Americans want to deport this

>Americans want to deport this

Why do you want to deport women like this who are looking for a better life?

just because she's too young to grow a mustache doesn't mean she gets to stay

Because they have no right to be here, and not knowing who is coming into your country is a massive security risk. Resources are finite.

If we allowed for unfettered immigration, we'd resemble a third world shithole in no time flat. What makes them so special that Zimbabweans or Romanians don't get to come, but they do?

Because "much feels" doesn't supersede our laws.


I'll send her back with a little white in the oven

>are you here legally ?
>then you must go

She's perfectly welcome to live in whatever country she wishes, so long as she follows the law. Many thousands of people from countries all over the world are currently working their way through the system to immigrate legally. Why should she get a free pass just because her shitty country happens to share a border with America? Would you be so eager to welcome her if she was white and came from Canada?

>she's pretty so fuck our laws



>Why do you want to deport women like this who are looking for a better life?
For a lot of these wetbacks, a better life means coming here and collecting welfare while never learning english.

Yes, they all look like that. Everyone that crosses the border illegally are young innocent teenage girls.

Holy shit lol

They all want a better life, just like your white ancestors when they came to America. How can we say no to that?

Pretty cute.

If someone broke into your house and wouldn't leave because they were looking for a better life, would you still spout your idiocy?

Mexicans are not nice to white people.



There, we did it.

>why don't you like race X? they're not so bad
every fucking time

Guess what, it's her shitbag narco brothers we don't want here.

What's wrong with her face?

>A fucking leaf
Mohommad pls
So if we only allowed immigration for women 30 and under would you still be against it?


SAGE all slide threads. Jews are desperate to create as many bait threads as possible to stop others from talking about russia, las vegas, etc

Yes I would be against it. Just wait 50 years and suddenly you have a beaner crime problem, no matter how hot the girls were.

pretty fucking sure she's illegal, not in the citizenship way but in the age way

shes one of the undesirable asian races

So you admit they are here to conquer USA?

Because you or your parents thought that the immigration laws Americans have were stupid and optional. So you or they decided to simply not follow them.

How many other laws do you or your parents think are stupid and optional OP?

she got her braces, now gtfo!

> woman

The Indians fought the invaders as hard as they could. They killed and raped and tortured and scalped them at every opportunity. So should we.

What? the chinks?

Not good looking. Looks too ethnic.

No, we can coexist peacefully. But whites will have to change their hostility towards hispanics.

Why? We are not savages.

You have to go back, sorry.

Reminder your average spic is pic related, not some qt jailbait who makes straight As

We should all go back to our native lands, but no one wants to move. So here we are.
The men are pretty ugly. The women can be hot as long as they don't have an Americanized diet.

Actually, you are. Your specious claim to be able to live in the US is that you are the savage descendants of those savages. Give it up, Pablo, your IQ is too low to debate here.

Her teeth are already fine, those are the fake braces their girls wear to attract rich 30 year old guys.

Define native lands. EVERYONE came from a small valley in Africa. However, as time passed, and the species spread, they engaged in constant competition for land and resources. This is called life. Those who are fit to survive take the best lands for themselves, and exclude and exterminate any remnants of the conquered sub humans. Just go back, and be thankful that we chose to let you live.

Europe for Europeans, Africa for Africans, Asia for Asians. We can start there.

a bum moves into my house uninvited. eats my food and uses the utilities. him and his family works but they don't pay me enough to cover there expenses, so I have to pay the difference. I want them gone but squatter rights and who wants to be called a racist, they're poorfags who just want a better life in a nice home and good neighborhood. why wouldn't I want to share that. come to find out my neighbor Avi Kikelstien invited them, he benefits because I came to find out he's hiring them at near slave wages at his factory and they vote for his cousin David Shekelburg, the county sheriff who enforces the laws.

she could easily get in when she's 18 as long as she wants to marry someone in the USA with permanent residency. If she gets uglier by that time then she can stay in Mexico or the Philippines or wherever the fuck she's from.

Because it’s not your fucking country you unassimilating fucks. But I’d fuck the shit out of that girl before I sent her to the back of the line.

Again? But we already did that, remember? And since mestizos didn't exist at that time, they will all have to be destroyed. There is no place for them.

At this point it’s too late to stop them senpai, you may as well revamp the immigration process so that they can start paying taxes and contriboot more to society. The Hispanics are a large workforce in the construction industry (the backbone industry in America btw). I’ve even seen white crews and bean crews compete within the same company and they pull more weight, hands down. Before any of you get on my case about stating this, let me point out that I’m not even talking about residential construction, I’m talking commercial/industrial. I’ve seen these guys smash projections when it comes to building windmills. Not babby ones either, hundreds of hundred foot tall ones in Indiana that provide power to surrounding areas. I wouldn’t hire a white guy for the life of me, they’re too chatty and limp-twisted when it comes to production. They’ve been niggerfied into this “don’t work yourself out of a job” attitude. At least the beans retained a work ethic. Maybe this is why you see more and more of them hand-in-hand with white women, they actually work to feed the hoes unlike some of you NEETS.

Stop exaggerating you fucking faggot. America is fucked because politicians are corrupt to the core not because Jose is working a job your lazy ass or other American won't do. Grow the fuck up

I'll D her port if you know what I mean

>needs braces

We don't need any more shitty genes being added to the pool.

not so much deport as put in a gas chamber

>dated a beaner in college
>literal definition of a wage drone
>just wanted to get blackout drunk every single weekend
>would disgustingly do any depraved sex act I asked of her
>joked around asking if she'd let me shit on her and she said yes without hesitation
>discussions about politics, philosophy, and religion were a once in a year event
>she was never interested in anything other than fucking, drinking, and eating
>the few times I managed to talk to her about politics, she tells me she thinks socialism is the future

They seem to all be like this. Sure some are pretty attractive, but they're just like the insectoid asians. They have no aspirations or dreams of something bigger.

>tfw some mexican girl with broken english just added me on facebook

>do I know you?
>"no but we can get to know :)"
>Works at: Med School Confidential: A Complete Guide to the Medical School Experience: By Students, for Students

>works at a textbook

What’s the argument again?

>tfw had braces when I was a kid
wtf is your problem tho?

We need to do it again.

So true.

I live in Cali, and Mexican girls are horrid.

>>would disgustingly do any depraved sex act I asked of her
>>she was never interested in anything other than fucking
>This is somehow a bad thing
That's elder-god tier pump and dump material right there, son. Just fuck her silly for the time being and drop her when the "relationship" becomes inconvenient.

Because they aren't white. Im okay with more whites coming here for a better life.
Reminder to sage.

Don't fall for the brown girl meme.
They are all savages. It's in their blood.

Oh and they eat babies

At least they're not coalburners.

Her idea of a "better life" is getting pregnant by some white dude with any kind of sustainable income and then sitting on her ass watching spanish speaking soaps all day while trying to cheat on anchor-baby-daddy dude with Jose.

It's hilarious how Sup Forums how so much regurgitated bait/fake posts we can just easily draw it as a cartoon like it's a formula being used over and over. We have this "Y U AM WANT TO DEPORT THIS???! -- One Post By This ID" every fucking night.