But they are so nice and just normal irl. Are they massive larpers with the ''kill all wh*Tes'' shit? I imagine if I just gone off with what Turks act like irl I'd assume they were normal people
Why are Turks so mean online?
Turks are nice people
inb4 diaspora ahmed
ik what you mean
i couldnt imagine them saying anything close to the things they say online
Anybody with a Turkish flag that spews that 'superior black race' copypasta is a certified troll.
My guess is there are at most 2 of them, if not 1.
Those threads are slide threads and my advice is to ignore them.
I get the feeling that's literally just one guy.
>t. lived in Turkey for a year
Turkish women are gorgeous.
It's one or two guys. Plus you tend to become a little cuntish when you're being bullied all the time.
I've had a couple of decent conversations with turks on here
wh*Tes are subhumans not people
>retarded slide agent.
I will not respond to this thread anymore.
You better don't jump on the bait and feed the troll also.
wh*Te fuck off
slide here. Before the user brings out the worst and deep down they cling to tribalism which is nasty as fuck.
irl they boo'd during a moment of silence. not nice
The only thing that I slide is my dick in your mothers pusi my teacher
Takbir my brother
hafifeeee almaaaa aşk vurur insanaaaaa
They are rude af irl wtf haha
U ever been to Istanbul?
wh*Te sub-humans are being nice to us strangely.
This has only one explanation
they want us to stop posting the BLACK supremacy threads, they want us to stop spreading the truth
well you know what
we will never stop
the BLACK jihad will continue and we will emerge victorious
Everyone is mean online, most of people here just want to let off some steam, specially the ones to cowardly to do it irl.
>they are so nice and just normal irl
True. I found the Turkish chicks that were students in the states fun to hangout with. Once this Turkish chick in class said, “God I fucking hate Kurds”. I was the only one that laughed.
Stopped me after class and said, “Hey, so I noticed that you laughed at my comment”. Got her number, started hanging out.
Then got hyponotized by her ass, and then, you know....
Praise allah.
I get all cutsie-cutsie when I see a Muslim that understands modern cultural codes (and does not betray Muhammad in favor of leftist absurd), but my hand is taught to slay the Turk.
Unnamed admixture in Africa
I’ve been wanting to go to Turkey to try to get a Kangal. Mine is getting old, and Turkey is the home of Kangals, could use a good replacement.
what is this sl*V(e) subhuman doing here. Can someone call the chechens ?
idc about any of this since all of the turks i know irl would never say anything like this irl
yeah this. a turkish woman runs a restaurant in my town (she is really beautiful) and she is 100% benevolent. nothing like english women at all
i have and they arent rude at all. hospital people, wanted to show people round all the time
>''kill all wh*Tes'' shit?
This is one mentally ill kid who posts all day. He's also the one posting dead US soldiers. Every country has a few of these kids, molested early, hateful forever. Angry at the world etc...
that's right turkbro, that's why they cuck out to the melanated dick, they'd be more than happy to let their womenz have tyrone's, because they can't handle the womenz finding how they're dicklets, even if the womenz don't say shit, the white cuck would be thinking about it, stressing, knowing that he wouldn't be able to compete
Nasıl bir gavatlıktır bu amen ellaxım
BLACK man is the epitome of masculinity and male dominance.
A woman needs a man, by a man i don't mean an individual who has Y chromosome and a penis, i mean A REAL MAN who's dominative, both physically and mentally strong, attractive and masculine. Role of woman is to help her man, role of man is a bit more complicated, he has to look after his family, make money, please his wife sexually, defend himself and his family from threats etc. White race fails to accomplish all the traits that i mentioned, hence, they cannot fulfil the duties of a real man mentioned in this paragraph. The BLACK race, however, does not fail. The BLACK man is the epit0me of male dominance and masculinity. Compared to the white race, the BLACK race is superior in every way to the Yakub's race. They can easily complete the tasks of a real man while possessing all the traits that a man needs. Allah made the BLACK race strong.
On top of that, BLACK people have bigger penises than whites. Why would a woman want a tiny, limp and pathetic white penis? A woman wants a big, domineering penis and only a handful of whites actually have that type of penis, but more than 90% of BLACK men have that penis, rest 10% have even bigger than that. During sex, the woman won't feel anything, she'll be bored if a pathetic white man tries to fuck her. A BLACK man, however, will make the woman SCREAM, scream so hard that every glass object will shatter due to exposure to very intense, loud sound.
Lastly, when you go out with your wife you have to protect her from male predators who want to steal her from you. But if you're BLACK, your domineering size will make your presence known without you even needing to point yourself out. Which will make the male predators shun away automatically, because they cannot compete with you. And your BLACK skin, will frighten the white opponents, because they'll remind of the fact that your ancestors managed to survive the scorching sun of Africa for centuries with that skin. What did the white skin even survive? Absolutely nothing.
