Meanwhile in roman Sup Forums.....
Meanwhile in roman Sup Forums
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Constitutio Antoniniana=Latin Genocide
daily reminder that fucking slave boys isn't gay
Reminder that getting fucked by your slave boi isn't gay
Holy shit J.C. is so fucking based. Running over those neo-patricians in the Senate like nobody's business.
report all gauls to the decurions
>Goths YES
daily reminder pol is a mithras board
Heard some consul allowed (((them))) to kill some magic man in judea, what a waste any man that can turn water to wine is a friend of mine
Traditional Roman values were nothing more than oppressive institutions to keep down other people of Europe. Also, we don't deserve this land WE STOLE IT. We liked to call the Germans, Gauls, Spaniards, Iceni. Britons and Picts savages but they were peaceful ancient kangz before we showed up and destroyed their societies, colonized their land and enslaved them! We're not that great of an empire anyway, I hope the whole thing comes crashing down so these oppressed people can finally rise up and build peaceful empires that cooperate and love one another!
Lay with a savage get raped and ravaged.
Fuck off my land you dirty roman scum. Odin will destroy you
Fucking Germanic shills!
Fucking Germanic subhumans, go back North Ice nigger
Hey guys, you're never gonna believe this, but a week ago, I was crucifying dudes (my shift's on friday) and as the last one died on the cross, the Earth fucking shook and the sky almost literally fell on my head. Wat do?
de jævla svenskene
Why do roman women prefer barbarian cock?
Who here true /Patrician/
Fuck the Plebians and the Populare faggots that support them
Sven needs a new home after the mongols took his old land
Im sure he would make a good son in law,husband, even soldier!
>mfw Romans think the Saxon Shore will stop us from raiding
Did you hear about Caesar's conquests in Gaul!
Bump for glorious thread. Laughs are needed
come at me
Has the all male orgy started yet? Thank fuck we aren't fags.
hadrians gonna build dat wall
my gaulish wife is pissed
I hear Crassus was about to take help from the Armenians on his way to conquer Parthia. Why the fuck would we share the loot when we can easily defeat them on our own? We even got some local villagers to help guide us on our way through the deserts. Pompey is going to look like such a bitch by the end of this.
We'll have so much gold I bet we'll be drowning in it.
What the fuck are these so called Visigoths doing here.
Rome, explain.
The multicultural slave owning farms outcompete our homestead and I had to sell my family land to the local partician and move into the city. We got the bread dole though which is pretty sweet and the Emperor blesses us with daily games. We hear about incursions and raids on the frontiers, but that's too far away to worry about. I miss the purpose and vitality that working the land gave me, but life's pretty good here and the denarius isn't worth shit of what it used to be. Something doesn't feel right about depending upon the emperor for my family's well-being, but that's what everyone's doing nowadays. Rome looks after us. My wife is getting some strange notions from the women in the market and I'm worried about my boy though. All he does is get drunk on wine at the circus and then off with harlots and louts until all hours of the night. His grandfather was there to conquer Dacia, but he hasn't the interest in practicing with my father's blade and armor, or fighting with the other lads as I did as a boy. Nor does he have the spirit and discipline that farmwork ought to breed into him. The youth know only pleasure now. This is a monument to the progress and prosperity of Rome, but what is to happen to the Empire when inherited by such idler heirs? They know not the plough and sword of our ancestors.
Sounds like someone needs another punitive expedition.
How's that Gaulish cunny? Greasy, I bet.
t. Cadawalachallufrenbwrdiolauaeth
Romans and Carthaginians sucked the BCC (Big Celtiberian Cock) for centuries fucking lmao
To anyone who hasn't read this. Do it
Also, what are these greaseball dark manlets doing in my mountain range?
*gets colonized by romans and Carthaginians*
Vespasian did nothing wrong.
The roman goy*m destroyed my temple and pillaged our lands, I have nowhere to go!
Wat to do?
Consul pompey works for the judeites
G-guys...The visigoths are raiding our fucking farms, if this keeps up, we can no longer provide food for the empire.
back to judea, long nose
also who let you in our provinces? consvl pompey I bet
*rubs hands* You go- GUYS should crucify the man that calls himself Jesus
Implying our scribes did not invent that man to keep those rebellious jews in check, to change their ways.
Oyyy veeyy goys, have you heard of (((Jesus))) he has come to save you from your ((((sins)))
Convert today!
Happening! Word has reached this city that the horde of the Huns have driven the ferocious Goths past our borders again! Will they next invade Roma, or Constantinopolis? What will the Huns do? Our mighty armies have fared poorly against the Goths, already, at Hadrianopolis.
So, has JQ been solved once and for all now that their temple is gone and Judea subjugated?
