Except in Korea, where dictator rule, state funded conglomerate, and strict media control has made South Korea the 12th largest economy in the world in just 60 years.
That's right, in just 60 years. In 1953, Korea was nothing but rubble, devastated from the Korean war. Now we have THIS.

in4b You gooks never invented anything.

Like I said, in just 60 years, we've grown this big. And currently, Korea is at the forefront of technology. Japan, who's had 15 year head start over Korea, already is a powerhouse in coming up with modern innovation. Give it another 20 years and practically all modern advances will come from Asia.


Take a walk along a street in Seoul. Do you notice how there are no fat women? Do you notice there are no blacks or Muslims? Do you notice there are no Jews? Do you see how well they are dressed? Are you jealous goy?

Other urls found in this thread:

laraj.ca/AGwiki/uploads/Contemporary/IronmarchOriginals/IronMarch - A Squire's Trial.pdf

Sk not fascist. Democratic, market economy. And they have white, western civ to thank for it. They're entire civilization is copied from us, we even invested the capitol for those chinks. They can't create, they only imitate.

Wrong. South Korea was Fascist from after the Korean war until late 90's.

In fact, even now, while the President is elected democratically, the media is still strictly controlled and conglomerates are state sponsored.

And your success is still wholly owed to the white, western man. Keep imitating, but we'll always be ahead of the curve if the Africans don't make us fiscally insolvent first.

Korea still remains largely practicioners of Confucianism. It's a weird society where Christianity, Confucianism, and a bit of Buddhism coexist peacefully.

Well, considering the division of Korea is entirely due to the Cold Wars fought by white men, I think it's a break even situation. You got rid of Japanese for us, but we've been living under constant threat of war for the past 60 years. USA and Russia's vendetta has cost the Koreans much.

Religion has little to do with a nations success other than provide social unity. Japan copied our economic model and needed our gigantic capitol investment after we nuked those nips. China had to copy of market economy as much as they could to get to their current level of success. Sk the same as Japan. No other gook country is worth mentioning

And KPOP is hardly copying anything Western these days. It has it's own style, own choreography. In fact, it's mostly the opposite where Western culture copies KPop.

Agreed we should have left you worthless chinks to your doom. You're welcome