Meet the curent biggest controlled opposition /Pol...

Meet the curent biggest controlled opposition /Pol , I see faggots that have been redpilled but still watch this faggot and support him and somewhat don't notice the fact that he's a shill piece of shit, he always brings up the NWO the globalists and ''them'' but when somebody calls it like it is they're anti-semetic and he bitches and whines about jew this jew that, why do faggots still support this fat lying pile of shit?

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>another absolute garbage bread
Fucking terrible effort. Up your game, antifa loner.

Lol you're fucking retarded bro, this faggot is the biggest kike dick sucker out there, I bet that's you tryping to save your goy skin you fucking faggot.


Stay single, unemployed and living mit Mutti, antifag.

>Lol you're fucking retarded bro, this faggot is the biggest kike dick sucker out there, I bet that's you tryping to save your goy skin you fucking faggot.
jesus man, you should try a little harder.

do people like you realize you're just spreading these news outlets farther and wider? I found Infowars on a CNN comments section (ha, comments are long since removed from CNN) during the Bundy incident and have been listening to them ever since.

you posting these unsolicited attacks against their credibility is only going to make people wonder what the fuss is about

Lol you'v got to be kidding me pal, did you read the post and view the video in it? there's tourettes and kike cum dripping out the side of your lips buddy, I bet your chair smells like shit and cum.

>single, unemployed and living mit Mutti
>Lol you'v got to be kidding me pal
This is no laughing matter, user. Sort yourself out.

Yeah I listen to the first 30minutes pretty much every day. It's containment for sure. Never explores any pro-active solution, never brings on guests who have solutions.

He tells us "we're winning the info war" and "we're the resistance", however never defines progress or steps to the end.

It's an endless cycle of outrage and is meant to make you think you're winning something, even though all you're doing is becoming more anti-social, and learning nothing practical that could help our situation.

>Lol you'v got to be kidding me pal, did you read the post and view the video in it?
oh lord, it's babby's first david duke alex jones interview.

funny, I remember hearing that live... like 3-4 years ago? sour grapes much?

I wasn't really redpilled about the kikes at that time but I remember listening to about an hour of the interview... I remember being bored and annoyed and I cut that shit off. it was pretty stupid that I recall.

however, now all the shitposters use that as justification to say LOL ALEX JONES BTFO BY DAVID DUKE. however, it is somehow totally lost upon them that Alex Jones gave David Duke a platform *for some odd reason*... maybe he somehow supports his views?

>Never explores any pro-active solution, never brings on guests who have solutions.
>Alex Jones must solve my government's problems for me

Kek right, and what bothers me the most is when he goes like against ''THEM'' and it's obvious to people who they are but when somebody says who they really are he lashes out the last craziest shit I'v seen from this fat shill piece of shit was where he tried to blame the NWO on some nazi shit like the queen being a nazi and having ties to the Romanian prince which has the bloodline of Dracula which is funny cause (Dracula) Vlad the Impaler is a hero that did what he had to do to save Romania from the turks and they demonized him, Alex Jones is fat shill sack of shit.

maybe I need to rewatch that interview lol, I see that the IW crew even puts up the infographics that David Duke asks them to

it's pretty funny, Alex recently had a caller on and literally let him rant for 10 minutes about Zionism and the Jews. the guy (like many) put a bit too much emphasis on the Jews, but overall, everything he said was factual and pretty well put together.

at the end, Alex was like "hey - I let you have your piece didn't you?" - the caller says "yep" or something to that effect, and then the caller left

and then Infowars literally posted the entire call on YouTube the next day... no, Alex doesn't know about the Jews, he just platforms people that do!

the royal family in England are indeed of the lineage of Vlad the Impaler... also known as Dracula.

My boomer parents were making fun of Alex Jones years ago.

Oh Alex knows, he knows very well, a conspiracy nutt like that ran through those type of videos before believe me, I agree with OP he is a shill just go search for all the videos on youtube exposing him.

Bro I'm fucking nat soc and it's obvious how bullshit this guy is. Do you honestly think he's serious about inter dimensional vampires and shit.

That's not my point though man, I understand that but Vlad was never a demon nor a blood sucker, he did what he did for shock value to save his country, he has basically demonized just like Hitler was in the video I claimed that he said the NWO comes from Romania which is pretty stupid, but when somebody brings up the ''Zionist'' not even the poor day to day jews he lashes out and goes nutts and brings up anti-semitism WTF?!

He'd been dropping red pills since before you were born.
>defending a communist

hes way to big to be anti Semitic it would ruin him

I honsetly don't feel like he's a shill he just doesn't know for sure so he won't go in about it, none of those other nutts that you hear lashing about the zionists know if that's for sure neither they could be helpful people and the NWO globalist shit could be total bullshit, people always love making things more interesting than they already are.

Ya know, I think the biggest shill around these parts is

Did you guys read about how Sheldon Adelsons personally owned pressed leaked the Jesus Campos interview? What is the correlation you may ask?

The shooting in Vegas was done at the Mandalay Bay, which Sheldon also owns. You know that this man scheduled a meeting with trump prior to the shooting to discuss casino security?

What an odd (((coincidence)))

Why the fuck does it make him anti semetic? there are so many facts it's not like your regular working jew has any involvment plus those zionists aren't even israelites so what's the fucking problem? you can just put it that way since they are selfish parasites anyways, he's infowars he's the truth teller right? so tell the fucking truth.

fpbp & checked

Well yeah. Why listen to someone complain without solutions for year after year? He has a 24/7 job researching this shit, has a full team on it too. Yet never has ideas about what to do. He has this massive audience but never mobilizes it. He's containment.

Musical chairs but with flags?



I'm in line for the throne of ENGLAND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BEST POST EVER!!!!!!!