>comparing confederates with nazis is unfai-
Comparing confederates with nazis is unfai-
Other urls found in this thread:
three letter plant
literally no one has any info or knowledge of him
FBI user here , where were you when the Cedar Creek Reenactment was bombed ?
can i see your boipucci :3
What's up FBI?
explain drumpkins!
Hahaha nigger is u srs?
Why did they blow up a bunch of reenactors?
Don't they know they are endangered due to their low numbers already.
The shills are going hard with non-stop all day slide threads. WTF is going on?
See? Had Hillary been elected, these nazi cucks would still be cowering in their mother's dank basements.
LMAO at your life, you faggo
>brand new nazi flag
>only guy there with one
>looking nervous as fuck
okey doke
Can I slide into your dms? What's your insta, girl?
Careful, getting too mad will net you a heart attack you can't afford.
Who am I kidding? Get mad! You'll certainly please all of us, so don't mind us!
Morons allowing the nazi flag guy to discredit them, they should have beat his ass and took his flag
Leftists infiltrators, I called it since day one
Who are these clowns? They look like fucking feds
Both groups are racist faggots. No difference.
I bet they dream of getting cucked by some strong bull
>Nazis are now leftists
>slide threads
Lol, look the wrinkles on that plant flag.
Why brings you niggers to Sup Forums today?
Saging this slide thread is unfai-
Hey rabbi, whacha doing?
What, Sup Forums is exclusive to some people now? You're just being silly.
>national socialist
Really activates those almonds doesn't it?
National *Socialism* is a Left wing ideology
Yeah. Lots of shills with spam threads apparently attempting to slide something. You faggots were not here over the past few days and now today it seems to be non-stop.
looks like it had been unboxed an hour before
Wut? When ?
>Being this uneducated!
Do you even know what their economic policies were?
Well the spam wasn't this bad yesterday and now it is. What changed?
fucking towel head go fuck a goat or a fucking 3 year old you pedofile sand nigger.
That's controlled opposition you dirty democrat. No one in their right fucking mind would do this retarded shit even if they were a national socialist.
>one Nazi flag
Omg literally all whites a nazis
you're fucking delusional m8
If that's the case, then the Democratic People's Republic of Korea is as free as America, right?
my sides have left the western hemisphere
>Sup Forums calls it a false flag but has no evidence to show for
Every fucking time.
B-but the flag is brand new
It IS free. Free for corporations and the 1% to do as they please, that is.
Go suck off horse dick to pay for your meth addiction, Billy Bob-Bo-Beep Jr..
Left or right?
Couple libertarian flags sprinkled in there also.
>loved it
r_pol my friend
Why is there so many creases in the flag? A proud Nazi would iron his flag after it has been flying so gloriously on his flagpole, before tucking it in at night
Checkmate Jüden.
Spam of what? You're being autistic and delusional about literally nothing, mate.
Can you be any more retarded? We all know they are fucking commies or I should say "juche"
>Those flags
>Straight out of a packet
Really joggins my noggins
The best thing they could do is carry American flags, especially when it comes to how they look to normies.
>every reply to a post calling out shills is a memeflag poster
wow, imagine my shawk
>neo-nazi who doesn't iron out his flag
what kind of supposed fanatic would be so disrespectful toward their ideology's flag?
right, an FBI agitator
>being enough of a retard to unironically confuse nazism with communism
I thought Justin was gonna improve your shit education, ya dogfuckers.
oh wait, is that an actual Saudi flag? do the Wahhabi camel herders grace us with their presence?
how goes the caravan robbing?
Yea I've studied the NSDAP quiet a bit.
Why is this single flag, with this single doofus plant looking motherfucker posted over and over and over again, as so called "proof" that "Nazis are everywhere"?
Why? Also, they look like feds and cops.
You came to the conclusion that it's a bunch of bullshit, right?
I was talking about NK you dipshit, learn to read
>Saudi Arabia
A goat is waiting for you Ahmed
emahgen mah shawk when retards fall for bait and think it's slide threads
Their sugar kike soros just pumped 18 BILLION into his open orifices foundation, they can afford sociology and gender studies students now
Seriously, what brings you faggots here today? Anyone know what all this spam is for?!
what's so memeatic about the flag, burger-kun?
>burger """banter""" is this weak
Even stick-in-the-mud krauts come up with better banter than you fags ever will.
no, Its very misrepresented though and very few people even know anything about it other then "muh 6 million jews" and of course some propaganda
I'm going to skin people alive if you don't stop false flagging and gaslighting.
Surely he didn't just bought that flag.
Ah, so you are retarded. thanks for playing
My stomach is seriously hurting from laughing dude, stop it you're gonna kill me
Come on man, you're legitimately mentally-ill if you think anything is out of the ordinary.
How's it like to get your boipussy sandwiched by a huskie and a paki, Justin?
I see. Thanks.
That dirty kike is always up to something.
No! Really!?
Who'd of thunk it?
it's funny you talk all this talk and follow these bullshit rabbitholes, while calling people who are making fun of it "shills" and the threads "slide threads" i used to not want to muddy the waters here, but it's so cloudy i get my fun posting in.
Talking to the wrong guy, I am from Québec AKA the red pilled province
oh its that one group of people in cville again.
>halp halp the Nazis are everything
Nah. This much all day spam bullshit is not normal. Usually its tied to some event or happening.
>Calls me a retard
>Doesn't read any books
>just swallows propaganda all day
I've studied all sorts of other ideologies also
Marxism, Libertarianism, Liberalism, ect, ect
I mean if your just gonna sit there and call me a retard for stating the fact that a large portion of people dont even do research in good faith because of your own personel "bias" then thats pretty sad and shows how shit our society has become
What the fuck did I just say? Do you worthless cocksuckers want to be responsible for this?
wouldn't an actual Nazi already have a Nazi flag at home that he has had for years?
my sides are about to leave orbit if you keep this up!
I'm not fucking laughing, and good luck connecting a bunch of skinned corpses to "right-wing terrorism". You'll just have bodies, and a complete waste of time having aggravated harm to innocent lives.
Honeypot isn't so sweet anymore, is it?
>basically Syria and Lebanon's North American territory
If anything, you're BLACK-pilled.
I'd tell you to book an appointment with a psychologist since you're way too loco, but that'll require you to sell your house and car first.
Nyah :3
>can't even iron their flags
low energy to the extreme
Wew lad, it's almost like Democrats aren't people ...
there's something so comforting about seeing only, 100% white faces. It's so rare now in much of America, when I see it it feels clean and right
That's some hard hitting evidence there. You smart. You a lawyer or somefin?