Strike the Blood II

Where you was, when previously announced 8-episode OVA was confirmed as "Season 2"?
First Trailer here:

Other urls found in this thread:

So was the first information wrong? Or did they change their minds? Good news, though. I liked that OVA set.

Episode titles for the new OVA listed here:

第1話 『黒の剣巫篇 I』
第2話 『黒の剣巫篇 II』
第3話 『黒の剣巫篇 III』
第4話 『逃亡の第四真祖篇 I』
第5話 『逃亡の第四真祖篇 II』
第6話 『咎神の騎士 I』
第7話 『咎神の騎士 II』
第8話 『咎神の騎士 III』

It might be vol.9 from the LN iirc.
Where Kuujo used that colossal sword familiar

>So was the first information wrong?
Depends on what you mean by first information.

Is that the volume with Yukina on the cover?

Man, I miss that theme song for StB. Always gets me hyped every trailer.

Don't know, there was a thread a few weeks ago claiming OVAs instead of a series.

trick question user. Every volume has Yuckyna on the cover


Good catch.

The designs in this are off the charts boner inducing but the first season pretty much put me to sleep.

Certain arcs were boring as shit. Particularly that giant robot, I could not care any less about whatever that thing was.

Other arcs were really good, though, balancing the series out to "decent" story-wise.

I'm still upset that this series is leaning towards a harem route. Literally any other option would be better.

Here, posting in the OVA announcement thread.



>someone aside from Yukina on the cover
Those madmen.

At least it's another Himeragi(?).




But it already got broken

Well, this are OVAs. They are just labelled as "Season 2" from now.



Well Yukina was still on the cover. The other person on the bottom right is Reina, Yukina's daughter whom for some reason shares nearly all of her features aside from the fangs and slightly larger breasts. As it turns out Yukina's genes are very strong.

You were right in saying it's another Himeragi, it's just not another Yukina.

Next thread, anons. Next thread.

You're slow as shit, nigger, we knew they were labeling it "Strike the Blood II" the day they announced the 8 OVAs.

It's her daughter from the future.

Anyway what's the ETA on the OVAs.

More harem stories need a concubine who is openly bisexual.

This one has two of them.

Do we get more Natsuki-chan?


Oh man I'm hyped. Will there be even more violence? Will there be nudity? Or maybe some sex scenes? Or maybe... uncensored hand holding?

>... (randon unimportant names) ...
>... (randon unimportant names) ...
So your answer is YES!

Fuck you Silver Link. You need to be putting more budget into making sure Chaos;Child gets the excellent adaptation it deserves.


Fuck you.
My waifu is relevant



So those two are confirmed for impregnation.
What about others?



>Avrora's arc will never be animated

The others just prep the guy up

Only those two receive the dick

>Where you was, when previously announced 8-episode OVA was confirmed as "Season 2"?
That's not what this is, though. A second season would air on TV once a week. This is being released straight to DVD/BD and is coming out once a month. It's literally the definition of an OVA.

Now, that said, it does appear to be a little more extensive than the typical OVA, which would just be a beach episode bonus or side story, but the preview didn't really have much to support this idea, with mainly pans of the girls in swimsuits.







>those wide, fertile hips


Dude, release format has nothing to do with what is called "Season 2". This is directly stated to be Second Season of series that will be released in form of OVAs.

Strike the Sayaka to be honest



How many kilotons?


You are just dumb, and don't look at trailer properly. It's directly called "Strike the Blood Second".
Also titles here confirmes that this season will cover volumes 9, 11 and 12.





As much as I condone and enjoy the excessively nice harem that chromatic aberration-kun has accumulated, I just find pandering this hard in an announcement quite distasteful.

>This is directly stated to be Second Season of series
Yet there is no source for this.

>It's directly called "Strike the Blood Second".
Names mean nothing. Do you think Japs even understand the English word "Second"? It's just decoration to them, like the Chinese writing on the billboard for a Chinese restaurant in America.

I feel the same way. Could had shown us more action scenes since we already know beach Ep is going to have fanservice of the girls anyway.

strike the squap


Dude, look at trailer and official site.



>Where you was

>volumes 7, 8 and 10 skipped


I hope user who did the mobage pack comes back. We haven't had an update in almost 2 years.

This is the only battle harem shit I liked.

Probably because Yukina is waifu as fuck.

Battle waifus. Gotta love em.

Urban battle harems are the only good ones.

Agree, but all the girls are waifu as fuck.

>ova's because they want more titties and ass

There is a god.

Will Sayaka finally get the kiss in the OVAs?

I believe they're skipping that volume.

Jesus user warn us before you post absolute debauchery.

who are these two?

So it'll have more naked stuff, right? Also, who is going to be subbing this? Because Crunchyroll is filled with people who seem to not like getting OVAs for some reason.


She truly is perflation.

i can't wait.

When is he gonna fang loli sensei?

>LN translation got DCMA
Thanks Yenpress
Hold on, I don't recognize this scene, is it in the OVA?

Cliche as shit, I love it.

Anonsubs nigga


it barely moved anyway

Sweet 8 more ovas with the most annoying catchphrase every fight scene

super interesting

How many volumes did the anime cover agian?


Is it just me, or do the four covers on the bottom look worse than those in the top row?

>Natsuki-chan having the prettiest eyes+loli sensei
>Deadpan loli
>Both main girls are teenage jailbait
>Possesed imouto
>Everything about the silver haired sisters
>headphones bro
>Future mini-story confirms pregnancies all around
>Striking the sayaka
Forgot this was my favorite harem-shit tbqh