any Gold Star families here on Sup Forums? the Associated Press would like to hear from you if you are.
Any Gold Star families here on Sup Forums? the Associated Press would like to hear from you if you are
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>no link
become an hero, newfag
What's a gold star family mister?
>a Gold Star family
What a faggy term.
Do the bengazi bro's count?
yeah, get Sean Smith's SA bros on the line
It’s the surviving family of a military member killed in combat.
Funny that it's literally "you get s gold star for dying for neocons"
>are you a democrat who lost a loved one in bushes war?
>If so we want to hear your story that can help get trump thrown out of office
This must be the new narrative of the week.
Hillary gets everyone killed at Benghazi, but Trump is a meanie!!!11
funny how no one ever heard of this dumb term until BLUMPF ATTACKS A GOLD STAR FAMILY, WE CAN'T GIVE HIM THE NUCLEAR CODES
really makes ya think
really makes you think
>gold star families
wow antisemitic?!
I just ate two quarter pounders and a large fry and now I'm hungry again, thanks.
Sounds like ((they)) are trying to undermine military support for Trump. Things must be picking up quickly now.
AP does own research? I always assumed they were just kund of like a broker?
Yeah, I never heard about it until the Khan family.
When my son died in Iraq, I received a call from an obviously intoxicated Obama. He described my son's torture and execution in vivid detail then said he wished the same for all white soldiers. He then asked me if my ass was "fat" and invited me to the White House for coke and interracial sexual relations with him and his friends.
Why are you defending drumpf? He was personally responsible for this kids death and he told his family that "I guess it still hurts." It's such an embarrassment that we elected this clown.
>Le Goldstar families
KhanGate 2.0
my bad
sounds legit enough to report desu
>Gold Berg Families
anyone have the image from around the conventions last year that compared the press response to Khan to Sean Smith's mother?
>Confidentially share
So how many of these Gold Star families will be from West Philadelphia and have walked the dinosaur? Inquiring minds want to know.
If you have two members of the family die then you also get a yellow star from Israel.
>obama was a smug asshole to me in a call
still looking
We should spam them with messages claiming to be gold star moms who were sexually assaulted by Trump at the white house.
Drumpf raped me over the phone
bingo, found it
Oy vey, of course it's legit, would I lie?
>t.anonymous sources
but goy, we can't trust single nameless sources when it comes to Obama!
I can't get in trouble for stolen valor if I write them a story, correct?
basically you can only get into legal trouble for stolen valor if you abuse it to try to obtain special privileges, like free drinks or something
Yes the set up for 'an anonymous source told us' b.s.
Here, I've just given you a gold star, you may now officially tell your tale to them.