Sup Sup Forums


burgers calling themselves "otaku" should be jailed


Anyone calling themselves that should be purged.

wtf thats me, how do you have that picture of LITERALLY ME?!!?!?

Omfg true

Seems legit.

So truuuueee, I'm such a nerd :)

Oh btw the girl who said this is,well, a girl.
A nerdy girl at that who loves games like League of Legends and CSGO and Sword art Online.
I wish I was joking but I know her personally.
Does this trigger you, Sup Forums?


>having social media
>having friends on social media
>posting IRL friends on the chan

Didnt say she was my friend.
I only use kikebook to chat with couplea faggots who wont use discord.

Why would anyone care about what anyone on the Internet that I'm not directly interacting with dies faggot? I'm more bothered by the fact that this thread exists and bumped off a real thread.

so true omgggg....

#me #otaku #animay #maynga #gamergirl #f4f #sendmeamessageifyourecute

How do we fix normies Sup Forums?

Same garbage that happened to video games is happening to anime.

Imagine you're an honorable salaryman working 27 hours a second in a capitalist death camp to produce the highest quality gook-scribbles known to man. As you punch out and head to the nearest communal dwelling pod you are ambushed by white guys who smell like mayonnaise. Rather than shake a single fat, sweaty hand you set yourself on fire in honor of your yamato warrior ancestors.

Death of a Salaryman, in theaters soon.

Would you prefer weeb then?

Anime fandom is shit, nothing new here.

Check my post number.

Literally all better than watching chink cartoons and arguing muh best gurl

Stay on Facebook, disgusting retard.

Sometimes I get the urge to attend an anime convention to fill the void loneliness leaves behind. Then I remember that they're filled almost fully of these people, and the void suddenly disappears.

where are he mods?

By kicking out newfags like you.

Kill yourself, feels-cancer.

>its a Sup Forums tier thread

Check em boys.

like and subscribe to my blog by the way

Why do fucks keep bumping this shitty thread? At least learn to sage, faggots.


nice dubs my man, check this 6 though.

>double dubs

You're 28s are show Bateman.



Kill yourself back to facebook, you newfag piece of shit.


>another 28


>ywn understand what they meant with the nyan cat one