Just found out I'm not white!
Ancestry Thread
Sorry bro
we are all white
>Sorry bro
I'm feeling great tbqh
I'm 54% Ashkenazi Jewish and rest is Middle eastern
I guess your white wannabe aryans
If you aren't white... What are you?
Welcome to the club.
Doesn't matter what your DNA says, people will look at you and attack you because you look or act white. It's not as simple as oh me 23andme results say I'm mostly Sub-saharan, they don't give a shit.
They're not going to suddenly say "Oh, I'm sorry man I wanted to fuck up whitey but seeing as you're not really white I'll move on". That isn't going to happen, and if you think it will you're living in a fantasy world.
Most white people aren't Aryan. Aryans are from Turkistan/Kazakhstan region. They are different from Caucasians.
why is Sup Forums so indigenous
white boy finds out hes not white. kek
Jesus you're a mongrel, please kys
Why don't you try to come and kill me motherfucker? I dare you. I'll make you my little bitch afterwards. Dumb fuck.
Yes it does, STFU. Sounds like someone got back results they didn't like and is now on the rationalization train.
>believing these "ancestry" tests
>believing some random people who take your money and now have copyright and patent rights to your DNA
>being this much of a cuck
No, seriously how can you be this much of a pathetic, low testosterone, liberal cuck?
Triggered much?Your salty tears at having such shitty genetics are HILARIOUS.
Better not show that png next time you show up at your local Proud Boys meeting, they'll kick you out.
Nope, they hate you for what you are or appear to be. They're literally as shallow as skin color, I've had people come up to me and say they hate me because I'm white even though I have olive skin, and probably not as white as some people.
It doesn't matter to these fucking retards. Even black people go after lighter-skinned black people. You're not living in reality.
I'll fuck you til you love me, faggot.
2.9 unassigned?! a-are you not fully human?
> Being hated by someone for appearing white
> Actually being white
I'd much rather have both if the first is a given.
I'm an AYYY
Nice ring
As long as you're red pilled and not a jew nobody gives a shit.
I know you must be upset after getting that genetics test back, so I forgive you for spouting off all that bullshit.
>tfw part Finngolian
Thanks bb ;p
I'm pretty much white, German and Irish mostly. But, I believe I have some Middle Eastern heritage somewhere. On my mother's side, hopefully it's not Jewish though.
get the fuck of this board shitskin
> tfw not white
> been told numerous amount of times "i act white"
> get called a cuck for acting ((((white))))
Speak for yourself. If you have even 0.5% of anything non-European you should quit Sup Forums immediately and never come back. At the very least you can't consider yourself alt-right anymore.
But I'm one of the HWNDU cast memebers
You can still establish an ethnostate and be our ally, no hate only respect
Get tested by 23andme or you will never actually know.
Yeah, it's basically a witch hunt for people who don't act like uncivilized apes.
Why are east Asian and native American the same group?
Imagine if all the Nazi faggots took the test, how fucked their minds would be when they find out they aren’t just “superior” white race.
They are very closely related genetically.
They're mongoloid, you mongoloid
Because they're genetically indistinguishable.
this x1000
I don't want to be Jewed though, paying them to take my DNA and use it for their Jewish machinations. Just so I can see some numbers on piece of paper.
Honestly I know who I am and runs more than skin deep, and maybe in some ways even more than DNA itself. I acquired my mentality through years of strenuous trials and challenges, experiences both good and bad.
The numbers don't tell the whole story only part of it.
>tfw non Indo European European
>being this scared of finding out you might be Jewish
>Pay to let some Jew tell you you're a nignog and then use DNA to kill you
I'm saying it never mattered to me before. But, if I learned I was, it still doesn't matter. I'm Christian anyways, it would sort of suck to have a penchant for Merchant idea's and nature though.
Whatever helps you sleep at night
I love seeing fash neckbeards BTFO by their own blood – the resulting meltdown and rationalization of "its about being redpilled! you're blood doesn't matter!" after preaching the exact opposite for years is always HILARIOUS.
Marx was raised a Christian as well but the anti-European Jew genes were too strong in him.
Look at this sand-nigger trying to say he is white.
Learned something new. I could figure that from the grouping, just had never heard that
Well if I turn to the dark side I hope you know what to do.
I have less than 1/8 Cherokee in me the rest is from Germany and the Netherlands. I pass as White. Blue eyes blond hair. Purity doesn't matter at this point it's about the looking White and acting White. There won't be purity tests at least not in America.
You know reverse image source is a thing?
Yes, I know.
>be one of the last direct descendants of the Spanish royal house
>I will never rid the throne of Bourbon cucks
The alt-right should be unified under the ideas of nice guy national socialism. Not absolute civic nationalism, but if your skin is White and you act White YOU ARE White. This is how the ethnostate should function.
Tbh I wouldn't expect anything less from an Amerilard.
>Doesn't matter what your DNA says
Literally can't make this shit up. Americans are such filthy mutts, it's not even a meme lol.
>Nazi faggots
>Nice ring
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