You need to purge the Germanics before they start claiming we wuz years later.
Who here remember burning down jereusalem? Best day of my life, Hebrews didn't see it coming.
It´s fine bro just become a heathen, drink fuck and in the future your ancestors will cut their vagina up and mold it into a sausage lol
>serve under pius
>judeites errywhere
>whores smell like shit
Why did I sign up for this piss?
crucify them all I say
W-well help you out Mauritania- you have always been loyal to Roman and the Catholic church. I'm sure nothing will ever change that.
Today I made bread.
Why the hatred against hunnic refugees? You know, the first Etruscans were refugees too.
An exceedingly wealthy Jewish man has joined the Roman legions, aiding in the attack against his own country's rebellion. This man will fight against the Judaeans at the planned siege of Masada, next.
HoW come DROOLIUS TWEEZER gets TWO CUPS OF WINE when the RESt of the SenatE ONLY GETS ONE!!!!!
ad mortem
ooga booga
gay orgy at my place who wants to come? xD
fvck the torah, let's make christianity a non-biblical state-controlled religion
we wvz empror n sheeit
Thousands of interesting humans from Africa are approaching our shores, calling themselves kangz. The fellow merchants guild has informed me that these peoples will enrich our culture and strengthen our diversity.
What are your orders sir?
Pic related - some artwork depicting them
*Roman salute*
Civilising you, blue face.
No need to thank us.
Yeah, it's not like some retarded and highly-motivated semites are gonna come rape us and our culture alike, brainwash into thinking we're their kin and turn us against.
Ridiculous, innit?
Make them Citizens! I mean, come on. It's 212, we can't be afraid of a little diversity. Rome is an Empire of Immigrants.
Emperor Caracalla, please grant worldwide citizenship! If we do not accomplish this, then we are prejudiced against humanity!
Certainly sir,
Some of the Kangz are complaining that our statues and culture is too oppressive and they want free bread, wine and housing so that they can seem more like Roman citizens. Some even want standards lowered so they can join the legionnaires.
What say you, Emperor?
>t. Arius
Chalcedon's Creed only true Creed Crypto-Judean
Second Burning of Judea when?
Not gonna lie, former Octavianus supporter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Octavianus crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the Antonian legions.
Dont drink roman water, lowers your testorone.
Oligarchy now
*Emperor was assassinated for this edict*
>Emplying we won't just conquer them
We've got some pretty cool gear from Carthage, I bet we can take on these so called "kangz"
when it comes to diversity, nobody knows diversity better than the mozabites, but look folks, those barbarians have been definitely outsmarting our legions in battle, and when the tribe sends its people their not sending their best, they bring orgies, pants, warcries, and some I assume are good people.
We need to build a wall, don't get me wrong, I don't hate the germanic tribes, I love the germans, but the wars have been just terrible, Roma is gonna come back, and it's gonna be yuge, we gonna make the SPQR great again.
t. Donilius Trumpitus
>Empire of Migrants
>Human food
Nice try, btfo deer-fucking tribenigger
Postus maximus
So everyone here is in college then
how did they curl their hair and beards like that? I want that too...
Actually join really like playing Rome Total War I&II. And watched a bunch of history channel when it was gud
I am studying the philosophies of Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle. I expect to pass my schooling successfully, and try to get a job in government. If that does not work, I'll just teach.
Hey guys, Ethan and Hila here. Today we're gonna be reacting to the fall of the Western Empire.
stick and stick make fire
Nah bro, I just clicked on ALL the links in the Wikipedia "Roman Empire" portal
*Teleports behind you*
*Unsheathes gladius*
Nothing personal, princeps
Pic related
Jesus Christ... how does he KEEP getting away with it?
Öga böga! Where da Roman wimmen @?
>Le 53% germano-celt post
Why am I not impressed?
You could get that hairstyle if you have wavy to curly hair, to begin with, but it's important to remember there was no shampoo back then. People styled their hair with wax, lime or lemon juice, olive oil, or some kinds of pomades made of animal tallow/fat. Infrequently cleaning everything out of the hair, as shampoo accomplishes, there is more buildup of that other stuff in the hair, and could cause waviness or curly texture. People still washed and bathed, though. There were public bathhouses available in many areas for that, or otherwise streams, ponds, rivers, lakes, and the sea were options. If one had very straight hair, they might be stuck with an almost bowlcut-looking hairstyle like Trajan, or one of the later Emperors.
You just gotta have the right genetics.
5th prefect here. The jews in my area want me to kill this guy, but he literally did nothing wrong. I'm going to go before the people with a this guy and a murderer in hopes that the people realize how stupid their acting and tell me to pardon the murderer.
Wish me luck