Why is Trudeau crying Sup Forums?
Why is Trudeau crying Sup Forums?
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Too much soy in his diet.
He's kind of a pussy.
Virtue signalling
They shot a movie once, in his home town.
Everyone was in it, from miles around.
he's a deeply spiritual man
his wifes son left after mr. cuck admitted to not being his biological father
Someone misgendered her.
Chili pepper
Castros son is uniquely ill equipped to be the leader of a nation
He's always crying.
There were a few moments where he was dry eyed, that was really out of character and worrying.
He's lactating
He had this dream, where he relished the fray. And the screaming filled his head all day.
He could not find someone for his wife to fuck that night.
They shot a movie once, in my hometown
Everybody was in it, from miles around
Out at the speedway, some kind of Elvis thing
Well I ain't no movie star
But I can get behind anything
Yeah I can get behind anything
Get it out, get it all out
Yeah stretch that thing
Make it last, make it last
Least until the supper bell rings
Well the taxi driver likes his rhythm
Never likes the stops
Throes of passion, throes of passion
When something just threw him off
Well, sometimes the faster it gets
The less you need to know
But you gotta remember
The smarter it gets
The further its gonna go
When you blow at high Trudeau
When you blow at high Trudeau
He's a faggot cuck.
He realized he will never be President of the US and people will only remember his name as the Queen of Leaf-land.
Not posting the real pic
dat kush hit
Because he's a giant faggot.
He accidentally killed his enemy
BEcause he realized he fucked up my economy
And I guess Gord Downie died
the dog didn't consent
Because he remembered that he is white
Yah he was crying cause Gord Downie died.
If there was ever a reason to cry, that's it, to be fair.
RIP Gord, RIP Lahey!
This really isn't the correct way for a nation's leader to behave in public.
I have no idea why people have to show this sort of thing to the world. Most people have a lot to cry about. Many of them do, in their own time. I have.
But people don't want to see that. It's awkward.
you wish triggered shart
Is that him from Trailer Park Boys?
guy from tragically hip died today