Does the Left Understand the Right?

Here is the only video I've ever seen where a leftist does a pretty decent job of breaking down and actually trying to the understand the right.

Do you think it's a fair characterization?

Other urls found in this thread:

Not watching that shit; The answer is no


We might as well be speaking different languages at this point.

They wouldn’t be leftists if they understood it.

Well, I think it's a pretty decent attempt to try to capture its opponent's views after the manner in which they try to present them. It shows more intellectual integrity than most leftist characterizations of the right. I thought it was pretty decently done.

> It shows more intellectual integrity than most leftist characterizations of the right.

That isn't saying a whole lot.

Not only does the left fail to understand the right, but they fail to understand themselves.

>jews aren't driving white genocide and white genocide isn't happening
>lol wow its so brave to say abolish the white race
>lol look at how soon whyppl will be gone as a majority and then gone as a people, payback gun be gud

Don't bother watching it.

Does he actually not know what the definition of the words "fascism" or "fascist" mean, because none of the things he described has anything to with it.

He's explaining, "white pride" and to a later extent "white superiority" and "white nationalism", neither of which necessarily have to do with actual literal fascism.

He guises his lack of knowledge on he subject by concocting the qualifier of "modern" fascism, which gives him carte blanche to apply his own deffinition to a concept he created himself.

This video is bullshit.

this picture sums up the left and the right.

Also, can anyone explain how, psychologically speaking, many lefties want to exterminate white people while believing white genocide is a myth while believing that indigenous people deserve rights while believing that white indigenous people don't deserve rights while believing white people don't exist while believing white people owe everybody else while believing cops are racist psychos while believing only cops should have guns while believing ever having the need to resist a tyrannical government is paranoid delusion while believing they need to resist this tyrannical government?

Stop hustling your channel nigger.
Newfags, stop giving this faggotry and views.


pol should really be expanded into at least 5 categories (/sg/, /ptg/, alt right, libertarian and leftypol)

Shoo shoo degenerate Jew shill.

Stop shilling your shit in here you fucking faggot


I'm sorry but this is terrible. @4:10 it says my enjoyment of European culture is not impeded by shitskins when it clearly is due to terror attacks.

This triggers the lolberg.

Lefty (((thought))) goes like this:

> the world needs to collectively exterminate the white race
> this can be done at a bioloical level via promoting interracial breeding and mass-immigraion
> at a certain level, demographics will shift and democracy can be subverted
> once democracy is subverted, democracy can be disassembled and an authoritarian regime can be installed

Only the uninformed genuinely believe this a myth. I presume their logic is:
> the word "genocide" appears to them as armies storming homes, cattle-cars and mass graves, which is impossible given population density and modern logistical limitations
> many are too dumb to understand why people would seemingly work against their own self interest
> many believe the Jews are white and/or good people
> many are ethnomasocists and hate their own race to begin with.

As for guns, shit if I know. Their argument seems to be they hate gun owners as well as cops, thus eliminating the only two protections we really have against armed criminals.

The resurgence of nazism will be destroyed by one 30 year old tranny with a youtube channel. How does this make you feel?

"her" description of Fascism is entirely false. The Italian Fascist party was 10% Jewish up until 1943. Many Fascists, like Italians and Brazilian Integralists disregard the concept of race altogether, whereas even those who did not, like Hitler, only used it to describe those of Germanic heritage, not any notion of a shared European racial background. The baseless American construct of European whiteness was unknown to the Fascists of old.

The left vs right is to divide and distract the chattel. Here is the list of 50 global corporations that run the world. You may want to start with that.

I just subscribed to this guy's channel; most eloquent leftist I've seen and I think he did a marvelous job of deconstructing some of the stupid shit that gets passed around on here.

>freedom of association
If you hate niggers, don't hang out with niggers
>that means white ethnostate
No, faggot. You don't magically get the right to deny life, liberty, or property to other people because your feels got hurt by their existence.

The thing is, both sides need each other. The reason why our country has lasted so long is because we had open dialogue and open critiques. But as each side rockets further away from the middle of the already fucked Overton window, anybody to the left of Hitler is Marx, and anybody to the right of Marx is Hitler.
Instead of jerking each other off, the left needs to be far more open to honest discussion, and the doctrin of feels over reals needs to be taken to the alleyway out back and shot.
The right, though much more honest and correct in this situation, needs to be more open to criticisms and dialectic. Not everybody who dissents is a good goy or an agent of Marx.
And above all, the media needs to return to reporting, not journalism. Yellow journalism needs to become fringe, otherwise we will never see the end.

