If the Jews benefit the most from Capitalism, why would they be pushing for Communism, as many of you claim?
If the Jews benefit the most from Capitalism, why would they be pushing for Communism, as many of you claim?
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dont fuck with the narrative
All of these people had Jewish communism as their endgame.
Capitalism and communism are two sides of the same shekel.
There was only one way they could Bolshevize America. They couldn't launch a coup like they did in Germany or hijack a revolution like they did in Russia.
Capitalism as it is practiced now enables a culture that is easily manipulated. Previous attempts were made and failed, there need to be some adjustments made first .....
What makes you think global commerce is stratified under capitalism?
It's not user.
fuckin sage
Because they will be the ruling class controlling everything as they spread propoganda to cause the goyim to racemix into a subservient mullato underclass.... Till they kill us off and replace the entire population with sentient A.I.
They had to replace the population first.
Jews understand the Hegelian dialectic.
They never pick a side, but rather shill for both and position themselves to be the winners in either outcome.
So what your saying is, Jews don't care what system the use to dominate the goyim?
Because they love monopoly. Communism is simply a monopoly of everything. It's pretty elementary my dear Watson.
it changed my flag for some reason
Pic Related.
Lolberts are the reason this shit is tolerated on the right.
thanks I actually forgot. But it's a terrible day today in general
Assuming direct control over the society as they did in 1917 is too conspicuous. Nowadays they prefer to financially control goy politicians and influence the minds of voters through mass media, this way they remain relatively hidden and are less likely to provoke a response.
Remember, not a single monopoly in US history has been created without the use of massive government benefits/subsidies. Pure capitalism never leads to monopoly. Essentially the elephant-in-the-room-problem is the state interfering with free market capitalism.
Jews ran the mob scene in America for a century and raped half of Europe for half a century. They're the force behind the highly profitable nation destroying industries. Yes they are the most corrupt race by and far, but that's not how they amassed their capital by and large.
Cute. But there's never a third position. The instant a 'third' position becomes relevant is the very moment a relevant anti-thesis forms.
Because communism is a far better method of controlling the goyim/cattle.
That said, the only way capitalism really benefits the Jew is when they use their nepotism to have the state enforce policies that raise the barrier for entry of any competition or otherwise stifle any opposition to them achieving monopoly, so in a sense they do not like a true free market.
What exactly is going on right now that's being slid. This board is a fucking disaster right now. It is Soros' 18 billion being put to work?
They simply dont care as long as they rule over everyone.
They benefit from conflict regardless of who it is
Because America has made Israel wealthy and self-sufficient. Communism is designed to fail and wreck nations. They're getting ready to attack.
jews aren't a hivemind
Because when you can afford the overhead to squash competition, why wouldn't you?
I am not debating you that they work together for their benefit and the detriment of the goyim. Hell it's even written extensively in their Talmud to promote unrighteousness among the gentile nations because it benefits them. But they use the power of the state to create monopoly. That is an undeniable fact of history. They support totalitarian regimes because those are a monopoly of everything.
I’m a Jew myself, and I believe capitalism is the way to go, even though I have some communist tendencies. By the way, since I lost the presidential election, I am bidding for senate in 2018!
>Because communism is a far better method of controlling the goyim/cattle.
That said, the only way capitalism really benefits the Jew is when they use their nepotism to have the state enforce policies that raise the barrier for entry of any competition or otherwise stifle any opposition to them achieving monopoly, so in a sense they do not like a true free market.
>I’m a Jew myself, and I believe capitalism is the way to go, even though I have some communist tendencies
So basically you are saying that consensual sex and rape are essentially the same because they both involve a penis and vagina...
The fuck is wrong with you people?
They wanted Palestine. It is all about that.
You aren't the chosen people. Right?
If you own and manipulate from the top down the global financial institutions then it is never going to be about money, if they want money they can just print more. Their desire for enslavement is ideologically motivated (Talmud). Read the protocols:
I actually am the chosen people. I follow Torah and believe in Yeshua. Those are the real chosen people just like it says in Revelation:
"Here is a call for the endurance of the saints, those who keep the commandments of God and their faith in Jesus." - Revelation 14:12
Obedience to Torah is the literally "those who keep the commandments of God."