Turkey is separated into two main parts
The whiter turks are usually kemalists, secular and chill
Then the darker turks are usually pro Erdogan, religious and talk shit online.
w*hite subhuman wears orange prisoner suit
mən azerbaycanlıyam, özünü yox edən sənin ölmüshlərine soxam
obviously brown master race
they're realizing this, slowly but surely, this is why they're taking so much melanin in their countries these days, they know the secrets, they want to be stronger, and steal the melanin, fucking typical white cucks, who can blame them though, they look up to the best, and wanna be the best
*cringes* x100
there is that one salafist shitposter that makes wh*Te threads. literally ONE.
cringed irl
hes muslim?
Şu tiratta 3 tane farklı ID wh*Teposting yapıyor amını ırzını siktiğimin gavatı senin olmayan beynine sıçayım haysiyetsiz gavat.
>black men
>staying with and/or defending their family
>literally ONE.
But he’s really starting to grow on us. Whenever there’s no happenings we can always rely on him to spice up Sup Forums. Never change.
I think I'm browner than she is
Turks at my university are nice and are hardcore kemalists
Tatar master race here
yanlış anlama gavad batılı göt yalayıcısı ya da başka bir bok değilim ama sıktın be amına koyayım. ilk başlarda eğleniyordum 'ulan Sup Forums'de türk bokpostçusu var' diye ama yeter be amın evladı. sıkılmadın mı batılı götü yanık yemlemekten? işin gücün yok mu ne zaman baksam Sup Forums'de boktan işler çeviriyorsun. her şeyi hoşgörürüm ama issam tiradlarını bokpostlamak niye? tayyo bile avrasyacı artık senin trollüğün kime anlamıyorum.
>they are so nice and just normal irl
(you) almak için yapıyorum gerizekalı daha anlamadınmı :DDDD Ayrıca evet işim gücüm yok belki babam iş bulursa bırakırım postlamayı
tek bi yemci yok
germanys ''turks'' are from the eastern countryside or are kurds ive heard
the ones here are normal
>tatar masterrace
brother... those ruskiys tried to assimilate us since 15th century Muscovy state. I congratulate you on behalf of not being a mankurt and recognizing your own ancestors. long live Turkic blood.
Any Turks know where I can find a kangal breeder in Turkey?
wh*Te "people" cannot be reasoned with online
ITT: Based BLACK TÜRK BTFOing wh*Te bois
It is eye piercingly obvious that you are in fact a Turk yourself. Few, if any non-Turks know of this distinction. You may stop roleplaying.
??? I’ve always found Turks to be massive losers IRL. Massively insecure but carrying on like arrogant fucks, bragging and prideful posing with whatever small dick compensation they can come up with (muh car, muh bling, much country). like the worst ugly American burgers, but without any yank sense of humour, sarcasm, endearment. Turks are like Germans without any of Germany’s success or objectivity and Germans’ ability to call out bullshit.
im not turkish tho lol
i have the palest skin imaginable
Pic related, a Turk with pale skin. Pale skin does not equal European. Many Turks have pale skin.
kamal 3 tane mi simdi
because we Turks know the truth. people worship money and material. we think out of box so much that we don't fit in any artificial system created by westerners. and unlike ar*bs who don't know how to wipe after they shit, we know our true boundaries and capabilities.
they're trapped in their own minds man, they know they can never compete, they're eternally BTFO
check out this leaf's insecurities
i get what you mean with the americans. ive just found them to be chill who relatively fit in with anglo society, and the only different thing is how they look
not anything like pakistanis
his skin tone is obviously turkish though. i have dark hair, med nose and a similar skull shape but thats it
why did you call me turkish?
benim bildiğim 4-5 tane anti white poster var
kamal yok sanırım
bergay var
wh*Te women were MADE for the BBC
wh*Te boys are low test betas who simply can't compete. It's simply natural selection at work and the wh*Te boys inferior genes will be bred out of existence when women have the option of choosing anyone other than a wh*Te dog.
kimler bunlar.
isimlerini ver de analarina "telegram" cekem :D
Anana sor :DDDD
It is simply suspicious that you invest yourself into Turkish affairs, and are even aware of Turkish immigration demographic talking points (all of which are proven false, if I may add) as a pure Brit. You either live around Turks or are a Turk yourself.