Too bad nothing will ever change, and our retarded system will fail.

shill thread...but my previous post was right on the money

>exactly performing the stupid semantic debate of "no true scotsman" that it talked about
Nobody cares what word you use to identify yourself with; stop advocating the disenfranchisement and resettlement of vast swathes of populations because their skin color is wrong. Or start ponying up the cash you're going to bribe them to move with.

>If you hate niggers, don't han-
Ummm no, why are you all so easy to deconstruct ? this isnt reddit make proper arguments.

pretty degenerate. but 'she' mixing up (white) identitarianism with fascism. fascism in and of itself is colour blind.

ive been looking at a bunch of actual marxists and commies as well lately. its funny to see how fragile the leftist coalition really is. the marxists are bickering with the neo-marxists, and the latter disagree amongst themselves (SJWs, black and hispanic identitarianism, feminism, ttransexuals and other deviants).

It is almost as strange as the fractions to the right of mainstream conservatism.

>stop advocating the disenfranchisement and resettlement of vast swathes of populations because their skin color is wrong


Mussolini even went as far as calling Ethiopians "Italian-Africans".

A good post.

>terror attacks are already illegal
That's not stopping them! We need to ban all shitskins!
>murder is already illegal
That's not stopping it! We need to take away all the guns, knives, and cars!

The "shitskin" is not impeding your enjoyment of your "culture" by existing. Terrorist attacks are already illegal. If you can't see that you're using the exact same logic as the radical left, I wouldn't be surprised. I don't expect anything from sheepfuckers.

made by leftist -- discarded
delet this now

>don't vote for people who want unrestricted mass immigration of niggers
>don't agree to be ruled by an unelected bureaucracy in brussels
>voluntarily relocate to a country who's politics are more in line with your own
>pay the niggers to leave
Good ideas don't require force to implement. The fact that you advocate the violent eradication or forcible physical removal of people against their will and their god-given rights as citizens is proof your idea is terrible and you should kill yourself.

>the definition of fascism can cover both left and right.
>"guy has pepe as profile pic," 'contra'- omg a fasc! time to double check on fourchannn to see if there are any new symbols that I can recognise as fascist.

this video falls flat & if the guy would understand it he wouldn't need to make that video to begin with.

majority of muslims support sharia and extremism, while not being extremists themselves
majority of gunowners dont support murder using guns

>defending only Italian fascism because it was comparatively the least bad
>The deaths of one-tenth of the population of the Italian colony of Libya occurred during the Fascist era, including from the use of gassings, concentration camps, starvation and disease; and in Ethiopia during the Second Italo-Ethiopian War and afterwards by 1938 a quarter of a million Ethiopians had died
>continually reducing the discussion to race relations and identitarianism
I don't care how you choose to divide the sheeple up, I care how you think because you believe yours is the best policy that anyone who expresses a difference of opinion should be silenced or otherwise removed.


Fixed that for you.

So then make it illegal to preach extremism or aid terrorist activities (it already is). Criminalizing status (i.e. "ban the muslims") is not only a stupidly inefficient and ineffective way of dealing with the problem, it feeds into the narrative of the left.

I'm not defending muslims. I hate them, and I agree the executive has full authority over immigration policy subject to the laws of Congress and Constitution, and refusing admission of anyone from certain countries is perfectly legal. But criminalizing an identity is not legal and unproductive.

>make it illegal to preach extremism
Define extremism.

>the "shitskin" is not impeding your enjoyment of your "culture" by existing
Yes it is you are wrong. If there were no shitskins there would be no Islamic terror attacks this is a fact.

None of this stops shitskins from pouring over the border you are also wrong.

>Does he actually not know what the definition of the words "fascism" or "fascist" mean,

No, nearly no one actually knows the meaning of the word or as studied any fascist literature. It is a catchall for those mean nasty illiberal people who are mean and must be opposed by all the good and morally correct liberals. To be honest, at this point in my life, if someone called me a crypt-fascists I wouldn't be angry. Instead I think I would grin and take it as a compliment.

Mouthy Buddha does a much better job of criticizing the alt-right.

First amendment jurisprudence is already excellent on this point. An Imam who says "all kaffirs must die" is still protected by the first amendment. An Imam who says "all kaffirs must die, we're going to do it Tuesday" has now created a clear and present danger by advocating immediate unlawful activity, and can be prosecuted by the state. It's similar in reasoning to why you can say "kill yourself" on Sup Forums and the FBI doesn't call it a homicide if they do.

