These are your americans tonight
These are your americans tonight
Other urls found in this thread:
Holy shit. Babes from the real America.
Sauce please
Ok. What's a World Extremer though?
They're making my south rise again.
Those are some patriotic looking Americans.
Murica makes the best cowgirls and kunoichi
Did someone say AMERICA?
I bet she wants to MAGA
Here's a more accurate picture
>that ending
I'm dying
okay now I have to read it
>average americunt
Me on the left.
who's the artist?
Do you happen to know the sauce? Google, iqdb, saucenao, and all the image searches I tried didn't work.
Let freedom ring.
Hold on, is that...
>still no sauce
You faggots are useless
>calls us useless because he isn't smart enough to do something himself
Im sure youll find it eventually
Dat Tuna Empire, though I prefer Native Americans
took a second for me to see it.
i recognize the artist at first glance, why dont you?
oh yeah, because you're a newshit
Freckles are disgusting
>confederate flag top
You're disgusting
its the same artist who did the osama bush doujin isn't it?
Yea, Kinokonokko
I checked its gallery and OP doujin is not there.
They're at most 50% american with a japanese dad or something
100% americans don't exist in grorious nipon wolrd
Love this guy's works. Wonder if he'll do another GitS doujin.
Guys i need the spurce google and source nao gives nothing
"American" is a state of mind, not a race.
Spend more time masturbating, youll begin recognizing artists right away.
Is that a bulge?
>Is that a bulge?
_I_ wish.
>tfw you won't get source and you have to skim anthologies because a faggot had to throw a fit
thanks a lot fampai
Iowa does funny things to me
My nigga.
Sauce me nigga sauce me
So you can't recognize the artist?
Are they stands?
His stories are always batshit insane. I first thought it was the translations, but apparently it's just he's crazy. Draws some great sex though. Is that actually translated? don't recall seeing the confederate bikini before but he's done a ton of american sluts.
Kumamon is a very popular mascot in Japan.
Never got translated, but there's enough engrish that it gets the point across well enough
>Hurr we won't give sauce because le secret club and le secret artist
Reddit tier cancer
>file name
Well, judging by the dialog...
The artist was already mentioned in this thread.
Waiting for that obligatory american loli doujin.
I recognize him, that's why I'm having to skim anthologies
Yeah. Found it. I love his American sluts. He seems to be ok at engrish usually, though what the hell is kugyou? He also seems to really love that bear.
It's japanese but the translator was shit
>file was detected as monotone
You don't need to search anthologies you just have to search the artists name and show expunged galleries to find it though.
>some reason
That was back when hentai actually got localized.
Thank god people brought Bible Black over. Imagine having it be censored only.
Expunged did it.
Thanks user.
Sauce pls
not translated on the panda...
don't try dude, it's just sad
Sure smells of fish in here.
I finally found it, and I didn't even knew recognize the artist.
Fuck this, its not even translated
I don't mind I just want
[spoilr]who's the artist?[/spoiler]
Tuna Empire
It's short for Million Dollar EXTREME WORLD peace
This is great
Sam, no one is going to promote your show
This is to fucking funny to fap to. I want to know what American porn Maguro has been watching. Is the japanese dialog as funny? I'd love to see a translation of it if so.
As a hint follow what other people in the thread have said and add train. first result.
Does this even count as chikan though? Other then her probably raping the schoolboy I don't see much rape going on.
Nigger detected
>Ive seen her gun deck
yo, this guy's got a bayo lookalike doujin
>blonde haired
>baby blue eyes
>big boobs
>cowboy hat
>random english phrases
I know its cliche as fuck but I still love it.
>Extreme Commuter Train In Japan
For all the people who are too retarded to find it.
>needing translations to fap to pictures
I'll never understand the pleb mindset
panda still got nothing.
>Having shit taste
>Extreme Commuter Train In Japan
literally the first result in google, kill yourself
well excuse me for not wanting to search for sketchy porn on google.
>Confederate traitor scum
Not even the first time He's used those two. I want to watch that triathlon. Why suddenly random double dicked futa who sometimes has one dick?
I can't take this seriously, because I'm imagining all the english voiced by shitty porn actors trying to sound turned on and sexy
Guy jean
a real american bean
I'm laughing to much hearing english hentai dubbed dialogue. He does this a lot too.