The Jews Talmud forces them to break the divine commandments and still claim the promises of blessing of the Torah (Law). It's a lie of course and Yeshua pointed this out clearly in Mark 7.
One of the most jewish things to do is to be on both sides of a battle, just like in WW2. No matter which side wins the jews always win.
You use capitalism to acquire wealth then you implement communism to make sure nobody else can acquire wealth. Fucking retard.
Because goyim benefit from capitalism too. This is unacceptable, goyim must suffer.
>If the Jews benefit the most from Capitalism, why would they be pushing for Communism, as many of you claim?
they have amassed the funds they need to crush everything, like building a bomb that is big enough, they keep those resources for themselves whilst the goyim blow up meaning they will still be capitalist in a communist state
Walter Block is one of the open borders anarchists, in opposition to Hoppe, who's most decidedly /ourgoy/.
But Block does have his moments. Pic related
They don't really want communism, just diversity and hatred of rich white people. Racialized marxism.
They know that if the white man is gone, they'll have no competition.
They can benefit from communism even more?
God damn son, checked.
Anyways i ask a questuon noa. Why would shekelstein benefit from globalism? If all of the world is somolia, then who buys stuff? Making stuff cheap would happen but without someone to buy said stuff then your get rich scheme goes down the crapper.
WAtch from 31 minutes. Never let it be said that all ancaps are cucks.
>[...]who are the victims [of the ruling elites]?
>Now the standard libertarian answer to this is the taxpayers as opposed to the tax consumers, yet while this is essentially correct, it is at best only part of the answer and libertarians could learn something in this respect from the Alt-Right because apart from the narrowly economic aspect there is also a wider cultural aspect that must be taken into account in identifying the victims.
>In order to expand and increase its power, the (((ruling elites))) have been conducting for many decades what Pat Buchanan has identified as a systematic cultural war aimed at the transvaluation of all values and the destruction of all natural (or if you will, organic) social bonds and institutions such as families, communities, ethnic groups, and genealogically related nations, so as to create inherently an increasingly atomized populace whose only shared characteristic and unifying bond is its common existential dependency on the state.
>The first step in this direction, taken already more than half a century ago or even longer ago, was the introduction of public welfare in social security.
>Thereby, the underclass and the elderly were turned into state dependents, and the value and the importance of family and community was correspondingly diminished and weakened.
>Cultural homogeneity has been destroyed and the freedom of association and the voluntary physical segregation and separation of different people, communities, cultures and traditions, has been replaced by an all-pervasive system of forced social integration.
>Moreover, each mentioned victim group has thus been pitted against every other, and all of them have been pitted against white heterosexual Christian males (and in particular those married and with children) as the only remaining legally unprotected group of alleged victimizers.
Because the goal is Jewish hegemony, not wealth nor justice. The big Jewish capitalists financed the Russian revolution.
I may have misspoken. Wealth is obviously a goal but that comes naturally with hegemony. It matters not if it's right or left wing as long as Jews are in control.
I think you got it right the first time.
Unfettered capitalism increases standards of living for everyone. It makes everyone richer without coercion. But if your economy is full of hegemonic monopolies, you WILL have lower standards of living than you would otherwise, although you might break even if you're part of the elite.
But they don't care about "absolute" standards of living. If they did, they'd let the free market work without hegemony.
What they care about, and what most leftists care about, is "relative" standards of living. They want to be at the top. They'd rather be kings of Ancient Assyria than working class people with easy access to TV, the internet, phones, plumbing etc.
If I could suddenly have 2x times more spending power, I don't care if an honest capitalist suddenly has 10x more spending power. I'm not a psycho.
Because by providing both directions, the outcome will always be (((theirs)))
Look at the freshest jewsih chutzpah (Las Vegas shooting), while you gullible goym are arguing about muh guns, (((they))) achieved what they wanted in financial schemes.
Like politics, Las Vegas has many layers - all of them orchestrated by the jew - and so the gullible pueblo can't fathom what is best to do, because your mind , your media, your life, your nation and your money are owned by (((them))).
They provide issues - created out of thin air - to keep the status quo, to stay on top.
They provide solutions, that affect your life, while hiding the real economic returns those solution provide for the chosen ones AKA th synagogue of Satan(YHWH).
>all jews think the same
capitalism is rich jew mentality
communism is poor kibbutz/shtetl-jew mentality