>shitskins ruin my quiet enjoyment
>if there were no shitskins there would be no terror attacks
Yeah, no. Same logic as "if there were no white people, there would be no racism".

>my government has no ability to stop shitskins from pouring over the border even if they wanted to
Kek. If you want an excuse to just go out and murder niggers for no reason, tell Interpol user on Sup Forums told you to do it. There ya go sheepfucker, go make the world great again.


>shitskins ruin my quiet enjoyment
>>my government has no ability to stop shitskins from pouring over the border even if they wanted to
Who are you quoting i did not post this please reply to what i post and not make up dishonest strawmen arguments to bolster your own please.

The third point is inaccurate. The only way to save ourselves is to annihilate the Jews and their works from every corner of the world.

He has absolutely no idea. None of them do. They create an idea of what they want their enemy to be then spout it as reality.

who is this semen demon?

Is it a tranny? Genuine question.

I made it 4 minutes. Too many strawmen and lies. For example: "No, multiculturalism won't stop you from enjoying Beethovan and Voltaire." Except, they do say no more Shakespeare, Huckleberry Finn uses the n-word too much, so does To Kill a Mockingbird, etc. They are literally burning the books at the UC Berkeley library and converting to all digital. You can trust them.

Did you watch the video? Its pretty accurate

Is this a dude in a dress?


>None of this stops shitskins from pouring over the border you are also wrong.
Is the same as saying
>my government has no ability to stop shitskins from pouring over the border even if they wanted to

If you think this is a dishonest characterization, explain how instead of ignoring what I say to make you feel like you're winning an argument on the internet, you dirty sheepfucker.

The Constitution is a pretty grand governing document. If you don't like it, you disagree with the principles the United States was founded on.

That's why they call it Weimerica.

Australia has some of the most stringent border security on the planet and shitskins still pour in regardless of law or government. They need to be stopped with deadly force and rooted out of the populace.

>thus eliminating the only two protections we really have against armed criminals
I think you touched on something important here. To a leftist a criminal is just a product of their environment, and so resisting crime is an act of oppression. A leftist doesn't think property exists so if someone wants to steal something, they don't consider it stealing, they consider it taking what was theirs anyway because they "needed" it

>start ponying up the cash you're going to bribe them to move with

This is exactly what we want to do.

>an attempt was made
Still Miles above Most leftists who just shout buzzwords brainlessly

Also, fascism has nothing to do with "white supremacy" or race in large.

Go on 420chan's pol and see how bad they don't understand us.
>protip most of their pol board is degenerate lefties

Fuck off leftypol

The problem with darkies is not what they do but where they are. By coming to our countries they lay claim to what is ours. tbf America is a different case and more or less irrelevant in the grand scheme of things.

Anyone have any idea why lolbergs are so shit at arguing? I'm trying to analyze this + his other posts, but they're all so profoundly stupid. What's wrong with them?

This is the ONLY viable path to the white ethnostate. However, good fucking luck trying to convince people to actually pony up the cash, or preventing that one last shitskin from not holding out for $18 billion dollars.

>stringent border security
>shitskins still pour in
How the fuck do people "pour in" to an island that doesn't want them there? Are they storming the beaches like D-Day? No, idiot; you're just mad that the Australians are letting in high-value immigrants like Chinese PhDs and such. Done giving (you)s to sheepfuckers.

75% of it is decent, but he strawmans a couple of things
and of course, he's a hypocrite, he doesn't apply the same standards to the other side(s)

it's a he?

>How the fuck do people "pour in" to an island that doesn't want them there?
Pic related.
> No, idiot; you're just mad that the Australians are letting in high-value immigrants like Chinese PhDs and such.
They have camps for these shitskins on Christmas Island and they still come. Best to just say we have an Ethno state if you are a shitskin you are not welcome and will be shot.
No more illegal immigration no more terror attacks no more sense of entitlement to a nation that does not belong to them.

shitskins aren't just "pouring over the borders" retard. someone's pushing them to do it.

their countries have always sucked - why'd they just start "migrating" now?

This is called begging the question if you know the answer then please post it.

>posting this old meme

There is no such thing as Left and Right.
There is only Nationalism and Globalism.
And both Nationalism and Globalism are monopolized by Israel. Therefore, there is only Zionism.

