed of reishi. His bookmark is a physical object that can't enter the soul society. How is this possible.
how many hours
Kubo is a hack.
It's the ghost of his bookmark.
Spoilers out
They can. Objects can be transformed into Reishi. Like Ginjou's body, Uryuu's Quincy cross, or Orihime's hair pins. Kukkaku probably just took their Fullbring from the world of the living and gave them the Fullbringer.
orihime kurosaki cooks for her wonderful husband!
orihime a cute!
They can because of The Soul
Who is the big guy of Bleach?
tatsuki and orihime a cute
I literally love Orihime Inoue!
>mfw second to last page is blank only with the words "Your Soul" a la the heart
>last page shows the words cut into pieces
>what matters is our keikaku
>(keikaku means plan)
Jidanbou of course.
>not gerard
>gratuitous upskirts plz
Smug Yoruichi best Yoruichi
Could Tsukishima change the past and make bleach a good manga?
Seems like we raped OPM. They are crying.
Show me.
For that we'd need a different writer. Like Togashi or ONE.
What happened with Saitama?
Look at the comments, just use google translate. They deaded.
kek, meant OPN.
hell yeah
YoruIchi will happen
So the spoilers will come in tomorrow, but how early/late? Can someone give me an estimate in Eastern time?
leave the nips alone
Yeah here you go man.
Fireden archive is dead for me.
use desustorage
Holy shit. KEK.
Not bad Sup Forums, your raid almost as good as Sup Forumstard if you're serious enough like this.
Desustorrage doesn't have the posts I am looking for.
so on thursday?
When ISN'T Fireden dead?
>Is it possible that the administrator of this blog is to ban the IP Posted in English?
It hurts, user. The nostalgia is physically painful.
I'll tell them what's going on, hopefully they understand and learn to ignore.
Ded for me too
Ded for me too
Alive, but can't search for shit
He's joking right? He posted that to make us leave?
Say that it's LoN's fault.
Has anyone ever had that moment in your life?
It hurts that she won't end up with him
Too lazy. Plus, it'll be too cringy.
>Raiding the nips
I thought you faggots couldn't reach a new level of pathetic tonight, but you surprised me.
When I was 15 I really did have a vertigo episode. Shit was scary.
If we get them in the morning it has to be before 10:00 am.
If we get them at night it will.be around 12:00 am
Coincidence? I think not.
Daily reminder that Ichigo is a Bad Religion fan
Nips are on suicide watch
>Plus, it'll be too cringy.
Please, that's the definition of Sup Forums's singing.
So is this ending soon or nah?
Don't want resume reading until it's finished
This OP's so fucking good.
>This was never an insert song
next chapter will be the last which will be out in at most in 2 days.
Well, technically It's not raid, since Sup Forumsnon didn't do that intentionally.
Simply put, shipwar is leaking from Sup Forums and reach OPN.
>Sup Forumsnon didn't do that intentionally.
yeah, they accidentally shitposted on OPN. totally by mistake.
Nips in despair!!
Oh, this is another one.
Fuck, they're plenty now.
I wonder if 3 and 5 are Royal
stop pls
The last forever or of this arc?
If the spoilers aren't coming till tomorrow, when is the chapter supposed to be? I thought it came out on Thursdays.
5 clearly. 3 is probably some nip who knows Sup Forums.
I want spoilers but not yet. My Internet died and it's getting fixed tomorrow. If not I'll be fucking mad because I don't wanna miss the shistorm...
I wouldn't call it a shipwar either, since these threads have been in full shitpost mode since last friday, being the latest ones the worst.
It does. The spoilers should come out at the usual time too, i.e. late tonight or tomorrow morning.
Why do idiots ruin everything? This is why slant eyed monkeys don't like you.
its the final chapter of the series since it was confimed 2 weeks ago this new chapter will be the final chapter of the series but we are getting some kinda of big bleach announcement along side the chapter so it could be a sequel.
Kubo's Movie seems good.
I can wait for the new anime.
Everythings look good
> Reminder that LoN is a tripfaggot and should be filtered.
can't argue with this
>implying you didn't post that yourself
is this supposed to be byakuya???
>more than one minute gap
LoN, stop.
>implying i don't filter every tripfag
>yfw Kon is the new Spirit King
can you faggots leave them alone?
>this bait
This user is based
He needs him own body desu
At least there is not an spic user who posts in spic claiming to be Chad
Does Kubo shitpost on /fa/?
>At least there is not an spic user who posts in spic claiming to be Chad
Why give us ideas tho
Do they not have mods?