whats the easiest way to know if someones a Sup Forums user no matter their beliefs?
Whats the easiest way to know if someones a Sup Forums user no matter their beliefs?
Drop esoteric euphemisms.
ask if said person knows who Sup Forums is and what does he do
true if big
they said based about something non politic related
You check if they're incel. If so, there's a 99 percent chance they're a Sup Forums user.
you don't because they don't talk about Sup Forums irl in any way shape or form
I try to avoid other who I think browse this place because we're weirdos
I had a professor call somthing a nothingburger and it was hard not to laugh just because I didn’t expext it.
A person who is nice and good-humored, doesn't take offence to anything, doesn't just run with the normie narrative, thinks critically, never mentions Sup Forums use unless asked by a fellow Sup Forumstard, hates normie social media, actually understands Pepe/meme culture...
There's quite a few
First two rules of Sup Forums fagot
Sup Forums is like fight club. We all know the rules right?
>how do you do fellow raysis
Walk around with a piece of clothing bearing the Canadian flag and keep an ear out for "fucking leaf"
Nothingburger is a commonplace saying.
This. Plus if you looked at me you would never assume I even know what Sup Forums is.
pol users say degenerate way more then normies
Sums us up quite beautifully.
Mention /pathoflight/.
This is a true story that happened a week ago
>Be me
> Working Security at a store
>Man in a trench coat walks up to me
>Tells me I need to wear a body cam because if I have to kick out a shoplifter and if he is black I will loose my job
> I ask him if he is a Sup Forums user
> he says yes and asks how I know
> I tell him its because he dresses like a jew
> We both smile and wish each other a good day
>never mentions Sup Forums unless asked by a fellow Sup Forumstard
If both people are Sup Forumsacks, then according to you neither of them would mention Sup Forums, therefore that conversation would never happen because no one would ever ask. You wrote a contradiction.
Person keeps referring to articles/facts/ideas they saw on a 'forum' or 'message board'. It's always Sup Forums
plus will have the best building7 png/gifs
do they whisper when then say the jews did it all
Ask "are traps gay?" If the subject understands the sentence and answers, the individual uses /pol.
Good on you user. Not many people understand.
If they experience massive secondhand embarassment from shitty memes here that arent normie tier
They use that term on CuckNN
If they know most "comedians" are just unfunny faggots maybe?