k, why did the US invade Iraq?
K, why did the US invade Iraq?
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WMDs, of course.
Hussein was getting too big for his britches, fucking with our trade system to try and get concessions. We called his bluff hard.
which time?
america world police
because fuck you thats why
Because Bush went full retard.
>inb4 oil
>implying oil isn’t cheaply fracked from US and Canada
this. threaten to trade oil for gold over the dollar and you're gunna have a bad day.
Gulf War
Saddam and Bush Sr secretly agree to allow Iraq to invade part of Kuwait and take a couple of their oil wells. Saddam goes full retard and declares the entire country his property. Bush Sr don't like none of this shit and goes to slap Saddam back into place. We didn't depose him, however, because it was still believed that he could be used as a Western asset in the region.
Gulf War 2: Coalition Boogaloo
In the 11 or so years since Saddam got put back into his place, the man has slowly descended into madness. Allegedly, he had a Quran written in his own blood. He also funded the construction of the Umm al-Ma'arik ("Mother of All Battles") Mosque with state funds, started blasting Quranic verses over the state-run radio, had begun harboring international Islamic terror heads (shielding them from extradition), ethnically cleansed the southern marshes, ethnically cleansed the Kurds, and was seeking yellow cake uranium from Niger while simultaneously meeting with Nork IBCM salesmen.
Essentially, he was gearing up to become proto-ISIS, and the US felt he could no longer be controlled.
fuck off to /pol
Ask (((you know who))).
Iraq became too powerful for Israel. Israel wants to collapse every stable ME that doesn't bow down to them.
>Etc etc etc
Iran has had a target on thier back since 9/11. Turkey is also moving away from the West/Israel's influence.
Israel wants a Balkanized Middle East. Ethnic groups up against ethnic groups. Kurds vs Arabs, Levant vs Gulf, Shia vs Suni,
Israel will prop up groups that threaten the sovereignty of these countries. The Kurds, Isis, the million anti Syrian government forces.
U dun
When everyone else's oil is used up, and your the last one standing with da big supply, you can charge whatever you want.
Did you never sell weed in hs?
It's a multi faceted situation.
the US has been systematically destroying all quasi secular nations in the middle east at behest of Israel as these are the largest threats to Israel
>implying fracking existed
>implying we don't want to use everyone else's oil first so our reserves will be the last in the world
Saddam DID have WMD;s
Chemical weapons we sold him.
This isn't why we invaded.
We invaded to:
A. Control Oil.
B. Stop Saddam from switching to a gold standard or euro for oil. This is also why we had Gaddafi disposed.
The CIA had intel suggesting that Saddam was buying centrifuges and such for uranium enrichment from Pakistani arms dealer A.Q. Khan to make nukes. This was of course a problem. But as it turns out Saddam turned down Khan's offer because he believed Khan was working for the CIA. He wasn't, but several people in his staff were informing on him and/or actively sabotaging his operations.
nothing kinda strange about the US being involved in constant warfare for the past 30 years and no one really knows why
nothing funny or odd about that
>he was gearing up to become proto-ISIS, and the US felt he could no longer be controlled.
How did that work out?
The French sold Saddamn all his chemical weapons and helped set up the production plants. Even US spooks in the 80's weren't *that* dumb.
Its not about oil
Its about Israels interests and their complete dictation of US foreign policy
nuke israel
These guys get it
Natural gas isn't crude oil
Islamic terror is a hydra, my man. Martyrdom is their favorite
PNAC, Pax Americana
Trying to secure resources
Sounds like horseshit
1. Threat to Israel
2. Threat to Saudi Arabia
3. Threat to US currency as a gold backed Dinar would demolish the USD (Libya, Syria, Iraq, Iran)
"He tried to kill my father."
>chokes on potato chip
If you're going off conspiracy the it did work ISIS is at most a localized power.
Not anyone's fault Europe decided to commit suicide after our adventures.
The 9/11 commission offers irrefutable proof that the Saudi Royal family knowingly gave money to finance the 9/11 terror attack.
Bush knew this, but couldn't make it public, so he knocked over the Iraqi government to provide the Saudis with an existential threat. I think just to say 'fuck you' to them.
A stolen saltshaker or something
President Cheney was a violent tempered, delusional little faggot with a hard on for wars that he wouldn't personally bleed in. Like pretty much every rich cracker ever.
You make me laugh. Arabs have been fucking around with Kurds for hundreds of years, it's not just Arabs either but Turks and Persians as well. Conflicts between Gulf states and Levant states aren't anything new and Jesus Christ are you really claiming Israel is somehow at fault for a conflict between two groups of Islam that have been killing each other since before Israel even existed?