Your pic looks like Africa is blushing. Just thought I'd... let you know.
i live around turks and know a lot of turks, yeah
i just know a lot about the country too
also prove them false.
wh*Tes getting btfo ITT
>i live around turks and know a lot of turks
That's all one needs to know to disregard everything you have to say. Your Turkophilia is a disgrace to all Europeans on the continent. You fell for the single most atrocious culture to ever plague the continent.
says the one with the EU flag
i dont care about what you think. i'd rather turkey than some run of the mill amerimutt colony like norway or sweden. they are genuinely better people
>they are genuinely better people
Your blatant Turkophilia cannot be explained through any other means. I am now certain that you share some cultural connection to them. Where are you originally from? Why do you adore the most abhorrent political construct, the most repulsive national identity to ever come out of human history?
You mentioned being "med". Where are you originally from? Algeria? Lebanon?
Wrong Mustafa. Westerner that do give a fuck about money don’t show it. Who does? Arabs, all those saudis crashing supercars; the good Muslims in Lebanon buying bottle service for Russian hookers; niggers. Basically: Turks are more Arab Muslim niggers than any western civ. And y’all, act like it. And frankly, I’d rather hang out with arabs and niggers than a Turk because they’re not trying so hard and are honest and authentic about their douchbaggery. Seriously: watching a Turk at a nightclub is an embarrassment. No fucking chill. Actually go out of my way to protect women and tell Turks to fuckoff because they don’t know any better.
im mostly anglo genetically. i ''adore'' them because they are strong ppl who have a healthy culture in general. are you some ugly balkan gypsy rapebaby?
my grandfather is maronite from cyprus.
Now that explains everything. London Cypriots are notorious for their Turkophilia and schismatic internationalist tendencies. I love how you call me a Balkan rape baby while simultaneously praising Turks.
chill out bro... a Turk stole your chick in a night club? a canadian cuck thinks about how to approach a woman, but a Turk does it instinctively. chicks dig that shit. there is a reason why you're called cucks and we're called assholes.
It's literally like two roaches on here who have just baited for the last 5-6 years, at least. Don't mind them, they're just projecting their insecurities of being subhumans onto everyone else.
Turks are complicated. I've never met people that are so easily angered at the slightest reasons. I remember one turk was talking to me but I didn't notice him, after a while he threw such a tantrum over me not noticing him that I've never seen with anyone else. He was jumping up and down, insulting me, screaming, threatening me. But its not like you could take them serious, its like a big child, losing his mind over something fairly minor. I even talked with that guy like he is a child and he really calmed down. In one moment they threaten to kill your whole family, in the next they are suddenly your best friends.
lol greek. i wouldnt call you med, look at how many gypsies you have and that shit, gross
internationalist? when did i ever say anything internationalist? you had an EU flag
im not from london btw. nice try though.
also yeah this. they have childish mood changes but i wouldnt call them malicious or intimidating in anyway
And yet you persist on praising Turks and Turkey. Your belligerent sense of illusory racial superiority shines throughout this post. You can be nothing but a Turk, and a pure one at that. A true sand monkey, unaffected by human admixture.
Or some perverse sense of sand monkey diaspora gibmigrant brotherhood/solidarity, could be it as well, much like British Indians and Pakistanis. Sand monkeys always stick together.
Yeah. It was a gay bar. And it wasn’t a chick. Turk came back next night for more.
>call everything you dont like a turk
ok. think what you want lol.
you've went to a gay bar? okay man, I don't judge people.
You have done nothing but fling baseless insults at me. I'm simply returning the favor. To even attempt speaking to you in a rational manner would ultimately be pointless, seeing that your cultural background and personal connections have strongly influenced your stance.
No worries. Frankly don’t blame the Turk for getting trapped since she was better looking than most Turkish women. Wore less makeup too.
like what insults? you just kept on calling my turkish and i just said i wasnt. you keep on talking like youre extremely high iq or something. i'm sorry what turks did to your country (made it extremely weak from the 1400s) but thats what war did.
I lean closer towards your case being the result of working class solidarity among sand monkey migrant populations. Much like Pakistanis and Indians sticked together in voting for Sadiq Khan, Cypriot and Turkish Sand monkeys stick together in forming a shared notion of migrant identity. Utterly pathetic.
I mean.
Sometime they act like they enjoy it and if I kill you for that I'm in jail because white people and my face will be on the cover for 4 weeks to brainwash the pleb about the dangers of white men. We're deeply jewed. + I have yet to do muay thai with a sand nigger who can beat me.
The only time I got beaten by one they were 3 on me and sneaking in my back like fucking hyenas. You ain't shit Arhmed.
stop talking like youre so strong lmao. an average turk would beat anyone from the americas up. like black americans couldnt do shit in turkey, bulgaria, greece or in any of those countries
that doesnt work, since only my grandfather is from cyprus. try more bullshit again
you can't even kill a rat. you're the internet tough guy claiming martial arts. a person who grew up in streets can beat you 1 vs 1 with any kind of fancy sports you can possibly learn. learn your place and buy a cock cage.