Would you ever ironically vote for Zuckerberg?
Would you ever ironically vote for Zuckerberg?
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shut up big tooth bitch
If I wanted to further accelerate hate against whites, then yes.
Democracies would elect a dog every year given the opportunity. Enlightened Socialist Free-Market Utopia when?
Just do it ironically. The other races breed faster than us anyway.
If he was the genius everbody thinks he is. Just another low life cia asset tbqh senpai. Elon musk on roids bro. Just doin their thing. He has nothing to contribute. Sad.
I’m not a dumb enough fuck to vote for him.
You still can only become president if you pretend to be Christian so I don't see him having a shot.
No he wrecked facebook
I plan to cheer for him as the Democrat nominate, but that's as far as I'm willing to go. At least, as far as I'm willing to admit.
You know he’s going to pick Chelsea as his running mate. Dream team.
Mark, for the 10th time, I'm not going to to vote for you.
No because FB was actually kind of cool and real af and okay in 2010 but ever since then it has gone downhill FAST and I'll never forgive him. Haven't had a fb since 2012
Not an American, but I would rather vote for Hillary than this abomination.
She looks almost human compared to him.
People need to stop doing dumb shit under the pretense of "irony"
No, not ever.
Maybe if he really did that universal allowance thing. Bout time someone paid me to vote for them.
I'll vote for anyone as long as their goal is 14/88 gas the kikes race war now.
id vote to gas him
I would just so he would get assassinated.
No, his stoyle is weak and beatable
I'm a registered DEM so I might vote for him in the primaries
No. Even if I agreed with all his propsed policies I'd just assume he was lying about them.
Hell no. If he'd run a country like he runs Facebook, as I have no reason to think he wouldn't, that would be the nail in the coffin of a free society.
I actually just though you guys were just memeing this whole lizard/robot thing
If he named them and explained the muh billionaires giving their fortunes away to charity tax sheltering maneuvers publicly. He would also need to explain and fully detail the pressures for censorship in silicon valley.
I would also require this announcement to be publicized properly.
And then I wouldn't vote for him anyway.
WE are never
>just memeing
about anything.
Everything WE say, we say with absolute certainty and all seriousness. We pretend it's ironic satire to break up the redpill into your applesauce so that it's easier for (You) to digest.
The "he's an alien"-meme would hardly make sense if he wasn't actually an alien, friend.
Never, he is part of the problem.
For a second I actually was thinking, "what's his real name again?" And then remembered that zuckerberg IS his actual real name and not just a meme. He is a caricature of himself
>meme flag
>WE are never
>just memeing
>about anything.
We have always been memeing about everything, that is how Trump won. He is slightly retarded, but that is okay because given the other choices we would rather have a wildcard.
No chance. He's a liar, a cheat, and a Jew. That's 3 strikes.
so how is the exploratory committee going OP?
kys subhuman froggy
If the other candidate was Soros, then maybe.
Nice work fishing for an inkling of support. Stay away from here, Cuckerberg
he is the most ((((HUMAN)))) candidate