Clinton and Carter were little known nationally until they started to do well in the primaries. Obama was better known because of his speech at the 2004 convention, but still relatively unaccomplished in congress.
Chances are the 2020 nominee will be someone we aren't even thinking of right now.
Wyatt Cox
Anybody but Bernie, Franken, Warren, or Zuckerberg. They have a chance to win, and if we actually win then we have to be president.
Nathaniel Powell
that was done intentionally
same for Hillary Clinton, Michelle Obama, Mark Cuban, Oprah, The Rock, and Kanye West
Lincoln Adams
They're going to double down and it's going to be a woman, most likely black. Kamala Harris is a good bet but I wouldn't rule out Warren either.
Whatever the case, their campaign is essentially going to be resist Trump so whoever the nominee is it has to be someone who is actively politicking right now to "resist".
Jaxon Ortiz
Fucking (((Al Franken))) is actually a potential candidate for dems. What a joke.