Of course Israel is involved, their influence in the Middle East is of relevance but making EVERYTHING about muh Israel just shows that you're a dumb monkey with an agenda. Clearly you'll never look at this objectively.
I like how the bottom part is separate so that he can just change out what white men are against without getting a whole new sign.
I didn't even realize. That's some good observation.
The frugal-ness of the Jew knows no bounds.
>3. Threat to US currency as a gold backed Dinar would demolish the USD (Libya, Syria, Iraq, Iran)
nigga wat
I think it's just his name. Like a whiter version of Wyatt Mann.
Both gulf wars we knew the Russians were using the middle east as a Middle man to Africans.
They sold nukes to racist pinko black to use so we decided to end that shit.
The Osama house was also ramping up attacks in Europe. Is Berlin subway and UK embassy. Then 9/11
>ISIS isn't a conglomeration of all the different radical terrorist groups The Saudi oil families fund.
>implying any of the group's that pledged allegiance weren't already Saudi puppets and just made it official
Not like you asked but Afghanistan was suppose to link Iran to Iraq and then to the saudis. When the Taliban didn't comply that's why the Soviets invaded. The rest flipped but now there aare what essential was the mountain police with modern stingers working with angrier hegymonies that have US oil money
>tfw you'll never get a big tiddie asian slut like this
*then to Ssorry not imply afg is in the middle of the two
Literally not worth it when you realize they have skinny fat legs
Because Dubya was a faggot
Go fuck some chink hookers and then non chink hookers and you'll change your tune.
because some cuck on the New American Century cabal said America needs to pick a small country and beat it up from time to show everyone who's boss, and Bush Jr obliged him
This is also what I believe. The West is bleeding the ME dry of their oil while US/Canada has barely tapped into their own. Only problem with that though is the big corporations are going to be the ones collecting on the investment and keeping the money for themselves and gain maximum power and influence.
>When everyone else's oil is used up, and your the last one standing with da big supply, you can charge whatever you want.
Only if you can defend that resource (militarily or diplomatically).
*from time totime
Move to literally anywhere in SEA as a white guy and take your pick
>Iran has had a target on their back since Khomeini decided to back Hezbollah in '85
Because the entire world though they had WMD'd, and Mr. Saddam showed he was willing to use them during the Iraq-Iran war. A lunatic willing to use WMD's does not fly in a world where the fear of a nation using them is what keeps the balance.
>Because the entire world thought they had WMDs
not France and Germany
Revenge for Saddam trying to kill GHWB. That and Cheney wanting to finish what was started in 1991.
Neither were reason enough so the admin. lied about WMDs.
fiat currency and banks.
same reason they invaded panama.
just 'cause.
>Because the entire world though they had WMD
Go back to CNN.
Or the CIA or FBI. Or Britain. Or anyone else in a position to investigate and verify, really. We were bamboozled by a bunch of fat, old men.
Saddam Hussein started moving empty trucks around and delaying UN observers in a attempt to bluff that he had WMDs so Iran would stay the fuck out of Iraq the UK and the USA fell for the bluff and without concrete evidence which the UK insisted they had went and invaded to stop the spread of WMDs to questionable foreign powers
it was a huge loss of men resources and probably ended any real chance of rebuilding a stable Afghanistan thanks fucktards
Saddam had too much faith in the west adhering to international law and evidence-based practice he played himself
>3. Threat to US currency as a gold backed Dinar would demolish the USD (Libya, Syria, Iraq, Iran)
Why did we invade Afghanistan and why are we still there if the previous president declared the conflict over?
Because the Talibans that were running the country were openly bragging about harboring Al Quaida after 9/11 when everybody was itching to strike back at someone, anyone.
Sure it was the UK who fucked up...
"silver bullet intelligence"
The Bongs did their part
> However, two sections [of the September Dossier] later became the centre of fierce debate: the allegation that Iraq had sought "significant quantities of uranium from Africa", and the claim in the foreword to the document written by British Prime Minister Tony Blair that "The document discloses that his military planning allows for some of the WMD to be ready within 45 minutes of an order to use them."
> Dr. David Kelly was subsequently called before the Foreign Affairs Select Committee whose conclusion was that Kelly was being used as a scapegoat.
> On the same day, Kelly left his home for an area of woodland and was later found dead with his left wrist slit, apparently having committed suicide.
To finish off ODS.
hahahaha, I saw that yesterday.
For the military industrial complex to make more money.
For their jew overlord and oil. They got the oil and weakened the area by causing ethnic tensions (Arab vs Kurds).
After decades of infighting and Iran defeated the inevitable Greater Israel will come and swoop the ruins that used to be the Arab states.
Israel supporting the Kurds just proves my point, this weakens the Arabs and look how Greater Israel doesnt cover any Kurdish territory too.