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you firstly need the good ideas
First the state must have a monopoly on force.
Good ideas require overwhelming force to physically remove those that want to take my stuff.
absolutely retarded. if youre holding a gun up to someones head, and i have a sniper rifle, then its a good idea for me to blow your faggot fucking face off. sage all faggots.
Is ancapism the most retarded pseudo-intellectual ideology?
I disagree. That's way too vague and broad.
Good ideas can require force if there's someone with a bad idea running and a lot of power.
after 75 years of peace, spoiled generations and spread degeneracy you wanna tell us that democracy can work? the fucking average loser or brainwashed university commie will destroy your future - you can either ignore it or fight it with force
Yes, the prophet Mohammad (PBUH) Said there was no compulsion in religion. Look how his ideas spread
Ending monarchies was pretty dope and bloody.
How do you stop racketeers from carving out fiefdoms?
This, see Leviathan by Hobbes and Second Treatise of Government by Locke.
If they exist in a vacuum where are there are no bad ideas already using force maybe, but that will never happen.
Where there are*
Oh look another edition of pedophile general. Pol's /pedogen/
Fuck off ya autistic weirdos
muh NAP
Libertarians don't believe in patriarchy, right? So what part of the doctrine prevents their women from cucking them?
Nice video
good ideas... no one gives a fuck. we have not improved as humanity since the invention of writing. we still worship strength. the one who has the force,has everything. girls, money, etc...
Honestly, this.
We say "the pen is mightier than the sword", and no one should underestimate the power of words and ideas.
But on the grand scale of human civilization, might has ALWAYS made right.
sometimes force is the good idea
no, people don't always accept an idea because its good. Often people stick with whatever is familiar.