I am not trying to be an asshole here, but what is the appeal of moe?

I am not trying to be an asshole here, but what is the appeal of moe?

I don't get it,i tried to watch some shows but i get bored really quickly and drop them.
maybe i have been watching bad ones or maybe i am just an edgelord.
can anyone explain to me the appeal of these shows and give me some suggestions.
btw i tried to watch.
"Lucky Star"
"Himouto! Umaru-chan"
"love live"

Don't sweat it OP, sometimes it can be confusing. I'll explain it as simple as I can for you.

You have to be heterosexual to enjoy it. Glad I could solve your problems, should be a better board for you. Take care!

>maybe i am just an edgelord
it's probably this t.b.h f.a.m


nah,if a wanted to watch an anime for fanservice
i would just watch fucking hentai
why would i site through 12 eps or more of boring shit when hentai is faster and much more exiting?


Says the faggot.

Moe SoL anime is the genre for filth that weren't able to live proper lives as people. In order to fill the massive void that was left in their meaningless lives, they were left with no other choice but to watch two dimensional cute girls do pointlessly stupid shit on screen. The scum that thrive on cute girl SoL anime do not find it boring because they're too busy ogling the girls on screen for 23 minutes straight. These filth judge a show solely by how cute the girls are, and how plain the show is. This reason alone is why moe slice of life shows are rated so highly. Nobody can argue against someone saying that cute girls in a plain show makes for a good show. What are you going to do, call it boring? You'll just be ignored by the moeshitters.

Hentai has literal garbage-tier animation and art. You are not a man of refined taste, user, I'm sorry.

If it ain't for you, that's fine. I guess the appeal of moe is that you see cute girls doing cute girls and go "Oh, that's so cute!" and feel happier afterwards. It's like seeing a cute dog on the way to work or something.

This. Those shows are for people with no social life

>watches moe
>calls others a faggot
Let's not get ahead of ourselves here

It's okay to drop moeshit if you find it boring. It just means you are a man of taste and a man with a personality. It's why a dropped Hibike, cause it was just bland.



>Moe SoL anime is the genre for filth that weren't able to live proper lives as people. In order to fill the massive void that was left in their meaningless lives, they were left with no other choice but to watch two dimensional cute girls do pointlessly stupid shit on screen.
no way, good SoL just makes your heart feel a little less heavy
> The scum that thrive on cute girl SoL anime do not find it boring because they're too busy ogling the girls on screen for 23 minutes straight. These filth judge a show solely by how cute the girls are, and how plain the show is.
Nah, I don't like when girls from good SoL are sexualized
yeah, that's pretty accurate

>"Himouto! Umaru-chan"
>"love live"
You're watching the wrong shows

Well Lucky Star and Umaru-chan are both pretty shit but if you couldn't even wrap your head around moe shows with actual plot like Chuuni and Love Live then perhaps it's just not the genre for you.


nasakanai wa

>post yuruyuri pic
>have not seen YuruYuri
You don't need to like everything user. It's okay if you're an edgelord.

off by three

I would recommend shows that aren't just cute girls doing cute things but cute girls doing cute things AND something else.

Try Haifuri. It's about cute girls training to be in the navy. There's not just the usual cute shit but also sea battles and stuff, might be more your speed?

i would rather watch shit animation for 1 ep then sit through 12 eps or more of shitty plot and shitty character desu

gimme some good shows then

Oh shit we in this now

finally a good response
thx user

It's probably because you're a normalfag deep down

who /dubs/ here

Maybe it's not for you where you are in life now. You might like it when you're older and need some cute escapism from the harsh world.

Fuck off.
You literally have the power to access thousands of websites with useful information about anime series, stop being retarded.

OP confirmed retard

Those digits don't lie.

No problem. I'm actually visiting from Sup Forums and I wanted to try out some other boards.

Is Sup Forums always like this? There's more shitposting with less information than No Man Sky threads here.

>I'm actually visiting from Sup Forums
Fuck off.

Nice bait

yeah well most of these show have good ratings online and couldn't bare them
since you, faggots seem to know all this shit about moe you might direct me to something i might like
see this

Low quality OPs get low quality threads.

just go back Sup Forums is like most course board on Sup Forums right know user

>Kokoro Connect (ish)
>Azumanga Daioh

cute girls, good things

Why do people like kittens? Why do people like puppies?

People like cute things, it's that simple. Why are you trying to make it more difficult? If you don't find them cute then obviously it's not for you

Try Non Non Biyori or Yuru Yuri and fuck off

Pretty much this . But, I don't also get how others enjoy watching shounen genre. As a moeshitter, I can't fucking comprehend how can someone go through an action anime with shallow plot and dialogue designed for 12 year olds. I'd rather stare at CGDCT than """"KUSO! I'M GONNA BEAT YOU UP!"""". If SoL moe is for people that lack social lives then is shounen normies that lack action in their lives(?)

get out of here

SoL is for people with stressing lives.

Oh, I also recommend Prisma Illya. It's a magical girl show with cute girls doing cute things but it's very action packed and has good fight scenes. It does quite quite fanservice heavy in season 2 onwards though ...

Another cute girls doing cute things and something else show I'd recommend is Gakkou Gurashi. It's cute girls doing cute things ... as they try to survive a zombie apocalypse without losing their minds.

Shounen is for normalfags that want to punch walls

thx user

normalfags don't watch anime

>and all you retards unironically replying to this newfag

Can you all not see the way this fucking OP types? What the fuck happened to you guys? Holy shit.

If you think that, you're probably a normalfag. Kill yourself.

thx god

Actually pure moe-ball girls appeal to the lowest level of anime viewers, the more discerning connoisseur fancies kuuderes, yanderes, tsunderes, jaded Chrismas cakes, and mayaders