Anarcho Communism vs Anarcho Capitalism

Which is more autistic, or are they of equal SPEDness?

>muh NAP
>muh Government regulation is bad for business
>muh private police

>muh human nature can be changed to fit communism
>muh collective mindset
>muh voluntary communism

Other urls found in this thread:

They're about equally retarded. It's hard to say which would be more economically and societally devastating in absolute terms.

Anarchy and communism are mutually exclusive. That right there tells which side is most retarded--even though both are.

>I can't have the thibgs I want, daddy State says so

Be free. You've only to unshackle yourselves.

Anarcho capitalism is more retarded.
It's the nigger of ideologies. No forward thinking, all that matters is the present.

Communism at least recognizes a change has to be made to the fundamentals of humans and society for their system to work.
But that change is impossible, which is what makes it retarded and leads to all the famine and atrocities.

Stupid phone didn't give me any digits...

>just unshackle yourselves and you're free!!!

This! We need an anprim society NOW!

First off, Somalia isn't anarcho capitalist, it's ""government"" is large gangs of niggers who tell people what to do, and they can't defend themselves because they 1. don't have enough guns and 2. are niggers

AnCom is way worse bro. AnCap is intellectually incorrect but AnCom's are intellectual incorrect + they are literally willing to murder their own parents because they said "nigger" in 1982. they're the most vicious, angry, hateful and admittedly "intolerant" people on the planet. they're a cancer and a scourge. they are nobody's friend. they and their ideology will not help ANYBODY. in the end their ideology will only ensure that all of humanity lives under the oppressive thumb of tyranny, but they're genuinely too stupid to understand how they are creating such a world for the elites by literally rioting against their own legal rights and constitutional protections......or maybe they do know and they just don't want to admit it publicly.