Right up until it's their stuff being stolen and they immediately call the police they were just protesting against for help. I think anyone who is staunchly anti police shouldn't have access to police protection

>not using "begging the question" correctly
Idiot. Begging the question means the argument is circular, not that it literally asks a question.

>they still come
Then they're criminals in violation of Australian law and should be dealt with as such. I don't understand why you are so hellbent on the characterization of "shitskin" as being the criterion for being shot, rather than being a criminal in violation of immigration law.

That about sums it up.

If they try to holdout for more gibs me dat they will just be killed. They have two options. Fuck off or die.

>so asshurt he stops replying.
lolbergs blown the fuck out.

Stop acting like the strawman the left wants you to be.

On further reflection I would also be ammenable to creating isolated ethnically seggregated communes along with small communes to exile subverisives to

I watched the entire video and in any case ((he)) is only close to ''describe'' the tactics and ideas spreaded by a single kind of fascism, which in this case could be basically white nationalism.

Woah, congratulations, so smart! I did not know that the goal of every fascism was establishing ethno white nationalism in the world! I guess it's all about race matters after all, or otherwise you are simply trying to cover yourself in a veil of lies, woah...

For real, leftards just can't stop being ignorants and delusional, yet they keep saying ''how can we be losing hurr durr''. He even admits falling into ridiculous conspiracies at this point lmao.

I am pretty clear what I meant, they would be offered a fair fee to fuck off elsewhere. They do not get to negotiate. If they do not take it they will become stateless and will have no protection under the law.

This they have a gross sense of entitlement. I don't think we should pay them a cent you are robbing ethnic citizens of their labor and giving it to foreign invaders. Literal slavery.

lots of forces at work... liberal think tanks, insane rich people (bill gates and george soros), ebil corporations (cheap labor brah)

it's a coalition effort. as for who's actually paying for the boats, idk, ask Assange?

>as a homogeneous ethnostate
You know, what we should have?
It is what they are, and he admires them for that and only that
inb4 >he

>fair fee
>no negotiation
?? How do you know its fair if they didn't get to negotiate.


Sure and i agree, i just didn't want to get into an endless debate about who and what was responsible thats all.

what an incredibly repulsive tranny. i don't believe any of that shit. i believe Jewish Bolsheviks need to be purged from the world for promoting racial division and fucking the world through usery. theyve committed genocide in the past on ALL GOYIM, and are trying to establish a Jew World Order with one Jew manufactured and controlled currency.

OP is as gay as the faggot in the video.

>if your defenition does not match mine then checkmate
Losers do not dictate the terms unless they have sufficient power to do so. Gibs me dat niggers have no such capacity. Killing them all would be fair. Giving them a pittance to start a new life elsewhere is more than fair.

Capatcha: arequipa edge

whats your argument against me and a bunch of people making a big private community where we actively decide who can and cannot be a part of ?

Accurate how? It's the equivalent to me saying I am going to explain Feudalism and then launching into unconnected social constrcts like LGBT+ rights and shit.

What I find most disconcerting is how he obviously has some inclination of he concept of irony, yet hold a gross misunderstanding of what irony actually is. Which is ironic in itself.

Of course Mussolini said that. He had an inferiority complex because Adolf said the Nords were better then the Meds.


Fuck off Contra

>don't hang out with niggers

Okay, we want a country where niggers aren't allowed.


Kys transvestite

>losers do not dictate the terms unless they have sufficient power to do so
>gibs me dat niggers have no power
Supposing they own their own physical property, e.g. house, you should at least be willing to pay the market rate for the house as well as relocation expenses. If they agree, great. If they don't agree, increase the monetary offering and try again. The use of force or sovereign authority to coerce them makes the transaction invalid.

Nothing. I agree with that entirely, and I think restrictive covenants are a good thing (the idea that not only can you bind the people in your community to whatever stipulation you would like, e.g. no niggers, but you can bind their successors as well.)

What I do take issue with is when the threat or use of violent sovereign force is applied to these transactions. It's one thing to voluntarily gather a group of people and create restrictive covenants. It's another thing entirely to force people to accept restrictive covenants if they are unwilling.

To put it concretely:
>white neighborhood with armed guards
Totally fine.
>black neighborhood with armed guards
Totally fine.
>white neighborhood buying out the last nigger holdout and the nigger voluntarily agreeing to leave in exchange for cash
Totally fine.
>white neighborhood seizing the property and scaring away the nigger
Not fine.

what about gentrification

and at what do you think about the state nationalizing land and making projects for people of a specific race and class to "enrich" the lives of the people living in that economically out-of-reach zone